"You're not worthy"

Xiao replied with a dry gaze and voice, shocking Li Lun, her eyes widened, her body trembled, while her Qi became mixed, seeing this Xiao once again inwardly shook his head, and his hand moved forward as he caught hers. A chilling silence now filled the room, Xiao sat beside Li Lun holding her hand, it took some time but she did calm down, seeing it Xiao continued,

"Why does all this fear fill you?'

He asked, looking at the girl who seemed to have lost her world as she lay on the headrest, her head to the top,

"Why would what others say affect you? would they be there with you on your death? would they go out of their way to fight for you? or would they try to save you?"

He questioned, deciding to teach this little girl some truths, most of the kids in the cultivation world mature much early, the surroundings, the Qi everything adds to the factor, if Xiao were to compare, the 10-year-olds here would have a maturity of 16 years old back at the world of Ingrid. The Qi here is the main reason for such development,

"All the people that mock and taunt you, why do you care if they are mere strangers? only the words of the people you care about should affect you? only the words of people to who you have opened your heart should affect you"

Xiao said, trying to put life back into this girl, while she was much more mature than the others of her age, she still hasn't gone through much, her mentality was still developing and Xiao accepts it if a kid of her age didn't have this reaction then who would? it's okay to have such thoughts, it only matters that they leave you as you grow.

But in this case, it would seem that they were swallowing Li Lun and if it continues then only a bad ending awaits her, holding her hands tighter he continued,

"Li Lun, remember my words are just words, even if I say all this you will never understand it all but all I wish is that you don't become completely dependent on just a person's words or life, you are you, even if words hurt you must go above them"

Li Lun slowly started to react as her head turned towards Xiao, her eyes now 'focused' on him,

"Tell me am I the type of person to say such words to you?"

He asked, to which Li Lun shook her head,

"That is what I meant, what if I was a person in disguise, would have my words crush your spirit?'

He asked but they both knew the answer to that question, it would. A smile now lit Xiao's face,

"Don't be swayed by words Li Lun, even if I am to reject you would you stop trying?"

To his question, she shook her head,

"See, you just don't give up first, become more smarter, more independent, don't let the small words of life sway what you hold dear"

Saying so Xiao patted Li Lun's head as his words were now and forever being engraved into her heart,

"it is okay to feel sad, angry, or disappointed, everyone has the right to be so, for that is life, it only depends on if you're able to push through all those pain and I promise you, there will be your happiness waiting for you at the end"

His light pat on her head, along with his words, received deep into Li Lun, becoming the core of her future, words she will live by. Meanwhile, Xiao slowly yet calmly still pet her head,

"If you ever feel lonely never hold your feelings back, do you think I don't see it? are you trying your best to act mature? even the strongest needs a time of weakness, so learn to embrace your past and pain, and if you ever need a place to vent know that I and all the people that care about you will be there"

As his words finished, Xiao took his hand back as he looked at the brooding face of Li Lun, this time tears didn't grace her face, nor did a cry of sadness leave her heart, only a smile of understanding bloomed, she still hadn't understood everything that Xiao had spoken of, for she hadn't lived her life yet.

But she still felt her spirit rise from his words, clouds that seemed to hang over her head lifted off, yes she is scared, yes she fears for her future and yes she fears being separated from him but would that stop her?...

....No...It would not.

If she were to look down on her hard work, wasn't she looking down on herself? why did she then put in all the effort? she didn't know how long she will live but she has no desire to live her life in regret, what the future held she didn't know but she knew one thing....

Thinking so her head turned to the boy on her side, the only thing she could see is his aura, an aura that has already being itched to her heart, his smell has long since become her favorite smell, his heartbeat her favorite sound, feeling his presence her favorite past time and feeling his touch her is her drive to move, long before she knew he had already taken a part of herself,

'Yes, as long as he's there what life should I fear?'

Li Lun thought, her mind and belief going in the direction that Xiao had pointed out, with a small change in trajectory, a sense of another understanding bloomed within her, somehow Xiao has the ability to instill a misunderstanding he never thought of or it would be more accurate to say that the girls were crazy enough to twist all his words into something else.

Just as her thoughts were affirmed, face beyond the realms, within the twinkling stars of the unknown, a single constellation started to shine and shake, a dense grey light started to shine out of it before it spread out far and wide, a screech left it, its light blasting forth and covering the rest, displaying its dominance.

Sentries shook awake, they who were monitoring the rise and fall of several constellations didn't hesitate as they started to send the news of the awakening of a new constellation, one that existed for long and one's power that no one could underestimate.

While deep within the realm of the void a tome made of utter darkness started to shake, a very similar grey light leaving the tome, the entire void Qi trembled to the grey, and soon a minute later a humongous eye opened above the tome, a single eye that gazed at the tome with feverous emotions,

"Finally! a successor has been chosen!"

Its hoarse voice resounding around the room, shaking it to the core, once again a restlessness spread around the cosmos, unknown to all, the disturbance in the cosmos being led by a single human boy.

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