Gospel of Blood

Chapter 245: The Era of Chaos

In the central hall of the Tower of Sanctuary, before the statue of the Moon Goddess.

The Elder Priest Enge sat in his wheelchair, facing the statue with eyes closed, whispering prayers.

The hall was silent, so quiet that a pin drop could be heard, until the respectful voice of a stationed warrior came from outside the door.

“Honorable Elder, Hunter Hafdan requests an audience.”

Elder Enge opened his eyes and said,

“Let him in.”

The warrior bowed and withdrew. Soon, a dusty Hafdan entered the hall, respectfully saluting Elder Enge.

“Honorable Priest, I have returned.”

Elder Enge turned his wheelchair and nodded slightly.

“Welcome back, my child. May the Moon’s blessing be with you.”

“Your hunt went well. Although you brought back a few games, the significance of a Blessed One is much greater than any tributes. The Central Tower values every Blessed One highly, and your contribution will surely be rewarded.”

Upon hearing this, Halfdan looked overjoyed.

“Praise the Moon Goddess! So I wasn’t mistaken, she truly is a Blessed One?”

Elder Enge smiled and nodded.

“Such an outstanding appearance, and an extraordinary aura that even makes me feel pressured, coupled with the fact that she safely entered the Tower’s vicinity… She must indeed be a Blessed One lost from the Central Tower.”

Hafdan became even more excited.

“Then… does this mean our Northern Mountain Tribe’s tribute levels don’t need to be adjusted? Can Lil and Har also stay?”

This time, Elder Enge fell silent.


Halfdan called out anxiously.

Elder Enge sighed deeply and shook his head lightly.

“I… don’t know.”

“Even if she truly is a Blessed One lost from the Central Tower, we are unsure which tribe of Blessed One she belongs to, or whose descendant she is.”

“Hafdan, you are exceptionally gifted and the top candidate for the next head attendant of the Tower. I won’t hide things from you…”

“Just as there is a vast difference in status between us and the Blessed Ones, there are also differences among the Blessed Ones themselves. If she is a descendant of one of the great figures, then everything will be fine. But if she is merely a descendant of an ordinary Blessed One, then I’m afraid… it won’t make a difference.”

“No, I believe she must be the offspring of one of those great figures! I’ve seen those envoys from the Tower, and even the most noble ones don’t have her unique presence. Her bloodline must be very noble! Yes! It must be so!”

Recalling the elegance in Charlotte’s every move, which was so different from the wilderness, Hafdan insisted.

Elder Enge sighed.

“All this can only be confirmed when the Tower’s envoy arrives. As for Lil and Har, I think… even if this Blessed One has a noble lineage, the Tower will not let them stay out in the wild.”

“Why? Lil and Har are just two innocent children! They have no beastly strength, nor do they pose any threat! You know this! Everyone in the tribe knows this!”

Elder Enge sighed.

“But they are chosen by the Tower. The Tower is omnipotent and omniscient. If the Tower has determined they are tainted by the Old God’s power, then they must be tainted by the Old God’s power. The Tower never allows those tainted to remain outside its control…”

He then tried to comfort him.

“Hafdan, you don’t need to worry too much. Sending them to the Central Tower is not necessarily a bad thing. The Tower is omnipotent, and the taint could also turn into a blessing…”

“Once they go to the Tower, they can not only rid themselves of the curse but may also become Chosen Ones, receiving the grace to merge with the Blessed One or even the Prophets themselves!”

Hafdan, however, shook his head.

“No, I don’t wish for them to become Chosen Ones. It is said that for us mortals, being chosen is the highest honor. But once chosen, they can never leave the Tower, serving the Gods and the Prophets all their lives…”

“Lil is a free-spirited child who hates being restrained, while Har is an introverted boy who quietly endures any grievances…”

“I don’t want them to lose their freedom, and I don’t want them to face those Prophets who possess God-like powers!”

“Hafdan! Do not speak disrespectfully of the Prophets before the Moon Goddess!”

Elder Enge’s expression changed, and he quickly reprimanded.

Hafdan still looked unconvinced, but Elder Enge sighed and said helplessly.

“Hafdan, think carefully. Even if they lose their freedom, serving the Gods at the Central Tower can provide a more affluent and safer life than our tribe.”

“Besides, without the Tower’s power, how long do you think your children can withstand the Old God’s erosion?”

“Yes, they may not have beastly strength, but their weakness is evident. We are mere mortals, and mortals cannot bear powers they are not meant to bear.”

“Hafdan, go home and think it over.”

“Is there… no other way?”

Hafdan was still unwilling to give up.

Elder Enge pondered for a moment and said.

“In fact, if you truly don’t want your children to leave, there is another way…”

“Elder, what way is that?”

Hafdan immediately became excited.

Elder Enge looked at him and said,

“If a Prophet or Blessed One accepts your children as followers, they would not need to go to the Tower to serve the Gods, but only to follow their patron.”

“However… you must understand that becoming a follower of a Blessed One means losing their freedom in another sense.”

Under the Elder Priest’s meaningful gaze, Hafdan felt a surge of emotions, as if he understood something.

“There is no absolute freedom in this world, everyone lives with different shackles… Hafdan, I am tired. Go home and think it over.”

Elder Enge sighed slightly, issuing a subtle dismissal.

Hafdan opened his mouth, then slowly nodded.

He bowed respectfully and turned to leave.

However, just before leaving the hall, Hafdan stopped.

He turned back, hesitated, and said,

“Elder, the Prophets saved the world from the demonic calamity, they are our saviors.”

“I have never doubted this, and I have always held the Prophets in high regard. To me, they represent the most noble and revered beings in the world.”

“But, even without mentioning my children, our tribe has increased our tribute levels three times in the past three years. This exceeds the capabilities of many of our people…”

“Elder, you said that the Prophets are merciful protectors, but… can they always remain so?”

Elder Enge’s face changed slightly, and he reprimanded.

“Hafdan! Watch your words! This is the sacred Tower of Sanctuary!”

Hafdan quickly bowed his head and said,

“Sorry… Elder, I was impulsive.”

With that, he turned and left the hall.

Watching Hafdan’s figure disappear from his sight, Elder Enge’s anger faded, replaced by a complex expression.

He sighed deeply and muttered to himself.

“Merciful? Even if they are no longer merciful, what can we do?”

“After all… we are the ones who need to rely on the protection of the strong to survive…”

“This is a chaotic world where even Gods can fall. We powerless mortals are just struggling ants.”

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