Gospel of Blood

Chapter 240: Restoring Power

Wild Beast.

They are creatures corrupted by the power of fallen Gods, possessing various incredible powers comparable to Gods. These beasts are one of the primary threats to the northern people when traveling outside.

When Hafdan explained what the wild beasts were, Charlotte immediately understood.

These beasts with god-like powers are, in essence, magical beasts.

“Many of Myria’s texts mention that the magical beasts in this world were created when the blood of fallen Gods from the War of the Gods was spilled on the earth. This matches Hafdan’s description exactly…”

“So, it seems I might have traveled thousands of years into the past.”

Reflecting on the books she read before her journey, Charlotte sighed internally.

“Hafdan, so you usually hunt these wild beasts? And you offer the hunted wild beasts to the Prophets?”

Charlotte continued to ask.

Hafdan nodded.

“Yes, the wild beasts represent terrible corruption for us, but for the Prophets, they are a resource. It is said that the divine weapons we use were made by the Prophets from materials obtained from the wild beasts.”

Terrible corruption…

Charlotte thought to herself, nodding slightly.

Uncontrollable extraordinary power is indeed a terrifying corruption for ordinary people. The Forbidden Area of Borde City was formed this way.

Moreover, the texts she read also described the earliest magical beasts in Myria thousands of years ago…

Because they were created from “divine blood” pollution, the earliest magical beasts were more violent and chaotic than those in later eras. Their names were almost synonymous with “natural disasters.”

Only the Elven race, naturally adept with magic, could use them as magical materials.

And Charlotte.

To her, it didn’t matter if the magical beasts of this era were violent, the extraordinary blood of these beasts was what she needed most.

As the ancestors of many magical beasts in later times, the blood of wild beasts in this era contains even more powerful extraordinary energy, making it more beneficial for her to restore her strength!

“Hafdan, can you show me the wild beasts you’ve hunted?”

After finishing her bowl of broth, charlotte asked calmly. Hafdan scratched his head.

“Well… Blessed Lady, I hunted the last wild beast two days ago. Being alone out here, I couldn’t carry such a large carcass, so I might disappoint you.”

“But, if you want to see the materials from the wild beasts, I have plenty. They’re intended as offerings for the Prophets.”

Saying this, Hafdan took out a bulging leather bag from his backpack.

Seeing the bag, Charlotte’s eyes lit up.

She noticed the Elven script on the bag—another enchanted item.

Accepting the bag, Charlotte examined it closely.

“A sealing bag?”

“Yes, it’s a divine bag given by the Prophets. We can only carry the wild beast materials in these bags to avoid being tracked by other beasts.”

Hafdan explained.

Charlotte nodded slightly and opened the bag.

Inside were bloodstained furs, bones, and chunks of meat. She sensed the extraordinary power in these materials.

These were indeed magical beast materials!

And when her eyes fell on a clay jar inside the bag, they lit up even more.

She detected a familiar scent.

A scent that was incredibly attractive to the bloodborne!

“This is…”

“This jar contains the blood of wild beasts. Some Prophets also require us to offer the blood of these beasts, so I collect some when I hunt.”

Hafdan explained.

Extraordinary blood!

Charlotte couldn’t help but swallow, her eyes shining even brighter.

Blood is a tonic for bloodbornes, and extraordinary blood is the most potent of tonics!

Such a large jar of extraordinary blood might be enough to restore her magical power.

“Blessed Lady, if you like, this jar of wild beast blood is yours.”

Seeing Charlotte’s eager gaze, hafdan respectfully offered.

“Oh, give it to me? Isn’t this your hard-earned loot? Are you sure it’s okay to give it to me?”

Charlotte asked calmly.

However, even as she spoke, she was reluctant to let go of the jar.

Hafdan scratched his head and said.

“To be honest, I don’t know what the Prophets do with this wild beast’s blood. I understand the use of bones and furs, after all, my divine bow is made from wild beast bones, and the furs can be used to make divine bags…”

“But this wild beast blood… I really don’t get it. Just a drop can corrode a person’s skin, creating a big hole. I have to be extremely careful when handling it, and the rewards for offering it are the least.”

“If it weren’t for the fact that I didn’t get much from this trip, I wouldn’t have collected this stuff. Carrying it around, I have to constantly worry about it leaking and contaminating the entire divine bag.”

“I noticed you seem to like it, so if you do, just take it.”

Hearing Hafdan’s words, Charlotte’s mind stirred, forming some hypotheses.

Magical beasts contain extraordinary power, but the distribution of this power follows certain patterns.

Generally, the bones and furs contain the most stable and mild extraordinary power, the flesh is more active but easily lost, while the blood is the most violent.

This holds true for magical beasts thousands of years later, and it must be even more so for wild beasts thousands of years ago.

Wild beast blood contains a rich amount of extraordinary power, but at the same time, the power in it is the most chaotic and hardest to utilize, even being highly pollutive and corrosive.

Creating extraordinary items requires stable extraordinary power. Therefore, for the elves, the value of extraordinary blood is naturally lower.

Of course, that’s for the elves.

From Charlotte’s perspective, the situation is different.



