Gospel of Blood

Chapter 246: Forbidden Lock

The conversation between Hafdan and Elder Enge ended, and Charlotte retracted her Eye of Shadow used for surveillance, falling into deep thought.

“So that’s it. Because I intercepted the magic of the Tower of Sanctuary, Elder Enge is convinced I am the so-called Blessed One, thus speaking openly to me…”

“A chaotic era where one must rely on the protection of the strong to survive… It seems that elven rule wasn’t as solid as I thought at this time.”

A small surveillance spell provided Charlotte with a wealth of information.

On one hand, she understood why the priests in the tribe were so kind to her. On the other hand, she gleaned a lot of hidden information from the conversation between Hafdan and Elder Enge.

The attitude of ordinary humans towards elves in this era was not as fanatical and reverent as she had imagined. The rule of the elves had its problems too.

The continuously increasing tributes made even priests like Enge visibly dissatisfied, while hunters and warriors like Hafdan harbored a lot of grievances.

Moreover, the mention of the so-called “Old God’s contamination” particularly caught Charlotte’s attention.

“Lilith and Harald are likely the True Ancestor of Blood and the Creator God in later generations. Could their future ascension be related to this so-called ‘Old God’s contamination’?”

“But that can’t be right. When I interacted with them before, I didn’t sense any contamination. If there really was divine power contamination, I should be able to detect it with the Gospel of Blood.”

“However, there is indeed something wrong with those two kids’ health. Their complexion is much paler than other children of their age, as if their life force has been drained by some power… Maybe I didn’t conduct a thorough enough investigation to find the problem?”

Charlotte touched her chin, lost in thought.

Since discovering Lilith and Harald’s existence, she had taken quite an interest in them.

Whether or not she could find a way to return to the future, it wouldn’t hurt to establish a good relationship with these two.

Even the Tower of Sanctuary was “keeping an eye” on them, so it was unlikely that this was just a coincidence of the same name. It was more likely that they were indeed the mythological Gods of the future!

In that case, there was no need to hesitate. She would get acquainted and curry favor, building a strong relationship early on.

Whether she stayed in this era or returned to the future, it would only be beneficial.

Of course, since she had no point of reference, Charlotte didn’t know whether her current “time travel” would alter history or if her time travel was inherently part of history.

From what she knew, there didn’t seem to be a God with the same name as hers in history.

“Honorable Blessed One, we have arranged a residence for you. Would you like to go there now?”

The warrior responsible for guiding her interrupted Charlotte’s thoughts. He bowed respectfully and asked cautiously.

Seeing his overly cautious manner, Charlotte smiled and shook her head.

“Thank you, but… I would like to walk around the tribe a bit more. Also, while I appreciate Elder Enge’s offer of accommodation, I have already found a place to stay.”

“Huh? Um… where do you plan to stay?”

The warrior was taken aback.

Charlotte replied with a smile.

“Before visiting Elder Enge, I accepted Hafdan’s invitation. I will be staying at his house for the next few days.”

She wasn’t lying. After noticing Charlotte’s fondness for his children, Hafdan had indeed invited her to stay at his home for a few days.

At the time, Charlotte thought he simply wanted to get closer to the “Blessed One”, but after eavesdropping on the conversation, she realized it was probably for the sake of his children’s future.

The mystery of her time travel couldn’t be solved for now, but Lilith and Harald’s issues were certainly something Charlotte cared about.


The warrior looked troubled.

Seeing his expression, Charlotte reassured him with a smile.

“Don’t worry, just report the truth to Elder Enge. He won’t blame you.”

The warrior still hesitated but, considering Charlotte’s noble status, he eventually nodded respectfully and bowed.

“I understand. I will arrange for some people to help prepare Hafdan’s home in advance.”

Charlotte didn’t refuse the warrior’s kindness.

Having lived two lives, she understood his difficulties. With orders from his superior, he wouldn’t feel at ease unless he did something, regardless of the guest’s polite refusal.

Charlotte waited outside the Tower of Sanctuary for a while longer until she saw Hafdan emerge.

Seeing Charlotte waiting, Hafdan was a bit surprised and awkwardly said.

“Blessed Lady, I…”

“You were called by Elder Enge too, right? We talked about many things, and it seems he is very concerned about your hunting trip…”

Charlotte smiled, easing the conversation for him.

Hafdan was momentarily stunned, then quickly said,

“Oh… yes, indeed.”

The usually young-looking Storm Hunter was clearly not good at lying, with an expression that was both unnatural and uneasy.

He scratched his head and awkwardly changed the topic.

“So… what are your plans now?”

“I already told Elder Enge that I will be staying in the Northern Mountain Tribe for a while.”

Charlotte replied.

Hafdan’s spirits lifted, and he asked hopefully.

“Then you…”

Charlotte smiled slightly, glanced at the warrior beside her, and said,

“I already informed this warrior that I will be staying at your house for the next few days.”

Hafdan was overjoyed.

“Great! Blessed Lady, Lilith and Harald will be so happy! Tamia too!”

“Then let’s go back. It’s getting late, and I’m a bit tired.”

Charlotte looked at the gradually darkening sky and smiled.

“Yes! Let’s go back! Let’s go back!”

Hafdan was very pleased.

Following Hafdan, Charlotte retraced her steps back to his home.

However, when they arrived, they found a crowd gathered in the courtyard.

Seeing the murmuring residents and hearing his wife’s anxious calls from inside, Hafdan’s expression changed. He quickly squeezed through the crowd.

“Tamia! What happened? Tamia?”

Seeing Hafdan, the gathered residents stopped talking and quickly made way.

“It’s Hafdan.”

“Hafdan, you’re back! Go inside and see, Lilith and Harald fainted again.”

“Yes, it seems serious this time. We were about to carry them to the tower to see the Elder…”

Hafdan’s face turned pale.

“Lilith! Harald!”

He cried out, rushing inside.

Lilith and Harald fainted?

Charlotte was slightly taken aback and followed him inside. As soon as she entered, she saw a worried Tamia and the two unconscious children lying on simple stretchers.

“Lilith! Harald! Hang in there! I’ll take you to the Tower of Sanctuary right away!”

Hafdan had already reached the stretcher, replacing someone to carry it.

But the next moment, he was stopped by Charlotte.

“Wait a moment, Sir Hafdan…”

“Blessed Lady?”

Hafdan was stunned.

Charlotte’s gaze fell on Lilith and Harald.

Seeing their pale faces and sensing the faint extraordinary aura around them with her bloodborne instincts, she pondered and said,

“Before taking them to the tower, let me take a look.”

Hafdan hesitated.

But seeing Charlotte’s thoughtful expression, his anxious look was quickly replaced by hope.

“Quick! Blessed Lady, please take a look!”

He immediately set down the stretcher, making way for Charlotte.

Charlotte approached the two children.

After a moment’s hesitation, she placed her hands on their foreheads.

Activating her magic, Charlotte cast a blood detection spell.

However, before the detection spell could respond, her Gospel of Blood reacted first.

『The Gospel of Blood has detected an ongoing divine ritual—』

『Ritual Name: Forbidden Lock』

『Caster: Mage Tower No. 58』

『Target: Lilith, Harald』

『Spell Effect: A bloodline divine ritual developed by a corrupted Moon Goddess priest, released within the range of the Mage Tower. It locks and restricts the bloodlines and talents of born extraordinaries. Before the lock is lifted, it continuously consumes and deprives the target’s life force. The stronger the extraordinary potential, the faster the consumption, until the target dies.』

『Interception Probability: 100%』


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