Gospel of Blood

Chapter 209: The Chaos Caused by Thorny Rose

“Oh? An Evil God?”

Yurst's eyes flickered as he looked at the bloodborne who had spoken.

All the other crimson gazes in the conference hall also focused on this bloodborne.

“Viscount Scott… If I’m not mistaken, your task is to form a mercenary group in Eastern Yunette Blacklands, right?”

Count Yurst asked curiously.

The bloodborne who spoke nodded slightly.

“Yes, my lord, which is why I said this is merely a rumor I heard…”

Viscount Scott's eyes turned distant, as if recalling something.

“Rumor has it that a year ago, Borde encountered a summoning plan by the Blood Demon Cult, which was ultimately thwarted by the Holy Court.”

“This summoning plan involved many families in the Borde Duchy, including the Castell family. It’s said that the Countess of Castell almost lost her life because of it!”

A summoning plan by the Blood Demon Cult?!

Archduke Abaddon?

Hearing the Viscount's words, the bloodbornes' eyes twitched, and they all became serious.

Although Archduke Abaddon and the Observer Casey were both Bloodborne Princes, their relationship was not good, with completely different ideologies.

The Nez family and the Shedite family had a relationship similar to that between Starfall and Crescent—entangled in grudges and not seeing eye to eye.

“Viscount Scott, I’ve heard of this as well. It’s said the Holy Court dispatched three Blazing Suns to investigate, but as far as I know, the Blood Demon Cult’s plan failed.”

A bloodborne said solemnly.

Viscount Scott shook his head.

“Sir Rune, you don’t understand. The summoning incident in Borde wasn't as simple as it seemed. In fact, a year ago, it wasn’t just the Shedite clan attempting the summoning, there was also an unknown God!”

“And it wasn’t the Holy Court that thwarted the Blood Demon Cult’s plan, but this unknown God who appeared and severely wounded the unsealed Fire Demon Valaroka, destroying the cult's plan to summon Archduke Abaddon!”

The Bloodborne named Rune from the Nez family was surprised, his gaze serious.

“So that’s how it was…”

“But what does this have to do with Countess Castell?”

He asked curiously.

“This brings us to the role played by the Castell family. It’s said that the unknown God first appeared at the Castell family manor!”

“The former head of the Castell family was bewitched by the Blood Demon Cult and intended to sacrifice Charlotte de Castell to Archduke Abaddon. However, it was the head of the Castell family who ended up being sacrificed instead!”

“After the incident, the Holy Court’s Demon Hunters found unknown symbols at the scene, pointing to an unknown God! And… it’s likely a God from Coria!”

Viscount Scott said solemnly.

Count Nottingham's heart stirred.

“You mean the young Countess of Castell was saved by a resurrected God?”


Viscount Scott nodded.

Count Nottingham frowned slightly.

“Gods don’t save mortals without reason. Those who receive divine intervention are usually devout followers…”

“But as far as I know, Charlotte de Castell is highly regarded by the Holy Court. Although not a true saint, the light of the divine appeared during her coming-of-age ceremony.”

“She is… a devout holy follower!”

“Are you suggesting that this resurrected God is a demigod of the Holy Court? But you mentioned an Evil God earlier?”

Viscount Scott said solemnly.

“This is what confuses me about the rumors. From what I understand, the Holy Court views this resurrected God as an unknown Evil God. Otherwise, they wouldn’t have sent three Blazing Suns to investigate.”

“Moreover, last year the Holy Court even sent a team to Coria to further investigate the unknown God.”

Count Nottingham’s eyes flickered.

“Coria… This is the second time you’ve mentioned Coria. But the kingdom of Coria has always been under the influence of Vadallat and Szellem. Even the Holy Court only has minimum control.”

“Are you suggesting that this unknown God is an ancient Bloodborne Prince?”

Viscount Scott sighed.

“I… don’t know.”

“However, this unknown God’s symbol should be familiar to everyone present. Many of you might even have it in your homes…”

As he spoke, Viscount Scott’s indistinct silhouette raised a hand, sketching a faint symbol on the long table.

It was a pattern of thorns and roses, with elegant lines that carried a hint of mystery.

Seeing this pattern, almost all the bloodbornes present were stunned.

“Thorny roses? Damn! Isn’t that Coria’s most beautiful decorative pattern? It’s carved on my usual coffin!”

One of the bloodborne couldn’t help but exclaimed.

“Seriously? Scott, are you kidding? My house’s furniture is all from Coria! All with this pattern!”

Another bloodborne exclaimed in disbelief.

Even Count Yurst, who presided over the meeting, had a twitching eye.

Thorny roses?

Lahel and Agnes, who had been silently observing, were also stunned.

The reason was simple: they had just seen this symbol!

They couldn’t help but turn back to look at the beautiful figure sitting on the throne behind them.

The figure wore a noble and mysterious black dress adorned with intricate patterns of thorns and roses, and the wall behind the throne displayed a symbol identical to the one the bloodborne had conjured.

Under the crimson glow, the mysterious symbol shimmered with a profound light, evoking a sense of nobility and mystery. A closer look would involuntarily arouse a sense of awe and compel one to bow their head.

After being drawn into the mental world, Lahel and Agnes had seen these symbols, feeling their strange power. Just a few glances left their minds in a daze. Now, with the bloodborne’s information, they finally understood why.

A holy symbol!

This was a holy symbol of a God!

Agnes, not particularly sharp-witted to begin with, felt her thoughts becoming even more disjointed.