No, as a magical being, bloodbornes themselves are considered walking sources of pollution to ordinary people.

As for corrosion, it’s a sign of extraordinary transformation. The more extraordinary power the blood contains, the stronger its corrosive nature.

As a bloodborne, charlotte would prefer the wild beast blood to have stronger corrosive effects. A bloodborne’s mouth and stomach are least afraid of the corrosion from extraordinary blood!

Her only concern was whether the power in this wild beast’s blood might be too violent and hard to digest.

But at this moment, to restore her power, charlotte wasn’t going to be picky.

“Really? Then I’ll accept it. To be honest, I do need this wild beast’s blood.”

She said.

Casually putting the jar away, Charlotte handed the leather bag back.

Hafdan took the bag and looked at Charlotte with some curiosity, but she didn’t elaborate further. After hesitating for a moment, he didn’t ask what she intended to do with the wild beast’s blood.

After finishing the broth, Charlotte continued to chat casually with Hafdan.

Through their conversation, she learned that despite Hafdan looking to be in his forties, he was actually only twenty-three.

This surprised her greatly, given how mature he appeared.

Charlotte suspected this might be the cost of using enchanted weapons as an ordinary person.

Despite being just twenty-three, Hafdan already had a pair of children, both at an age where they could run around energetically.

When the blizzards hit the Northern Frontier, they could last for days.

But according to Hafdan, this wasn’t entirely bad. At least during a blizzard, wild beasts would also hide, so they wouldn’t have to worry about safety and could just rest and wait for the storm to pass.

Charlotte chatted calmly with Hafdan, gathering information about this era.

The more information she collected, the more convinced she became that she had indeed traveled back to the Elven and Mythical Era.

This realization made Charlotte increasingly anxious.

On one hand, she had no idea how to return to her own time.

On the other hand, this era was extraordinarily special.

War was everywhere, powerful beings abounded, myths walked the land, and legends were commonplace.

Even if she hadn’t lost her powers, she would have to tread very carefully.

Not to mention, if this was truly the era of the Gods’ rise, it also meant the true master of the Gospel of Blood, the True Ancestor of Blood, was also in this era.

That True Ancestor was a true powerhouse, a dominant figure of the time, practically the protagonist of the Mythic Era.

To be honest, charlotte felt very uneasy about impersonating that figure after her time travel. She didn’t know what would happen if she encountered the True Ancestor in this era.

She wasn’t even sure if the Gospel of Blood was still within her…

Considering that the True Ancestor was also in this era, wouldn’t her Gospel of Blood overlap with hers?

Charlotte was anxious.

All of this made Charlotte very anxious.

Despite her calm demeanor while chatting with Hafdan, she was actually eager to drink that jar of wild beast blood, restore her power as soon as possible, and examine her current physical state, especially the status of the Gospel of Blood.

Fortunately, perhaps due to exhaustion, after a while, Hafdan finally couldn’t hold on any longer and went to rest.

Once the Storm Hunter was confirmed to be asleep, Charlotte finally relaxed and opened the jar.

As she lifted the lid, a strong smell of blood hit her.

However, to Charlotte, that bloody scent was incredibly alluring.

She swallowed, picked up the jar, and cautiously took a sip of the wild beast’s blood.

As the blood entered her mouth, she felt a familiar pleasure from drinking blood, accompanied by a warm sensation spreading in her mouth along with the wild beast’s blood.

The blood flowed down her throat into her stomach, and Charlotte felt like a drunkard in winter taking a swig of strong liquor. The scorching warmth spread through her body and into her limbs, making her feel as though every cell was rejoicing.

At the same time, Charlotte sensed her depleted magical power re-emerging as she absorbed the wild beast’s blood.

Seeing her power visibly recovering, Charlotte’s eyes lit up.

She didn’t hesitate any longer and decisively drank the remaining wild beast’s blood!

As the entire jar of wild beast’s blood entered her body, Charlotte felt like a parched land soaking up rainwater.

The chaotic power in the wild beast’s blood didn’t affect her much, and the extraordinary power within the blood was quickly absorbed!

In Charlotte’s perception, her dissipated magical power was almost visibly replenished.

She felt the extraordinary power again, her power had returned!

Although not fully restored to her peak, the recovered magical power allowed Charlotte to reach at least the initial level of First Tier Starry Sky.

If she continued to find and drink the wild beast’s blood, she could soon fully restore her power and reach the peak of the Starry Sky!

However, Charlotte didn’t relax.

After drinking the wild beast’s blood and restoring her magical power, she immediately used her mental strength to delve into her consciousness.

She needed to check the status of the Gospel of Blood and see if it had traveled with her.

Focusing her mental strength, she dove into her mind.

Charlotte quickly saw the familiar sight within her consciousness.

The heavy crimson tome still floated quietly.

The Gospel of Blood… was still there.

Confirming this, Charlotte breathed a sigh of relief.

The Gospel of Blood was her greatest asset and the source of her power.

If she had truly lost it, Charlotte would feel lost and helpless. But soon, Charlotte’s worries returned.

The Gospel of Blood was still there.

So what about the True Ancestor in this era?

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