Gospel of Blood

Chapter 239: Blessed One of the Prophets

Charlotte was shocked by her own guess.

Of course, a guess is just a guess, and she needed more information to confirm the facts.

“The blizzards in the Northern Borders are curses from the Gods. Once they start, they last at least three or four days. We will probably have to stay here during this time.”

“Miss… if I may address you as ‘Miss’, if you want to know more information, you can come with me to our tribe’s camp after the blizzard ends to find the priest elders.”

“Our priest elders often deal with the Prophets and should know more. They might help you recover your memory…”

Seeing Charlotte deep in thought, Hafdan sincerely suggested.

Priest elders who often deal with elves…

Charlotte pondered.

After a brief consideration, she nodded slightly.

“Thank you.”

Having lost her internal magic, unable to even enter the world of consciousness, Charlotte was currently in an unprecedentedly weak state.

She indeed needed a relatively safe environment to familiarize herself with this “era” and find a way to regain her strength.

Only by regaining her strength would she have hope of finding a way to return to the “other era.”

“You don’t need to be polite. Actually… helping you is also for my own sake. In my view, you are very likely to be a follower of the Prophets. If I can help you, I might be rewarded by the Central Tower.”

“My Divine Bow hasn’t been maintained for a long time, and I’m running out of Divine Arrows. Without the blessings from the Central Tower to replenish its divine power, it will be difficult for me to complete my hunting tasks this winter.”

Hafdan explained.

“Divine Bow? Divine Arrows?”

Charlotte was intrigued, glancing at the longbow placed beside Hafdan.

In fact, she had noticed this longbow when she woke up.

Unlike Hafdan’s worn and primitive beast-hide coat, this longbow appeared much more exquisite, quite out of place with his personal style.

Initially, Charlotte hadn’t paid much attention to it, but now, hearing Hafdan’s terms, she couldn’t help but take a closer look, noticing some elven craftsmanship on the bow.

It looked like… an enchanted weapon!

Under Charlotte’s gaze, Hafdan picked up the longbow.

“Yes, this is it.”

“Unlike the Prophets and the Blessed Ones, we do not possess the power of the Gods. We can only rely on the weapons granted by the Prophets to deal with the cursed wild beasts…”

“The Central Tower protects us, grants us divine weapons, and we use these divine weapons to hunt the wild beasts and offer tributes to the Prophets.”

“If I fail to complete my hunting tasks, my family and I will lose the qualification to use the Divine Bow, and it will be reclaimed. Such a terrible result is something I cannot bear.”

Elves bestow enchanted weapons, and mortals use them for hunting and offer tributes to the elves…

Charlotte raised an eyebrow.

But soon, she noticed an issue.

Enchanted weapons can only be used by extraordinaries. The hunter in front of her was clearly non-awakened, so how was he using this enchanted longbow?

“Mr. Hafdan, may I see your bow?”

Charlotte asked calmly.

“Oh, of course, but please be careful. It’s no joke to say that my family’s survival depends on it…”

Hafdan said.

He carefully wiped the longbow, gently holding it as if it were a treasure, and handed it to Charlotte.

Charlotte took the longbow and examined it closely, quickly noticing familiar inscriptions.

They were in Elvish.

This was indeed an enchanted weapon!

“Sharpness, lightness, enhancement…”

Following the fragmented knowledge she had gained after her transmigration, Charlotte read the enchantment inscriptions aloud with proper intonation.

As she recited, the longbow emitted a faint glow, and Charlotte sensed a familiar power emanating from it.

It was… magic!

In addition to magic, Charlotte even felt a vigorous life force emerging from a crystal embedded in the side of the bow.

It was similar to the energy she acquired when drinking extraordinary blood.

However, unlike the exquisite flavor of the extraordinary blood Sebastian found for her, the life force from this crystal was much more chaotic and wild, and the taste was not pleasant.

But this was enough to excite Charlotte.

Life force was an excellent supplement for bloodborne, effective in replenishing magic and enhancing bloodline strength!

Yet, seeing the runes on the bow dimming as life force and magic flowed, Charlotte’s heart skipped a beat. She quickly stopped her incantation to prevent further depletion of the bow’s power.

She wanted to examine the enchanted weapon, not destroy it.

Regardless of how much strength she could regain from the scant energy in the bow, she felt she shouldn’t damage Hafdan’s enchanted weapon considering he had saved her. This was her principle.

“You… understand the divine language? You can use the Divine Bow?”

Seeing the glowing bow, Hafdan widened his eyes in astonishment.

Charlotte glanced at him and nodded.

“It seems… I can use it to some extent.”

Hafdan immediately became excited.

“A Blessed One of the Prophets! You must be a Blessed One! Only the Prophets and the Blessed Ones can master the divine language and use the Divine Bow freely!”

Charlotte remained quiet to Hafdan’s excitement.

If her guess was correct, she might indeed be what this hunter referred to as a “Blessed One.”

Based on Hafdan’s information, Charlotte was almost certain that the so-called Prophets were actually elves.

As for the Blessed Ones… if she was right, they were likely the offspring of elves and humans, half-elves.

Charlotte’s ancestry contained elven blood.

Although it was quite diluted by her generation, she was still technically a half-elf.

This was authenticated by the Gospel of Blood.

As for the “Chosen Ones”, they were likely humans who had mingled with the elves.

“Mr. Hafdan, how do you usually use this longbow?”

Handing the longbow back to him, Charlotte asked.

“How to use it? Well… naturally through the divine engraving. Unlike the Prophets and the Blessed Ones who can flexibly use divine power, we can only use it indirectly through the divine engravings bestowed by the tower.”

Hafdan said.

He raised his hand to reveal a complex engraving on the back of his hand.

Seeing the engraving, Charlotte frowned slightly.

Though she had crammed various magical knowledge after her transmigration, she didn’t know much about engravings and couldn’t decipher their function.

However, following the principle of “equivalent exchange”, since non-awakeners like Hafdan could use enchanted weapons, they must be paying a certain price.

“Mr. Hafdan, using this engraving must come at a great cost, right?”

Charlotte asked calmly.

“There is a cost, but as long as we can survive, any price is worth it.”

Hafdan shook his head.

Hafdan’s broad-mindedness surprised Charlotte.

However, her understanding of this era was limited, and she wasn’t in a position to judge his choices.

At this moment, the sizzling sound of boiling water came from the stone pot over the campfire.

Along with the sizzling sound was a mouth-watering aroma of meat.

“The meat stew is ready. Blessed Lady, you must be hungry too? Try my cooking!”

Hafdan rubbed his hands, opened the pot lid, and the rich aroma of meat filled the air.

He tasted the broth with a ladle and smiled in satisfaction.

“Mmm! Perfect!”

The enticing aroma made Charlotte swallow her saliva, and her stomach growled hungrily.

“Blessed Lady, please!”

Hafdan served two bowls of meat stew, handing one to Charlotte.

Taking the bowl, Charlotte felt even hungrier. Seeing Hafdan already enjoying his meal, she hesitated before cautiously taking a sip.

However, just one sip made her eyes sharpen.

Though very faint, she sensed the same life force she felt in the enchanted bow within the meat stew!

There was no mistake; this was meat from some extraordinary creature!

“Mr. Hafdan, what kind of meat is this?”

Charlotte couldn’t help but ask.

“Of course, it’s wild beast meat. When out in the wild, that’s the only thing we can eat. But don’t worry, I’m a professional. I’ve removed all the toxins.”

Hafdan explained.

Wild beasts?

Charlotte’s heart stirred.

It seemed… she had found a way to restore her strength.

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