"Were you scared?"

Xiao asked as he patted his sister back, she leaned onto him hugging him tightly, just as he was talking with Yurou his sister had blasted in, hugging him and taking advantage of him under the name of the thunder that was heard above but Xiao being the indulging brother he is, just accepted it with a smile,

"How's the situation mother?"

Xiao asked to Yun Lan who now sat in front of him,

"Its a mess, from my resources, I got to know that every living thing heard that sound, this is causing some small unrest everywhere"

"Any concrete information?"

Xiao asked,

"Nothing yet"

Yun Lan replied as her hands kept tapping on the table,

'She's cooking up some idea'

Xiao who knew his mother the best understood that something was brewing in his mother's mind,

"Plans to take advantage of this chaos?"

Xiao asked, making Yun Lan break out of her thoughts, a helpless smile came to her face,

"Am I that easy to read?"

"Nope, just your son knows you best"

Xiao's reply brought a heartfelt smile to Yun Lan's face as she chuckled,

"Yeah, I do have some plans"

"Good, I can help"

"I know"

Yun Lan said with a loving smile, only reserved for her family, it was then her mind lit up as she spoke,

"Oh! I almost forgot we would need to set out soon"


Xiao asked to which Yun Lan moved through her spatial ring before taking out an invitation and throwing it to Xiao,

"This is?"

"An invitation to the 10th birthday of the prince"

Hearing Yun Lan's response Xiao started to go through the invitation at hand, while Xuanyin who was in his embrace leaned back, placing her back to her brother while making herself comfortable,

"When do we leave?"

Xiao asked to which Yun Lan smilingly replied,

"A week from now"


"The prince...huh"

After some small talk with his family, Xiao moved back into his room, as he planned for what's to come,

'I might need a disguise'

The 8th prince of the Empire is a spoiled brat, who's blessed with great talent that would only boost his ego, he's also named as the cutest and potentially the most handsome man in the lower heavens,

'This is a problem'

Xiao thought as he gazed at his reflection, his looks were more than enough to melt the hearts of devils, his smooth black and white hair that missed perfectly, now contained a much more hint of contradiction, giving it a shinning look, his face was on another level, without any blemish, he literally looked like an angel.

His looks were already a talk of the town, Xiao has already forgotten the number of envious looks he received, plus his cultivation technique was giving me the aura that attracted many, now that added the dreadful feeling of death, gaining people's attention from a single look, right now since he was more on the supreme cute side but that was for now.

Xiao had already seen the hidden glinted looks of certain women, aiming for him, not that it affected him much, he would literally be an Adonis when he grows up but it was only a pain for Xiao, the stupid prince whose ego goes sky high would not take it down if someone whose looks beats him shows up.

It's a stupid reason but that's how it is, here lots of people die for stupid reasons,

'Should I kill him?'

Xiao calmly planned,

'Nah.....too much trouble for a single kill'

In the end, he shook his plans off, for now, it was just his face, he had ways to hide it off, plus if things got too much he will just destroy the empire and wipe out all the proof, the thought of destroying billions of life barley fazed Xiao, as for destroying an Empire? well with his current abilities it might not be too far-fetched.....

"Xiao, you free now?"

Just as he was thinking the voice of Li Lun was heard from outside his room,

"I am free"

Just as he had finished speaking the door was slid open as Li Lun wheeled herself in, moving herself with expert control, within seconds her wheelchair moved beside Xiao,

"What's wrong?"

Seeing the look on Li Lun's face Xiao questioned but he didn't get an answer as a brooding look took Li Lun's face, she herself looked to be in doubt,

"I don't know"

Finally, she spoke, making Xiao more confused, seeing so he moved forward as he got Li Lun's hand, slowly applying pressure on them he spoke with a kind tone,

"Tell me everything"

Hearing his tone Li Lun relaxed, as the scent she was very familiar with filled her nose, his aura calling her and making her feel full,

"I-I feel like something is soon going to happen to me"

"Okay, tell me more"

Listening to the first of Li Lun's words Xiao understood what it was about, meanwhile, Li Lun felt her heart warm up, the idea of her feelings being taken seriously was making her happy,

"Remember the dreams I spoke of?"


"Well they didn't stop, it kept increasing till yesterday"

Reaching here Li Lun turned silent, contemplating her next words,

"But yesterday I didn't have the same dream of the door but an obscure figure appeared in front of me, it said to me it was time and before I could understand more I woke up"

"I see, did anything else happen?"

Xiao questioned,

"Yes, ever since yesterday I keep feeling that my blood is heavier, also my body heats up at times"

Xiao stayed silent as he moved through all the information that he has at hand, he could tell that her awakening was getting close but he couldn't tell when it might take place,

'I need her to be close to me'

Xiao planned, since she had passed the trails before she will be able to pass it now, it won't be a problem but Xiao needs to be close to her when the door to her legacy realm appears,

"Are you scared?"

Xiao asked, seeing that the edges of Li Lun's finger were trembling, even from here he could feel her heart beating faster,


Li Lun replied,

"Li Lun....."

That's all he spoke for the barriers in her heart to break down,

"Yes, I am scared"

She agreed,


He asked, to this she turned her head towards him, her 'gaze' looked at Xiao,

"I feel like something bad is going to happen, I feel that I-I might not see you again, I feel.....lonely"

The more she spoke the more weaker her voice became, seeing it Xiao held her hand stronger,

"If you are scared then stay with me, don't leave my side"

Xiao's unexpected words startled Li Lun as a rosy blush took her face, making her heart beat faster,

"Wh-What are you saying?"

She asked,

"Simple, if you are afraid then stay with me all the time till your fear goes, don't leave me"

Xiao's strong words were making Li Lun's child-like fantasy run more and more wild,

'H-He needs m-me'

Seeing the blush on Li Lun, Xiao could only inwardly shake his head, for the time being, its best not to burst her bubble

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