Gospel of Blood

Chapter 247: Restored Divine Power from Interception

Bloodline divine ritual? Forbidden Lock?

Seeing the crimson words appear in her vision, Charlotte’s eyelids twitched uncontrollably.

The information revealed by the divine ritual detected by the Gospel of Blood was so overwhelming that even Charlotte, a seasoned traveler from the future, was momentarily stunned.

However, after understanding the effect of the divine ritual, she was slightly enlightened.

“Bloodline and talent restriction for born extraordinaries…”

“No wonder even in an era tainted by Old Gods, where magical beasts with extraordinary powers exist, the humans of the Northern Mountain Tribe remain ordinary. It turns out the elves have been using divine rituals to prevent the emergence of extraordinaries.”

“Suppressing the emergence of extraordinaries, labeling those who survive as tainted by Old Gods, and taking them all to the Central Tower for management…”

“This is probably how the elves maintain their rule in this era and prevent the spread of extraordinary power.”

Charlotte’s mind raced, quickly understanding many issues of this era.

The elves, having crossed the ocean, began the age of civilization on the Myria continent, also initiating the extraordinary era.

However, the specifics of how the elves declined have always been a matter of debate.

Some say the elves exhausted their racial power and potential in endless battles with the Old Gods, leading to their decline.

Others claim the Moon Goddess Artemis, tired and weary from the constant struggles, chose to withdraw, indirectly causing the elves’ downfall.

Regardless of the theory, it is universally acknowledged that the elves’ influence waned as the extraordinary powers from the Mythic Era emerged.

But now, considering this divine ritual, Charlotte had new hypotheses.

Elves have always been proud, to the point of disregarding other races entirely.

Setting up a divine ritual specifically to suppress extraordinary power in human tribes suggests that even the proud elves felt threatened.

From this perspective, it’s plausible that the elves gradually lost their unique advantage in wielding extraordinary power as it proliferated among humans and other races, eventually being surpassed by those with far superior reproduction rates.

As for how humans, originally without extraordinary power, came to possess it, the answer seemed evident.

The wild beasts of this era are the magical beasts of the future.

And the power of these beasts comes from the slumbering Old Gods of Myria.

If beasts could gain such power, humans likely could too!

“Extraordinary power originates from Gods… I always dismissed this as church propaganda, but now it seems it might be true!”

“All extraordinaries’ powers… their source might indeed be the Gods!”

Charlotte pondered, understanding many things.

However, one aspect still intrigued her.

Corrupted Moon Goddess Priest…

What does “corrupted” entail?

“Blessed Lady, how are Lil and Har?”

Hafdan’s voice, filled with worry, snapped Charlotte back to the present.

Seeing his anxious expression, she paused and said,

“Their life force is too weak, which is why they fell unconscious.”

“But don’t worry, I can solve the problem affecting them.”

With so many onlookers, Charlotte refrained from revealing the detected divine ritual and had no intention of getting involved in the elves’ schemes.

For her, the priority was attempting to achieve her Silver Moon breakthrough and see if she could return to her own time.

However, considering Lilith and Harald’s potential future identities, she felt it worthwhile to intervene.

From a strategic perspective, aiding these significant figures early on couldn’t hurt.

If they could survive even without her help, why not lend a hand and build goodwill?

“You can solve their problem!?”

Hafdan exclaimed in surprise.

He quickly reassured himself.

“No, you definitely can! After all, you’re the Blessed One!”

Then, to Charlotte’s shock, he knelt before her.

“Lord Blessed One, please save my children! I swear to the Moon Goddess, I will give you everything I have!”

Startled, Charlotte quickly helped him up.

“Hafdan, please rise. You’ve taken great care of me. Without you, I might have been devoured by wild beasts.”

“Saving Lilith and Harald is my duty, especially since… I am fond of them.”

She turned to the two children on the stretcher.

“Everyone, please step back. I need space to purify them.”


Hafdan was puzzled but quickly complied, instructing everyone to step back.

Under curious gazes, Charlotte placed her hands gently on the children’s foreheads.

Next, a dazzling light radiated from her palms, dreamlike and enchanting.

Light extraction spell.

A minor bloodborne illusion spell with little practical use beyond dazzling the eyes.

Charlotte was merely putting on a show.

Her real action was using the Gospel of Blood to intercept the divine ritual affecting Lilith and Harald.

As she intercepted it, their condition visibly improved, and their breathing steadied.

When the light faded, the children stirred, slowly opening their eyes.

The onlookers erupted in excitement.

“They’re awake! They’re really awake!”

“The Blessed One solved what even the Elder Priest couldn’t in an instant!”

“Divine power! It must be divine power!”

The crowd’s admiration for Charlotte grew.

Hafdan, overjoyed, rushed to the children.

“Lil! Har!”

Charlotte smiled at the sight of the happy reunion.

But then, she felt a sudden surge within her, her eyes widening.

When she successfully intercepted the divine ritual, the Gospel of Blood within her restored a small amount of divine power!

Just like when she intercepted the Holy Court’s divine ritual.

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