Gospel of Blood

Chapter 231: Not Even the True Ancestor Can Save You!

After a dizzying sensation of weightlessness, Yurst returned to reality.

He was back in the same dim room, illuminated by flickering candlelight that seemed ready to extinguish at any moment.

Everything he had just experienced felt like a surreal dream.

But the thorny rose mark now imprinted deep within his soul reminded Yurst that it was all real.

He had truly succeeded in summoning the God behind Castell.

Yet, no one could have anticipated that this God was actually the Bloodborne True Ancestor who had been missing for two thousand years!

Reflecting on the various legends about the True Ancestor, Yurst sighed deeply.

He knew that from now on, he had completely lost his freedom.

No matter what promises that being made, it didn’t change the fact that he had become a reserve meal, ready to be devoured at any moment.

All he could do now was try to please the entity or simply reduce her focus on him, and then live carefully, anxiously, and difficultly.

Damn it!

This was even worse than signing a subservience contract with Elder Maxim or becoming a blood slave!

At least with the latter, though he would lose his freedom, there was still a chance to regain it if he survived long enough!

At this moment, Yurst wished he could go back to the moment before he drew the thorny rose and give himself a few hard slaps.

The Duke had warned him countless times not to pray to unknown Gods.

And this was the first time he did so, immediately faced the consequences.

But it had already happened, no amount of regret could change it. He could only sigh and accept his tragic fate.

"Alas... Your Grace, why can’t you treat your descendants as well as other true Gods do?"

"Considering being a descendant of the Bloodborne True Ancestor as a great terror, only the bloodbornes would think so, right?"

Yurst sighed inwardly.

Of course, he only dared to sigh inwardly.

The contract was set, and who knew if that terrifying entity was watching him.

If he recklessly voiced his thoughts and they reached that entity’s ears, he might immediately become fresh meat.

There had been similar occurrences in history!

Although becoming a blood servant of myth made Yurst despondent, being a God's servant still had its perks.

Back in reality, he noticed that his strength, unchanged for a thousand years, showed signs of breaking through its bottleneck.

Yurst felt that his current potential had increased. If he drank enough extraordinary blood and had a good rest, he might achieve a higher level of blood resonance, advancing his strength.

Even if he couldn’t become a Duke, he could potentially reach the peak of what a Count could achieve!

This should have been a cause for celebration.

But he couldn’t feel happy.

A shepherd naturally wants his sheep to grow quickly, well, and fat.

Because that way, the meat would be plentiful and delicious.

Thinking this way, Yurst felt even more depressed.

However, despite his depression.

Now that he had become a blood servant, he was fully bound to the True Ancestor’s cause.

According to the Nez clan records, the True Ancestor's blood servant is considered her sibling.

If the True Ancestor were to fall, she could fully resurrect through her servants.

Because of this, bloodbornes who didn’t want to see the True Ancestor resurrected would naturally purge all her blood servants.

For the sake of his own life and existence, Yurst had no choice but to help the resurrected True Ancestor hide her identity and fulfill her various domineering demands.

With that thought, Yurst sighed again and began erasing the traces left from his summoning.

Fortunately, he had used his own blood as the catalyst for the summoning.

Utilizing the power of his bloodline made erasing the traces quite convenient.

Just as he finished, the room's tightly shut door creaked as someone slowly pulled it open from the outside.

Blinding light flooded in, making Yurst shield his eyes instinctively.

Immediately after, Elder Maxim’s aged voice echoed through the room.

"Hehe, Yurst, the three days are up. What have you decided?"

Elder Maxim seemed to be in a good mood, his tone much gentler than during their last meeting.

Yurst could even smell the strong scent of alcohol on him.

Based on the various legends about this Legendary Elder within the clan, Yurst instantly realized that Maxim had probably been binge-drinking in some human tavern for the past three days.

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"Why the silence? I’ve given you three days. Haven’t you made up your mind yet?"

"Will you submit to me, pledge your loyalty, and join me in forging a new future for the Nez clan, or will you stubbornly resist, forcing me to turn you into a blood slave?"

