Gospel of Blood

Chapter 242: Lilith and Harald

Hafdan's village was nestled on a hillside.

Scattered thatched cottages surrounded the slope, arranged in a picturesque manner, with winding dirt paths spiraling upward.

Looking at the entire hillside from a distance, one could see curling smoke from the chimneys, cattle and sheep grazing on roots, hunting dogs chasing and playing, and busy humans dressed in coarse beast robes and furs.

However, what caught Charlotte's eye the most was the tall tower standing at the center of the village on the slope.

Unlike the simple thatched cottages of the village, the tall tower, built from grayish-white stones, exhibited a distinct elven style, adorned with exquisite reliefs and patterns, standing out starkly from its surroundings.

At the top of the tower, a light blue crystal floated gently, emanating a soft glow.

In the warm sunlight, a faintly visible light shield could be seen, like an overturned bowl, centering on the tower and enveloping the entire village on the hillside.

Is this... a mage tower?

Charlotte was momentarily stunned.

Although it differed somewhat from the mage towers built by the elven craftsmen in Castell County, she was sure that this... was a mage tower!

"That is the Tower of Sanctuary, built by the Blessed Ones from the central tower. It possesses incredible powers..."

Following Charlotte's amazed gaze, Hafdan explained.

Tower of Sanctuary?

So, that's what the Northern tribes people call it...

Charlotte mused.

Hafdan continued his enthusiastic introduction.

"Every village in the High Tower Kingdom has a Tower of Sanctuary. Only with a Tower of Sanctuary can we survive the disasters and transformations caused by the fallen Gods' erosion..."

"The Tower of Sanctuary is also where the Blessed Ones descend, and it is where we conduct our daily worship and offerings. The chief priest I am taking you to meet also resides there."

After speaking, Hafdan looked at Charlotte and smiled.

"Blessed Lady, let's go inside. Once we enter the domain of the Tower of Sanctuary, we will be completely safe."

Hearing Hafdan's words, Charlotte withdrew her gaze from the Tower of Sanctuary.

She nodded slightly and followed Hafdan towards the village.

As they walked along the winding dirt road, everything about the village became clearer.

Charlotte could even hear the clear sounds of livestock and poultry, and see the smiling faces of children playing.

When she crossed the faintly visible protective shield emitted by the tower, ancient crimson text suddenly appeared in her vision.

[The Gospel of Blood has detected an ongoing divine ritual—]

[Ritual Name: Moonlight's Cage]

[Caster: Tower Mage No. 58]

[Target: Charlotte de Castell]

[Effect: Originally a protective divine spell "Moonlight's Protection" bestowed by the Moon Goddess Artemis, it was later modified by elven priests. While maintaining its protective effect, it also has monitoring and punitive functions.]

[According to the spell's effect, Moonlight's Cage can operate in protection, monitoring, or divine punishment modes. The current mode is monitoring. In monitoring mode, any entity entering the spell's domain will be inspected and recorded.]

[Interception Probability: 100%]



Identity inspection and monitoring?

Charlotte's heart stirred, and she naturally chose to intercept it.

In the mythical era, although the Moon Goddess and the True Ancestor were both victors, they were also adversaries.

Charlotte had read records of wars between the bloodbornes and the elves in ancient texts.

Not having figured out the depths of the High Tower Kingdom or the attitudes of the elves, she naturally chose not to reveal her identity if she could avoid it.

Crossing through the transparent protective shield, Hafdan completely relaxed.

He turned to Charlotte with a smile.

"Blessed Lady, we are completely safe now! I need to go home first and bring back the spoils of this trip, then I'll take you to the Tower of Sanctuary to meet our chief priest!"

Charlotte nodded slightly and smiled.

"Thank you."

Following Hafdan, Charlotte entered the village.

Hafdan seemed to have a good rapport with the villagers. Along the way, residents greeted him, inquiring about his hunting gains, and Hafdan responded with smiles.

After the greetings, almost everyone would turn their eyes to Charlotte.

No wonder, she was too conspicuous.

Even wrapped in a shabby fur coat, her natural beauty couldn't be concealed.

Her smooth golden hair and delicate skin starkly contrasted with the weather-beaten villagers, not to mention the noble demeanor she had been forced to cultivate over a year.

"Hafdan, who is this esteemed person...?"

Looking at Charlotte, the villagers instinctively used honorifics, their gazes filled with curiosity.

"This is the Blessed One I met on my journey! Also, my guest!"

Hafdan raised his head proudly and introduced her to everyone.

The gazes of the villagers immediately changed.

Their curiosity turned to reverence as they looked at Charlotte, with many quickly averting their eyes and bowing respectfully.

