"So this is my current power?..."

Xiao muttered, as he stood surrounded by carnage, titans of the land broken and destroyed laid at waste, Angles that reigned king of the skies blasted and ripped apart as they lay dead on the ground, Archdemons, Elemental Kings, Bearers Of the Ring Of Destiny, all those that Xiao could imagine lay down, all of them killed.

Right now he was in his mindscape, a gap of reality granted to him by his mental powers, a world of reality where his imagination lay as a God, using it he had stimulated the powers of ancients beings he knew, respecting their power level to his as he battled them in his mind, trying to figure out the limit of his powers,

'Did I get too strong?'

He questioned himself, godly beings of strength that he could only look up to know to lay as wastes, the beautiful wings of Angles dyed black, the haughty heights of titans broken down, the rings of powers of the Ringverese that granted might lay broken and discarded, dragons ripped apart lay, while phoenix that burned now burned out.

It was a display of pure power, of course, Xiao could guarantee that this result wasn't completely possible, a battle will always have an unpredictable outcome, the terrain, the trump cards, and even the weather affect the outcome of a battle, everything will change a battle, plus this was his mental realm battle, it wasn't a completely accurate guess.

Even then what Xiao had achieved is something he never knew he could, the two swords in his hands now dripping with blood, it had long since now a mix of colors he couldn't recognize, and the dark black crown above him twinkled with ominous desire, a dark power now surrounded him, ancient writings of power written over him.

He was cloaked with a dark black covering that had red blood letters written on it but that was not what took one's attention but the army that stood behind him, all those that had faced him now stood behind him, Titans now blazing with darkness, red eyes that burned like fire, angle wings burning, while their beautiful appearance broke to look evil.

Each of them retained their looks but they turned more...deadly.


The name given to his soldiers, brought to work alongside him after death, the truly funny part here is that Xiao as the prince of death bears an army from the Realm of Death itself, when he has total control over his powers, he will be capable of opening the doors of death, bringing out all the creatures bound by the laws of death to the living.

Even the 21 rulers of hell, will walk behind him, ready to fight any wars he speaks of, ready to end any life he desires, for he is..... The Prince Of Death.

'This is enough for now'

Thinking so Xiao closed his eyes as his mindscape started to break down, everything as if it was an illusion started to disappear leaving him in a dark place and soon the world itself was over as Xiao opened his eyes appearing in his room, he was sitting cross-legged on a sofa,

'The battle wasn't completely well, there are several elements that I have to improve upon'

Xiao mused, playing the battle in his mind, as he tried out different ways to earn a better victory, it was then that his eyes traveled to his bed where a girl of 10 slept, her cute face filled with a frown, as she clutched the sheet she lay on, besides the bed sat a wheelchair,

'It's getting closer'

Now it's been two days since he started to keep Li Lun close to him, making sure she doesn't leave his gaze a lot, thus provoking a jealous fit from his little sister that wanted some time alone with him, it took some time for him to pacify her, only after making sure this was temporary did Xuanyin settle down.

He had used the guise of Li Lun's tension to convince the rest, though it did start the rumor of his love for Li Lun, many not able to see why I would even like or even want her, true she might be formidable now among her peers but later on when the cultivation level increases she would only become a burden.

Though the act of Xiao disregarding the rumors and staying to comfort her seemed to increase the love she had for him, the one he found the hardest to deal with was Valencia who keeps spending more and more time with him, while its good that he seems to have become her ally, her attitude towards him was starting to irk and possibly scare him.

Everything about her was different than it should be, right now she was supposed to be the untrusting completely blocked of girl but that now wasn't the case!

By now Xiao had just given up, he was just keeping an eye on her to see if she was planning anything against him, her change in attitude meant less to him, as long as whatever had happened had nothing to do with him, he's happy, it's not like her interest in him will keep increasing, right?


"I'm here"

Hearing Li Lun's call Xiao rushed to her side as he caught her hand, her eyes that were in pain became much more relaxed as he got her hand, soon a few seconds later she opened her eyes, causing them to match with Xiao's, for a moment both of them 'gazed' at each other, Li Lun's soulless eyes seemed to sparkle before which a blush came up Li Lun's face,

"Good morning"

Xiao spoke to which she shyly nodded her head, her blush deepening across her face,

"Did you dream about it again?"

Xiao asked to which Li Lun nodded her head, she reluctantly left Xiao's hand as she used her hands to push her up, leaning against the headrest of the bed, her eyes looking lost for a moment,

"The dreams are getting more and more real, the feeling I used to get is now much more clear"

"I see..."

Xiao replied as he nodded his head, his mind flashing with thoughts on the current situation, it was then that Li Lun spoke,

"Didn't you sleep?"

Her questing prompts Xiao to shake his head,

"I couldn't go to sleep, plus I didn't know when you will need my help"

Hearing his words a sweet feeling filled Li Lun's heart, before which it turned bitter, a helpless smile came to her face as her eyes 'looked' to the top as a single tear slipped down her face,

"I am useless aren't I?'

She asked making Xiao focus on her not speaking as he listened to her vent, Li Lun understanding his intention smiled as she continued,

"Here I thought I had changed but the truth is I am still a burden, scared of everything, I might be winning now but for how long will that last?"

Li Lun asked pointing to no one, an expression of pain filled her face,

"I try and I try yet I know deep down that I won't be better than the others, one day they will move much forward than I ever could, and maybe I one day you will give me up too"

The last of her words draining all the strength within Li Lun, the feeling of danger was bringing out the insecurities in her heart, pouring them out,

"I am scared Xiao, I am truly scared, everything's a blur, sometimes I just want to give up, what's the use of working so hard knowing that someone who works less than me will do better than me?"

Her question laced with despair, under the cold face she puts on the lay a very delicate heart that just seeks love,

"Everyone says that I am not good for you, maybe that's true, they say your looks changed after your awakening yet I cannot tell how you look, am I worthy?"

She asked and Xiao remained silent, taking it all in before which he opened his mouth,

"You're not worthy"

He spoke.

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