It's been 2 weeks since Valencia has started her 'training' to resist love and it has truly been a hectic cause of headache for Xiao, who was getting more and more weirded out by the strange woman with her mist-like face, though even then he has come to enjoy her company in a way, she helped fill a small part of his loneliness.

She had become much more of a friend? well, he wasn't sure, there was a nagging feeling in him that he had met her before but he didn't delve more into it, after all, he won't live for long...

While it was different from Valencia as she was having a roller coaster of emotions she never knew she could have, every day she would stick onto Xiao, trying to gain immunity to her feelings but somehow it seems to be working yet not working.

She would feel her heart getting light when he smiled, she would feel her emotions become sadder when his smile disappeared, she would feel angry when she saw the loss of life in his eyes, all her time she would spend watching him, looking at his sleeping face had somehow become her hobby, it was the only time she could see his true face.

She would feel herself lighting up with happiness just being beside him, the world somehow seemed to be more colorful.

Everything was.....divine.

Valencia was laughing wholeheartedly for the first time, all this while her smiles were created just to 'fit' in, to use her beauty to manipulate the world to her bidding, this was the first time she had ever felt so free...

But what shook her was the more she watched Xiao the more she started to understand that...

He was a dead man walking.

Nothing in the world seemed to be motivating him, while he acted all normal, she could see that it's just the last remaining embers of what is left of the man Xiao, she could clearly see the curse that the heavens has placed on Xiao, a curse that's eating him from the inside.

Valencia couldn't understand why she was even attracted to him, sure the memories and the things she saw were affecting her but it would have been the same were it any other person, she had seen countless talented and powerful people, as the intelligence behind the heavenly Opposers, she had seen her fair share of heaven defiers.

Her best ally, that guy is a walking disaster, his talent simply ridiculous and extreme, his looks too great but that was all, she felt that he was an ally, his tries to get her attention never worked but that was due to her emotions being suppressed to the maximum, what if she were to return now? would his relentless chasing of her affect her?

This simple question brewed more within Valencia's mind, hence she made a decision as she disappeared, she returned back to where she belonged, curiosity filling her mind and a side dish of revenge brewing deep.


A week later she reappeared, Valencia floated in the skies, her eyes much more serious than they ever were,

It was the same...

She had gone back her emotions free but it had changed nothing, no great genius or that guy made her feel anything, all she felt while she left was an agonizing feeling of lose, hence she questioned herself, what was it that was driving her to him? other than the feelings of the past and it then hit her, there was one thing about him that kept scratching her curiosity.

It was his...fate.

She had never seen a fate like this, the brightest and greatest fate she had ever seen was 'that' guy, the leader of the Heavenly Opposers, it was shinning so brightly and full of desire that it blinded her but that's all she felt, she was blinded by it, it was pure and attractive but she felt as if it was...


But Xiao's is something different, no matter how much she tried, she couldn't see the end, she had questioned it, this past week she researched it, his life was connected to several powerful and immensely talented people, yet he turned out ordinary, how was that possible?

Talent attracts talents and monsters attract monsters.

That was the law, so how had his fate been so poor? or was his fate taken from him? but no matter how she looked she couldn't see any meddling of those bastards, no, this was something beyond her level, even she with all under her couldn't see through the true extent of Xiao's fate, it was ever ending, it was breaking and fixing, it was chaos. was fighting against fate itself.

Some part of fate desired his demise, another part was fighting to grant him what was truly his and in the middle of it all was Xiao's true desire, a will stuck between two giants, yet it had still not extinguished.

It was so beautiful that she was memorized by it, she was sinking in deeper and deeper and she couldn't stop, hence began her trips to him, due to her duties she couldn't stay with him for long, hence once every week she would visit him, spending time with him, getting to know him, slowly what was a budding seed grew into something much greater,

"So what did you hear about Yurou?"

Xiao asked,

"I haven't got the information yet but soon"

Valencia's 'cold' voice was heard, while deep inside her heart ached she already had the information and she knew Xiao wasn't going to like it, due to her selfish desire she hid it.

Hence time went on, 6 months had passed,

'I am sure that this will surprise him'

Valencia thought as a smile lit her face, within her gasp was a treasure that could completely change Xiao, it might even give him a fair shot to change his current situation, hence with an expecting mind she headed towards the same location but this time for some reason she felt her heart beat faster, she felt a bad premonition,

'No, nothing can happen, I have already set up things to protect him'

She tried to calm herself but this feeling still stayed hence she pulled the thread of fate arriving at Xiao's location only to see a member of the heavenly Opposers driving his sword through Xiao's heart, his powerful sword completely destroying Xiao and his chance of revival, seeing it Valencia's mind went blank.

She had the power to peer some fate, hence she knew if death was close but due to Xiao's messed up arrangement she couldn't ever get a read on his true life length, the powers she set up should have protected him but they were of no use against her members, they were on a league by themselves, plus even the lowest members were given a special treasure that helped them defy some fate, a treasure made by Valencia,

'I-I killed him'

'He's dead....'

'He died because of me'

'Why do I feel that the world is spinning?'

'Huh, but how can he die?'

For the first time in Valencia's life, she felt something break within her but before it could go anywhere the side effects she was suffering through disappeared, her mind suppresser returned at full force sealing away all her feelings, its power enhanced,

'Oh, he died'

Just such a thought passed through her mind, she turned around walking away, her mind already frozen but a single tear slid down her face falling to the ground, the first tear she ever shed, the mind suppresser had played its role but what it didn't know was that it was suppressing something beyond what it could even suppress.

That day a part of Valencia died, unknown to her, something which should have made her great was lost that day, by the time she realized it, it would have been too late.

Some feelings should never be shut down, it would only create monsters, monsters without remose, only when they are let free will they grow....

And once it freed itself chaos would reign.

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