Charlotte could even hear some people whispering in the distance.

"It's actually the Blessed One!"

"No wonder... no wonder she's so beautiful! Just like the Prophets..."

"Hafdan is so lucky, being able to connect with a Blessed One... His status as a Storm Hunter is surely secure now, isn't it?"

"More than just secure, his two poor children might benefit as well!"

The villagers' chatter was full of envy as they looked at Hafdan.

Charlotte, however, felt a bit guilty.

Although she suspected that the so-called Blessed One likely referred to a half-elf, she herself had no connection to the elves protecting these Northern people.

The villagers didn't know these intricacies, they were simply very curious about Charlotte's identity.

The title of "Blessed One" was even more significant than Charlotte had imagined. As Hafdan introduced her, more and more villagers came to see the excitement, nearly blocking the already narrow road.

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Even Hafdan eventually couldn't take it anymore and hurriedly waved the crowd away.

"Alright! Alright! Don't crowd here! I still have to take the Blessed One to meet the Chief Priest!"

After much effort, Hafdan finally dispersed the onlookers.

"Apologies, Blessed Lady, many of my kin have never seen a divine face so close before, and I apologize for the fright."

Hafdan said apologetically.

Charlotte waved her hand.

"It's nothing, I'm used to it."

She was indeed used to it, back when she prayed in the Holy Court's praying room, the crowds watching were even more overwhelming.

Hearing this, Hafdan became even more respectful.

And within that respect, there was even a hint of gratitude.

"Blessed Lady, you are the most approachable Blessed One I've ever met. Thank you for your understanding!"

"Please, follow me! I have a jar of mead at home that I've been saving just for you!"

Following Hafdan, Charlotte finally arrived at a simple courtyard halfway up the slope.

In the courtyard, a young silver-haired woman was feeding the poultry.

Seeing her, Hafdan's gaze softened, and he happily shouted.

"Tamia! I'm back!"

Hearing his voice, the young woman trembled slightly.

She turned around slowly, and upon seeing Hafdan, she also showed a joyful expression.

"Haf! You're back!"

She put down her work and happily ran towards Hafdan, embracing him.

They hugged for a moment before separating, and under Charlotte's curious gaze, Hafdan introduced.

"Blessed Lady, this is my wife, Tamia."

Only then did the young woman notice Charlotte standing nearby.

A look of astonishment flashed in her eyes, and then she asked hesitantly.

"Haf, who is this...?"

"This is a distinguished Blessed One I met on my journey, and also our guest."

Hafdan replied with a smile.

"A... Blessed One!"

Tamia exclaimed.

She couldn't help but glance at Charlotte's ears and then hurriedly bowed stammeringly.

"B-B-Blessed... One..."

"Haha, no need to be so formal. This Blessed Lady is different from others, very easy to get along with. Tamia, quickly bring out the mead I've been saving!"

Hafdan said with a laugh.

"Alright! Right away!"

Tamia bowed to Charlotte and then hurriedly turned and went into the house.

"Blessed Lady, my wife is also seeing someone like you so close for the first time. Apologies if she embarrassed herself."

Hafdan said with a bit of embarrassment.

"It's alright, it's alright."

Charlotte quickly waved her hand.

"Please, come in and rest."

Hafdan invited Charlotte into the house.

Hafdan's home was as simple inside as it appeared outside, filled with various tools, but it was tidy.

Charlotte and Hafdan sat by the fireplace, and soon Tamia returned, bringing a carefully wrapped clay jar.

"Blessed Lady, please try our mead."

Hafdan took the jar and poured a cup for Charlotte.

Charlotte nodded slightly.

"Thank you."

She took a sip, finding it pleasantly sour and sweet, with a unique flavor.

"Very nice."

She commented.

Hearing her praise, Hafdan beamed with joy.

His eyes roamed around the room before landing on his wife.

"Tamia, where are Lil and Har?"

"Them? They're out playing."

Tamia replied.

At that moment, the sound of chattering came from outside, and two small figures burst in, shouting:

"Mom! Mom! We heard Dad is back and brought a beautiful big sister! Is it true?"

Charlotte looked over and saw two children.

A boy and a girl, both around six or seven years old, the boy with golden hair like Hafdan, and the girl with silver hair like Tamia. Their pale little faces were full of innocent excitement.

Seeing the two little ones, Hafdan's gaze softened again.

"Lil, Har, come here!"

He called the children over and introduced them to Charlotte.

"Blessed Lady, these are my two children, Lilith and Harald."


Hearing the names, Charlotte couldn't help but spit out her mead.


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