Seeing Yurst remain silent, Elder Maxim frowned and asked.

"Hmph, think carefully. If you pledge your loyalty, you can retain some freedom. I might even promise to let you go once I control the Nez clan..."

"But if you force me to make you a blood slave... heh, I can’t guarantee your will remains your own."

Seeing Yurst still not respond, Elder Maxim’s smile vanished, and he threatened with a stern face.

Listening to him, Yurst slowly raised his head and looked at the legendary elder who had sided with the Blood Demon Archduke.

Forcing loyalty or becoming a blood slave was a tremendous insult and unacceptable for a bloodborne who followed the Elder...

Yet at this moment, faced with Maxim’s fierce coercion, Yurst felt no inner turmoil.

He wasn’t angry, he even felt like laughing.

Of course, it was a cold laugh.

It might even be a mockery.

Submission contract?

Becoming a blood slave?

Forget it. These soul-binding contracts couldn’t possibly work when his soul was already marked by the True Ancestor’s symbol!

The domineering blood contract had even severed his connection to Lord Casey. No way a Legendary Elder could force a contract on him, not that his faith had been particularly fervent anyway.

Yurst, now completely disheartened, had no interest in arguing or negotiating with Elder Maxim.

With the True Ancestor's return, internal conflicts within the Nez clan, or among the five major bloodborne clans, meant nothing—none would escape!

However, seeing Maxim’s condescending attitude, treating him as a plaything under complete control, Yurst felt a renewed sense of irritation.

This irritation, mixed with the frustration of signing the blood contract, created a peculiar chemical reaction, making Yurst feel increasingly stifled and agitated, like fuel to a fire.

Especially Maxim’s arrogant demeanor, treating him with such disregard, ignited a rebellious spirit in Yurst, who had initially resigned himself to despair.

To hell with it!

The True Ancestor may have the power to toy with me, but who do you think you are?

A Legendary Duke stooping to underhanded tactics against a mere Count like me? Pathetic!

If you’re so capable, face the Grand Elder and Duke Yorok head-on!

Bullying a lowly Count—what does that prove?

Yurst cursed inwardly.

And as he cursed, a thought struck him.

His eyes flickered, and he suddenly sneered.

"Oh? Submission?"

"Elder Maxim, I’ve thought for three days and nights, pondering what makes you worthy of my loyalty, but after all this time, I still can’t find a single reason..."

"Compared to who I follow, you are so weak, so pathetic, like a clown jumping around, making me sick..."

"I have no interest in following weaklings. Someone like you only resorts to underhanded tricks behind the scenes. You don’t even have the courage to challenge the one I follow!"

"Heh, becoming a blood slave? Please, even without using the Desecration Staff, I know how risky it is to force a loyal bloodborne into a blood slave."

"You’re not offering me a choice. You’re just insecure, afraid of exposing yourself before the one I follow."

"Your courage is tiny. You’re not confident you can turn me into a blood slave without alerting my patron. Or rather, you’re afraid of the one I follow!"

"Heh, as far as I’m concerned, you can’t even sever my existing blood contract."

Yurst sneered, berating Elder Maxim with disdainful eyes.

Maxim was about to explode from anger, especially after Yurst compared him to Duke Yorok.

"Silence! You insolent fool! How dare you defy a Duke Elder!"

"Very well! Since you’re so eager to become a blood slave, I’ll fulfill your wish! I’ll erase your will, twist your bloodline, and turn you into my puppet, the most miserable blood slave!"

"Sever your contract? Fail to turn you into a blood slave?"


"Today, I’ll show you that not even the True Ancestor can save you! Even the True Ancestor herself can’t preserve your bloodline connection!"

Elder Maxim growled, his eyes bloodshot.

He pulled out the Desecration Staff, pointing it at Yurst, and roared.

"Dark... Blood Contract!"

Dark red light erupted from the Desecration Staff.

Simultaneously, Maxim’s mental power surged like a tidal wave, channeling through the staff’s glow, crashing toward Count Yurst’s soul...

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