Gospel of Blood

Chapter 241: The Sealed Gospel


A fierce wolf howl echoed through the sky.

In the night, giant wolves surrounded by black mist, with crimson eyes and menacing appearances, encircled a barren hill. More accurately, their blood-red eyes were greedily fixed on the petite figure atop the hill.

A terrifying aura emanated from the wolves. They opened their bloody mouths, dripping corrosive acidic saliva, their frenzied and fearsome appearance enough to make anyone tremble.

Amidst their encirclement, on the hilltop. The petite figure remained unmoved.

She gently turned around and slowly opened her eyes.

In the night, her crimson pupils emitted a faint red light, deeper than the wolves’ madness.

She raised her hand slightly, and black phantoms burst forth from behind her.

The wolves howled as they charged at her, but in the next second, the ghostly shadows weaved through every attacking wolf.

Black and red mist blossomed like flowers, and the wolves’ heads instantly separated from their bodies.

They continued to run a few steps out of inertia before collapsing to the ground, lifeless.

All this happened in an instant, and the petite figure had merely lifted her hands slightly.

Her gaze fell on the giant wolf corpses, a hint of satisfaction flickering in her eyes.

She extended her hand and lightly beckoned. In the next second, crimson blood, as if given life, flowed continuously from the wolves’ neck wounds towards her.

She opened her small mouth, and the blood was effortlessly swallowed like a reverse water tornado.

As the blood drained, the wolf corpses shriveled and dried up, ultimately turning into hideous mummies.

The thick clouds in the night sky gradually dispersed, revealing the bright moonlight, and illuminating the petite figure.

Golden hair, crimson eyes, and a breathtakingly beautiful face paired with a white dress that clashed with the frigid surroundings—who else could it be but Charlotte, who had activated her bloodborne power?

Feeling the abundant magic within her and the fullness from her feast, Charlotte smiled contentedly.

She gently touched her somewhat overfilled belly and snapped her fingers, causing ghostly blue flames to engulf the wolf corpses, erasing all traces in an instant.

Having done all this, Charlotte nodded in satisfaction, then turned and leaped, transforming into a cloud of black mist, vanishing into the darkness.

In the temporary camp.

The black mist slowly gathered, forming Charlotte’s shape.

She landed steadily, glanced at the gradually brightening sky, and put on the fur coat Hafdan had lent her. She then pointed at the sleeping hunter.

With a flash of crimson light, the sleep spell on the hunter was lifted.

Soon, Hafdan, who had been snoring, yawned and slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing the girl by the campfire, he woke up instantly, shouting in surprise.

“Oh! Damn! Blessed Lady, I’m sorry! I fell asleep again!”

“Damn it! I was supposed to keep watch!”

Seeing the shouting hunter, Charlotte smiled and said.

“It’s fine. It doesn’t matter who keeps watch, I couldn’t sleep anyway.”

“But it was my duty! I’m really sorry! I must have been too lax to fall asleep while on night watch! You know, there are often wild wolves around here! Those terrifying creatures can kill us in a single blow, especially since they often move in packs! Even the Blessed Ones have to be cautious around them!”

Hafdan said, full of self-reproach and fear.

But after he finished, looking at the orderly camp and the untouched beast-repelling powder, he was puzzled.

“Huh? Blessed Lady, was there really no nocturnal wild beast activity last night?”

Charlotte nodded and replied naturally.

“Yes, it was another peaceful night without any monster attacks on the camp.”

Hafdan looked surprised and scratched his head in confusion.

“Strange! I remember there should be quite a few wild beasts on this path... Why haven’t we encountered any in the past few days?”

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“Isn’t it good not to encounter them?”

Charlotte asked with a smile.

Hafdan hesitated and shook his head.

“Well, not exactly... Since it’s the return journey, and the energy of the Divine Bow is almost exhausted, it’s safer not to encounter wild beasts. But... not seeing even the weakest wild hare along the way is really... really weird.”

He said, looking worried.

“Blessed Lady, not encountering wild beasts for several days in a row is definitely not normal!”

“The northern wilderness is usually teeming with wild beasts, and after the snowstorm, they often come out to forage in groups. Not encountering anything for so long might not be a good sign.”

“Blessed Lady, I suggest we speed up our journey. Wild beasts are always highly perceptive. I’m wondering if they’ve sensed some unknown danger and thus all avoided this area…”

“For instance, some more powerful existence, or some impending disaster.”

Hafdan said anxiously.

Hearing his words, Charlotte smiled and said.

“I have no objections.”

“Then let’s pack up and move quickly. No matter what monsters or disasters are around, we’ll be safe once we reach the tribe.”

Hafdan said.

After speaking, he immediately started packing.

Charlotte had nothing much to pack.

She thought of helping, but Hafdan wouldn’t let her, or rather, didn’t dare let her.

The title “Blessed One” carried more weight than she imagined, at least for Hafdan. Charlotte felt like this hunter acted like a humble servant before her.

Since she didn’t need to help, she enjoyed the leisure and took the opportunity to check her status.

It had been a week since she awakened. Apart from the first three days of snowstorms, she had been traveling with Hafdan to the northern tribe.

During the day, she traveled with Hafdan, and at night, she would put him to sleep and secretly hunt wild beasts to regain her strength.

The absence of wild beasts along the way was naturally because she had killed them all, or rather, those creatures sensed the danger and fled.

With constant killing and devouring, over the past few days, Charlotte’s strength had returned to its peak before she awoke, just a step away from breaking through to the Second Tier Silver Moon.

However, what troubled Charlotte was that despite her strength returning, she still hadn’t found a way to return to her original era.

Unlike before her awakening, she no longer felt the urge to sleep but remained fully awake.

As for the Gospel of Blood in her consciousness, after days of recovery, Charlotte discovered the differences compared to before her awakening.

Firstly, the divine power of blood contained in the Gospel had vanished. Charlotte didn’t know if it was consumed entirely by “traveling” to this era or for some other reason. In any case, she could no longer sense any divine power.

Simultaneously, the True Ancestor’s Liberation, previously in an “active state,” was sealed again. In her consciousness, its representative manifestation had turned grey.

Additionally, the crimson star sea that could be unfolded by Blood Summoning had disappeared.

Or more accurately, the once brilliant star sea had become a foggy world, even the stars representing Sebastian and Yurst, who had blood contracts with Charlotte, were nowhere to be found.

However, despite the disappearance of the stars representing the bloodborne, Charlotte could still faintly sense a connection deep within her soul.

She could feel that her links to the two blood servants and her contract servant, Nice, were still there, just somehow interfered with or isolated, making it difficult for her to contact them.

Charlotte didn’t know if this was due to the power of time or something else, but it was clear that as long as she stayed in this era, she couldn’t use the contracts to reach her servants.

The only unexpected thing was her followers.

Her followers, mainly from the Blood Wolf Tribe, were still present and could be sensed clearly.

But, like the blood servants, although she could sense them, she couldn’t project power or communicate through faith as she normally would.

In summary, part of the Gospel of Blood’s power had been sealed.

With her “cheat” sealed, Charlotte’s sense of security diminished greatly.

Now, all she could do was to keep enhancing her strength by devouring the blood of wild beasts and try to break through to Silver Moon in this era.

After packing their luggage, they resumed their journey. Three days later, Charlotte finally arrived at Hafdan’s tribe.

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