Valencia walked away her back not even turning once while Xiao's body fell to the ground, there was a hint of peace on his face, while a regret grew in his heart that he couldn't get to know what had happened to Yurou, like that the story of two people connected by fate severed that day.

An unknown time later:

'So this is the end?'

Valencia thought as she gazed at the destruction that was consuming the cosmos, she sat at an enormous throne, her eyes gazing at the Heavenly tree which was rotting away, it had lived through time immemorial, yet now it's fading away dying and soon so will she.

Her gaze remained calm within the impending doom, all around her the cosmos was breaking and decaying away, trillions of lives being lost and forgotten, Valencia had changed a lot, she had gone through many things but even in the end, they had lost to 'it', no matter how heaven defying talent they had, in the end, they all failed to stop the end.

Even that 'guy' with all his ridiculous blessing of power and talent had fallen, all that was left was she, who was barely resisting the decay, using the last remaining fate of the very cosmos itself to sustain her life, a feat that will tremble all the realms but now who was she to share these moments with? what was remaining for her?

She had reached powers and height others could barely imagine, gods that reigned supreme backed off, ancients that hid in plain sights feared her, supreme beings of time and even space dare not belittle her, and even the Origins treated her with respect, after all, she is...

The bewitching Fateless God.

She had everything and now there is nothing, everything she knew is already long gone, her mother, her masters, her allies, they have all gone and she will soon join them, her hands turned to the stone in her gasp, this was something capable of changing, giving the world a second chance but will it help?

'No, it won't'

Valencia shook her head, she knew even if she went back, even if she knew everything she would not be able to change the outcome of the cosmos, no matter how much they prepare, no matter how much she planned, against 'it' nothing would have worked, death would be imminent,

'But why do I feel that I am missing something?'

Within the vast emptiness that surrounded her Valencia couldn't describe what she was feeling, her eyes reflected death but she couldn't feel anything, she had long since forgotten the last time she has felt, musing to herself she decided to do something that she hadn't done in a long time.

She chose to remove her suppressor!

She had long since gotten complete control of her powers after all strength is only useful if you have control over your powers, she had never thought of removing her suppressor because she knew once she did all the feelings of pain, sadness, regret, hate, everything would hit her and Valencia wasn't sure if she could handle it.

But now everything was ending, what was she to worry about? and soon the suppressor was removed, just as she did, she felt her body tremble, emotions that were surpassed for who knows long was ripping her body apart, her cultivation started to crack, her mind space began to break, pain like no other filled her entire body.

She was breaking away....

Years of holding back had begun to destroy her from the inside out, just releasing the seal on her feelings was killing her!

'I see'

Valencia calmly understood, the pain filling her didn't matter much, she was to die anyway, this was just prolonging the inevitable, soon her mind began to drift everything she built for her cracking away, and her gaze moved to the stone in her hand, her mind darted to the treasure that lay within her dimension, treasures that would drive even gods mad.

It was then that she noticed something peculiar, among all the treasures that lay, one remained unmatched to the others, it was a paper crown.....

'What's this?'

For a moment confusion filled Valencia's mind, her hands moved as the crown paper appeared in her arms, it was a common-looking paper crown that didn't have anything special about it, yet placed upon it is the highest level of time preservation formation she ever had,

'Why do I have this?'

Valencia couldn't remember why she had something like this, just as she was thinking her mind shook again, a memory which was sealed away in the depth of her mind cracked and soon it flooded her like no other, events kept crazily being played through, each one sweeter than the other, compared to all her memories it was short but somehow it affected her the most,

'How could I have forgotten?'

Valencia's eyes started to brawl out, tears didn't fall even at the most toughest of pain yet for a man she had lost, tears that should have been shed eons ago finally got the chance to fall, pain, the emotional pain of loss filled her, shortening her eventual demise.

Some memories of people are too traumatic for them to remember, hence a part of their brain locks such memories away to protect the body, in Valencia's case the mind suppressor unable to deal with the heavy feeling had chosen to seal all the memories relating to Xiao, thus effectively removing any problems,

'I see.....I finally understood master.....'

Valencia finally understood the last part of her second master's teaching, her eyes had turned red blood tears started to fall down, she closed her eyes as the memories of her entire life flashed through her and it was then that she understood.....

She was alone.


A name long lost, a name of a man that no one remembers, yet at the end of the cosmos it was the very name that filled Valencia's entire mind, body, and soul,

<My daughter, find your happiness>

Valencia's mother spoke as she died.

<Disciple you have done it all but when will you truly be selfish?>

Her first master and someone whom she considered as her second mother asked with saddened eyes as the last of her soul embers disappeared.

<Valencia, you have lost it all, it will be only at the end will you truly understand the loneliness of the top>

Her second master spoke, right before she took her own life.

'Love... it's so sweet and sickening'

Valencia thought as she stood up from the throne, her body breaking apart, she held the paper crown as she dearly placed it at the top of her head, no other treasure right now could compare to its value, because somewhere within her it meant that she was not truly alone,

"Looks like I now have a true goal"

Valencia spoke as she chuckled, her eyes turned dark, while a crazy smile took her face, obsession like no other wrapped around her entire being, soon she burned her entire being as she peered into the fate too back into the past, normally this shouldn't have been possible but the elements of the cosmos were in shambles and Valencia has used her entire self to make this change in fate.

Her hands moved around the strings as she made a minor change of the past, just one thing and it was killing her but she was satisfied, her crazy smile widening,

"Xiao, this time big sis will not let you go"

Her soft voice that sounded calm yet deadly was heard, love that threatened to swallow everything whole filled her eyes, so she crushed the stone as her entire body disappeared.

Feelings that had been suppressed for eons had let go but what chaos would this love bring?, how heavy would the love of a woman known as the Bewitching Fateless God be?

No, what craziness would a crazy woman in love bring?

No one could answer the question, as the entirety of the cosmos was destroyed, the last thing that remained in the cosmos was a simple paper crown.

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