Gospel of Blood

Chapter 229: The Fear of the Bloodborne Count

"What does that mean? Did the Bloodborne True Ancestor really eat people in the past?"

Seeing the nervous expression on Count Yurst's face, Charlotte couldn't help but think this might be the case.

To be honest, it's quite possible.

After all, having inherited the Gospel of Blood and possessing powers similar to the Bloodborne True Ancestor, she can increase her blood divine power by consuming bloodline energy. The strike she unleashed against the fire demon Valaroka was proof of that.

From this perspective, if the Bloodborne True Ancestor in history treated her descendants as reserve food sources, it doesn't seem entirely implausible.

Thinking this, Charlotte decided to probe further. As the inheritor of the Gospel of Blood, possibly designated as the new Bloodborne True Ancestor, she needed to understand the secrets of the Bloodborne True Ancestor to be at ease.

"Oh? It seems... you're quite worried that I might eat you?"

She said playfully.

Yurst was even more terrified.

"No... not worried... I... I'm not worried..."

He stammered, shaking his head vigorously.

But inside, Yurst's turmoil grew more chaotic.

"What does she mean by this? Shouldn't I be worried that she might eat me? No... How can I not worry! Extraordinary power comes from the Gods, and the True Ancestor is the source of all bloodbornes... For thousands of years, she would devour her descendants to become stronger. Blood descendants are her flock. Now she's clearly recovering her strength, so why wouldn't she take the simplest shortcut?"

Yurst's expression showed his fear, while his chaotic thoughts couldn't help but spill out.

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat upon hearing his inner turmoil.

"So the Bloodborne True Ancestor really did use blood descendants as food... I knew it. Love might be irrational, but hatred has reasons. No wonder the Bloodborne True Ancestor, worshipped by the bloodbornes, later became estranged. The true reason probably lies here, right?"

Charlotte's mind raced, conjuring up an image of the former Bloodborne True Ancestor: mysterious, powerful, insidious, ruthless...

Could it be that she had inherited the true "villain" storyline?

Thinking this, Charlotte's gaze fell on Yurst. She wanted to see if this centuries-old Bloodborne Count could reveal more secrets about the Bloodborne True Ancestor...

But under her intense crimson-gold gaze, Yurst suddenly went pale, as if he had realized something.

"Damn! This is the Dark Night Castle!"

Charlotte heard Yurst's inner exclamation, and his chaotic thoughts became even more disordered. But the chaos lasted only a moment.

To Charlotte's surprise, Yurst's expression quickly became respectful and submissive. Despite his pale face and trembling legs revealing his fear, he appeared increasingly calm and respectful.

Meanwhile, Charlotte noticed his thoughts rapidly diminishing. Soon, Yurst's mind was filled with a single repeated phrase.

"Praise the True Ancestor! Praise the Great Progenitor! Praise the True Ancestor! Praise the Great Progenitor..."

Charlotte: ...

She had a rough idea of what was happening. It seemed that her ability to hear others' thoughts in the Dark Night Castle wasn't a secret, at least not to someone like Yurst, who had lived for centuries.

"You don't need to fear me so much. If I wanted to consume your bloodline energy, I would have done it when you visited Castell."

Charlotte said after thinking for a moment.

Yurst's eyes widened upon hearing her words, and his previously empty thoughts became chaotic again.

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"She admitted it! She really is the resurrected Bloodborne True Ancestor! And... she's in Castell! She mentioned consuming bloodline energy, she really has such thoughts! Oh my God, no wonder Castell is cleansing all bloodbornes. Is she preparing to recover her strength?"

Charlotte: ...?

What kind of twisted logic is this?

"You don't believe me?"

She frowned.

"I-I do believe you... Of course, I believe you..."

Yurst nodded rapidly like a pecking chicken.

But his expression became even more terrified.

Charlotte felt a bit helpless. Yurst's fear and vigilance were far beyond her expectations. This conversation... seemed to be going nowhere.

"Enough, whether it's true or not, whether you believe it or not, time will tell. Let's talk about why you summoned me."

Charlotte said, shaking her head.

She gave up trying to gain his trust and redirected the conversation to the purpose of his summoning, with a smile she thought was kind.

Hearing Charlotte's words, Yurst shivered. Especially upon seeing her faint smile beneath the crimson mist, his entire body tensed up even more. His barely suppressed thoughts resurfaced.

"She... she smiled! Oh heavens, is the world ending? She... she's becoming more and more abnormal! She... No, empty your mind! Empty your mind!"

"Great... great one, I... I'm fine! I don't need any help! I have no thoughts! Yes, I have no thoughts! I didn't know the pattern pointed to you... I..."

Count Yurst was incoherent and visibly terrified.

Charlotte: ...

"Are you mocking me?"

She frowned.

With a thud, Count Yurst dropped to his knees. Sweat poured from his head, and he looked on the verge of tears.

"No... no... how could I mock... mock you... I'll do whatever you need! Anything you need, just forgive my offense..."

Charlotte: ...

This sounded as if she was the one bullying him.

However, based on his intermittent thoughts after being summoned to the Dark Night Castle, she roughly understood his situation.

The Blood Demon Cult... and the internal conflict within the Nez Clan, huh?

After a brief consideration, Charlotte said.

"Yurst, I already know why you summoned me. Honestly, I don't care about your so-called offense, and I'm not interested in consuming you. I can protect you and help you through this crisis, but... you need to do something for me."

"Ah... what do you need me to do?"

Yurst asked cautiously.

"I haven't decided exactly what yet... Oh, wait, there is something. You know about the missing pages of the Gospel, right? Help me find them."

Charlotte though for a moment and replied.

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