Gospel of Blood

Chapter 238: Traversing Thousands of Years

The piercing wind howled outside, the sky was gloomy, and the rolling clouds resembled a stormy sea, surging like tides.

Charlotte, draped in a black animal fur skin, sat by the campfire, holding a wooden cup filled with hot water, listening to Hafdan introduce everything about this country.

This place was in the north of the Myria continent, in a land called the High Tower Kingdom.

The rulers of this kingdom were beings revered as the Prophets.

They possessed divine beauty and powers surpassing mortal comprehension. During the terrifying and chaotic era of the Godfall Cataclysm, they came here from the distant land of Divine Grace.

In the stories passed down by the elders of the northern border, the Prophets arrived in Myria like saviors. They defeated the evil Old Gods, built high towers in the wilderness, enlightened civilization, and brought new life to the struggling people of the north.

Since the central high tower was erected, the Prophets have ruled the northern border for over four hundred years, and the day the Chosen defeated the Old Gods and established the high tower was named the first year of the Prophetic Era.

The first year of the Prophetic Era marked the beginning of this era, and the Prophets symbolized authority and divinity in the High Tower Kingdom!

Charlotte listened quietly to Hafdan's narration of the High Tower Kingdom's history.

In the eyes of this hunter, she saw nothing but admiration and reverence for the Prophets. Especially when mentioning the God-like powers wielded by the Prophets, the fear and longing for this "God-like power" were almost palpable.

"Mr. Hafdan, you seem to admire the Prophets quite a lot. You said I look a lot like them? Can you elaborate?"

Charlotte asked calmly.

Hafdan nodded and said.

"Oh, of course. The Prophets look very much like us Northerners, but their skin is more delicate and smooth, like flowing milk. They hardly age, do not die, and their lifespan far exceeds ours. The God-like power they wield can easily defeat all wild beasts..."

"If it weren't for them, the North would still be ravaged by wild beasts. Without them, countless Northerners would have perished under the ice storms of the Old Gods and the claws of the wild beasts..."

"Oh, by the way, the most notable feature of the Prophets is their pointed ears. It's said that this is the mark of the Great Singular Divinity—the Moon Goddess Artemis, symbolizing nobility and divine grace—the divine ears!"


Hearing this, Charlotte, who was about to sip her hot water, sprayed it out.

"Cough, cough, cough... cough, cough, cough..."

She coughed violently, looking at Hafdan with an odd expression.

"Pointed ears... and the Moon Goddess Artemis?"

"That's right, did you remember something?"

Hafdan asked.

Charlotte's eyes flickered slightly as she asked calmly.

"Are the Prophets you're talking about elves?"


Hafdan was puzzled, looking confused.

"No, it's nothing."

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Charlotte shook her head.

However, her heart was not as calm as she appeared...

The Moon Goddess Artemis!

Charlotte was not unfamiliar with this God. In the year she had spent after transmigrated, she had read many books about Myria and knew that the traditional God worshipped by the Elven race was the Moon Goddess Artemis!

Combining Hafdan's account of the High Tower Kingdom's history with the various historical records of the continent she had read over the past year, Charlotte suddenly had an extremely absurd guess.

Could it be that she had traveled thousands of years into the past upon waking up?

This absurd guess was not without reason.

Although the historical records passed down by various races and beliefs of Myria were often different and their accounts of their respective Gods were clearly beautified and mutually conflicting, there were some periods universally recognized by mainstream historians.

Myria's history, according to the most accepted view among historians, began with the appearance of the elves and could roughly be divided into the "Elven Era," the "Mythical Era," the "Blood Moon Era," and the "Holy Era."

In the oldest Elven Era, the elves came to the new continent of Myria from the Old Continent for unknown reasons, naming the new land Myria, meaning "New World" in the Elven language.

They established a splendid elven civilization, directly causing the awakening of the Old Gods slumbering across Myria, leading to the start of the Mythical Era.

During the Mythical Era, elves and Old Gods waged war, during which New Gods ascended to the divine thrones...

Ultimately, the brilliant elven culture declined in the war, and the rising New Gods and Old Gods waged a chaotic divine war that lasted hundreds of years...

To win the war, the Gods shared their powers with mortals, leading to the emergence of extraordinaries.

Eventually, the Moon Goddess Artemis, who led the elves to Myria, the Bloodborne True Ancestor Eternal Night Monarch, and the Sea King Oceanus achieved final victory, gaining dominion over the Gods.

Though victorious, the Moon Goddess Artemis chose to withdraw from the world due to the decline of the elves.

The Eternal Night Monarch and Oceanus respectively controlled the continent and the ocean of Myria.

The sea, home to seaborne monsters, remained far from civilization, while the continent became the true center of the world.

With the continent under control, the bloodborne rose, marking the beginning of the nearly thousand-year-long Blood Moon Era in Myria.

Later, the disappearance of the Bloodborne True Ancestor, internal strife among the Bloodborne Princes, and the rise of the Creator God Harald led to a thousand-year Holy War...

The ancient Creator God revived, suppressing all enemies with overwhelming power and unifying the entire continent.

The gods withdrew, and Myria entered an era of human rule under the Holy Court.

Until today...

These records are extremely precious and ancient.

Even Charlotte only managed to gather them through the Castell family’s resources and Sebastian’s influence.

Charlotte couldn't guarantee the absolute truth of these histories, but at least... they were the closest to the truth as recognized by mainstream scholars of Myria.

Since the elves set foot on Myria three thousand years ago, countless myths have been born and countless have fallen. Over three thousand years, civilizations have risen and fallen, each cycle representing the eternal burial of a segment of history. Facts and truths sometimes even the Gods might not fully grasp...

At this moment, based on Hafdan's account, Charlotte formed a bold and crazy hypothesis.

Could it be that she had awakened after traveling back to the time when the elves had just set foot on Myria, in the overlapping period of the Elven Era and the Mythical Era, two to three thousand years in the past?!

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