Gospel of Blood

Chapter 230: Devoured and Forgotten

"The pages of the Gospel...? Do you mean the Gospel of Blood?"

Yurst asked in surprise.

Charlotte glanced at him.

"Is there another Gospel?"

Yurst quickly lowered his head and responded fearfully.

"No, there isn’t. I understand. I’ll do it, I’ll do it!"

Seeing him so terrified, Charlotte was really curious about what kind of shadow the previous Bloodborne True Ancestor had left on him to make him so fearful.

Honestly, if it was just about being devoured, it shouldn’t make him this scared, right?

Or perhaps, for an immortal bloodborne, the most terrifying thing is death?

Charlotte wasn’t sure.

However, his fear saved her a lot of trouble.

"In that case, our contract is established..."

Charlotte said.

With those words, a radiant light flashed in her hand, revealing a goblet filled with crimson blood.

She gently waved her hand, and the goblet floated towards Yurst.

"Drink it, as a witness to our agreement."

The goblet contained the contract blood needed to sign a blood pact, initially prepared for Sherry, who had declined. Now, since Yurst had discovered her identity, signing a pact to bind him for secrecy was necessary.

Though Charlotte could suppress Yurst in the mental realm using her blood divine power, it would be different in the real world.

A Bloodborne Count is equivalent to a Blazing Sun!

Not to mention the vast distance between them.

With Nice absent, she couldn’t sign a servant’s final oath while also protecting Yurst from a Legendary Bloodborne's blood slave contract. Thus, the best solution was to sign this highest-level blood pact, which disregards power and distance, requiring mutual consent.

While this pact would occupy one of Charlotte’s blood contract slots, it would also ensure Yurst’s loyalty, binding him to her cause.

The risks of her "Bloodborne True Ancestor" identity were greater than she imagined. Until she had sufficient strength, she had to hide her identity and eliminate any exposure risks.

Gaining a BloodborneCcount from the Nez clan for free was a good deal in Charlotte's view.

Such an old monster, having lived for thousands of years, would certainly know many secrets about the Bloodborne.

As for loyalty, she could cultivate that over time.

"A blood pact?!"

Seeing the floating goblet, Yurst’s eyes widened in terror.



Charlotte was puzzled, not understanding why he was so afraid of the contract blood she offered...

Sebastian had once seen it as a divine gift!

"What are you afraid of? Why are you hesitating?"

She asked, sensing his unease.

"No... I... I’m not... I’m not!"

Yurst's face grew paler as he stared at the blood in the goblet.

He bit his lip, as if making a difficult decision, and with trembling hands, took the goblet, looking as if he were about to drink poison.

He closed his eyes, pinched his nose, and drank the contract blood, just as if he were downing poison.

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As the crimson blood flowed down, a red glow enveloped Yurst, and Charlotte felt a new bond forming in the depths of her bloodline.

However, unlike with Sebastian, Charlotte sensed a faint connection to the deepest part of the crimson starry sea, where the great star representing the five Bloodborne Princes lay.

Charlotte realized that this connection was Yurst’s faith link with the Nez clan’s Bloodborne Demigod known as the Star-Gazer, Casey.

Yet, at the moment their contract was formed, this faint link began to fade, eventually disappearing completely.

Charlotte understood that this meant the blood pact had successfully overridden the Demigod’s influence.

Regardless of whether Yurst was under the Demigod’s watch before, now the Nez clan’s Bloodborne Demigod couldn’t actively focus on him.

Truth be told, snatching a blood descendant from a Bloodborne Demigod made Charlotte uneasy, but she was lucky not to attract attention.

Another reason was that they signed the contract in her mental realm, her domain.

With the contract sealed, Yurst looked defeated and dejected. Yet, seeing Charlotte’s gaze, he forced a strained smile.

"You don’t seem too happy about becoming my blood pact subject?"

Charlotte asked.

"I'm happy... happy, of course I'm happy..."

Yulster replied, forcing the words.

Charlotte frowned.

He seemed used to hiding his thoughts.

When answering her questions, he no longer revealed his inner thoughts.

"I want the truth."

She demanded coldly.

Yurst’s scalp tingled with fear.

Biting his lip, he decided to lay it all out.

"Alright... I am conflicted. Being your subject means being linked to your power, with the risk of being devoured at any moment... To be honest, I fear death, but I fear being devoured and forgotten by the world even more... I’d rather choose death over being devoured by you."

With that, Yurst seemed to release a burden, collapsing weakly to the ground.

Forgotten by the world?

Charlotte frowned, pondering.

At this moment, she sensed the time limit of the Blood Summoning was nearing.

"That’s enough for today. Remember our contract."

She said.

"The contract is sealed, and you have my protection. I will watch over you, and I expect you to fulfill your promises..."

She waved her hand, and crimson mist spread through the castle.

Feeling the guiding force reappearing, Yurst quickly asked.

"Your Grace, you truly won’t devour me?"

"That depends on your future actions."

Her ethereal voice echoed, gradually fading.


The Blood Summoning ended, and Charlotte returned to her study in reality, but she didn’t dispel her blood divine power. Instead, she delved into her consciousness, reconnecting with Yurst’s vision through their blood pact.

The Blood Summoning had ended, but Yurst’s ordeal was far from over.

As the Blood Summoning ended, Charlotte sensed a powerful presence approaching.

The Nez clan elder named Maxim, mentioned in Yurst’s thoughts, seemed to be returning.

After half a month, Charlotte was about to indirectly face a Legendary Bloodborne again.

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