Even she now realized a terrifying possibility.

She stared blankly at Charlotte on the throne, stammering.

“Thorny roses… holy symbol of an Evil God…”

“You… you… you…”

Charlotte glanced at her.

“Handle the crystal properly, or I’ll dry you out and feed you to the fish!”

Agnes immediately complied.

She quickly lowered her head, obediently continuing to maintain the connection with the communication crystal.

“Thorny… roses… holy symbol…”

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“Scott, are you sure your information is accurate? Where did you get this information?”

Yurst’s voice was solemn.

His voice had never been this serious, not even when discussing the fall of Count Lachlan.

Viscount Scott nodded.

“Yes, my lord, it's true. I learned this information from a mercenary from the Crescent Kingdom while drinking. He had a distinct southern accent and was very knowledgeable about the customs of the Borde Duchy. Despite his rough behavior, he was quite familiar with some human aristocratic etiquette. I judged that he might be a fallen noble from the Borde Duchy, making his information somewhat credible…”

“I was also very curious about the resurrection of an Evil God, especially since this pattern is so common among us bloodborne. Thorns and roses are our favorite elements. Even the carpet in my house had this design. Oh… and just in case, I’ve already burned that carpet.”

“After learning about this, I conducted a special investigation. Although this matter is secretive, the incident involving the Evil God is real. The only uncertain part is whether Countess Castell is truly related to it.”

Upon hearing Viscount Scott’s words, the bloodborne in the conference hall quickly became restless.

“Damn it! Scott, you should have mentioned this earlier! Damn, if it really is a God’s holy symbol… oh, heaven, I need to change my coffin as soon as I get back!”

The bloodborne with a coffin adorned with thorns and roses cursed.


Count Yurst's authoritative voice restored order.

The bloodbornes quickly quieted down, but their flickering gazes revealed their inner turmoil.

Count Yurst was equally unsettled.

He took a deep breath, his voice more serious than ever.

“Scott, your information is very important. I understand. There are many mercenaries from the Crescent Kingdom in Eastern Yunette Blacklands, which is close to Coria, making it convenient for gathering information. Please continue to investigate this matter.”

Then, Count Yurst looked at the others.

“The rest of you, continue to investigate any information related to Countess Castell, as thoroughly as possible.”

“Also, remember the Duke’s order. Do not engage in conflict with the nobles of Castell under any circumstances! If necessary, temporarily withdraw our infiltrated personnel.”

The bloodbornes’ eyes sharpened.

Although Count Yurst did not further analyze or judge Scott’s information, combined with the Duke’s wariness of Castell, they vaguely guessed the truth.

This resurrected God… might indeed be real, and the Duke may have already encountered THEM!

“Alright, everyone, act quickly. Today’s meeting is over. In the coming days, stay alert to any changes in the communication crystal.”

Count Yurst said solemnly.

With that, his figure gradually became indistinct, leaving the hall first.

The remaining bloodbornes were once again in turmoil, but the commotion didn’t last long. They left the hall one after another, each leaving more urgently than the last.

The remote meeting of the Nez clan was thus concluded.


Count Yurst disconnected the communication and returned to reality.

His already pale face appeared even paler, his scarlet pupils filled with uncertainty.

“Thorny… roses… this must be reported to the Duke immediately!”

He said, rising from his coffin.

But upon seeing the beautiful pattern of thorns and roses on his coffin, he felt uneasy.

Thorns and roses were the favorite plants of the bloodborne, including himself.

Like the other bloodbornes, his coffin was from Coria, a luxurious limited edition with more elaborate patterns.

Count Yurst once loved the decoration of his coffin, but after the meeting, looking at it again made him feel a chill, as if eyes were watching him from the darkness.

He quickly got out of the coffin, shut its lid, and called out.

“Bruce! Is Bruce here?”

“Yes, my lord, what can I do for you?”

An elderly butler soon entered and bowed.

“Prepare a remote communication immediately. I need to speak with the Duke, right now!”

Count Yurst said quickly.

“My lord, I’ve already arranged it. You can contact the Duke at any time.”

The butler replied respectfully.

“Well done.”

Count Yurst nodded in satisfaction.

Then he hesitated for a second, pointing to his coffin.

“Oh, by the way, have that coffin taken out, chopped up, and burned…”

“Chopped up? Burned? Isn’t this your favorite coffin?”

The butler was stunned.

Count Yurst’s face darkened.

“That was before. It’s not anymore.”

“Understood… understood.”

The butler nodded and prepared to act.


Count Yurst suddenly called him back.

“My lord?”

The butler looked puzzled.

Count Yurst thought for a moment and said.

“Don’t chop it up or burn it. Fill it with stones and sink it into the sea.”

“And… get rid of all furniture and fabrics with thorny rose patterns in the house. Sink them all!”

The butler was stunned.

He glanced at the thorny rose-patterned decorations all around the castle and fell silent.

“Did you hear me?”

Count Yurst gritted his teeth and repeated.

“Yes… yes, I heard you…”

The butler nodded with a heavy heart and left to arrange the task.

Count Yurst then hurried out of the bedroom, starting to use remote communication magic to contact Duke Yorok.

“Your Grace, this is Yurst. I have important news to report!”


“What? Thorny roses? Holy symbol of an Evil God?”

In a luxurious elven-style bedroom, Duke Yorok’s eyes twitched, and he couldn’t help but raise his voice.

He looked at the decorative thorn and rose patterns on his starry robe, and his thoughts became disjointed as well.

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