Xiao who went into a daze quickly regained himself, his eyes narrowing at the woman in front of him, he knew himself, he wasn't one to fall into a daze just because a woman is beautiful, there was something more at play,


'It's her ability, her void grace has reached such a level that her beauty is subconsciously altering your mind'

Reaper replied to Xiao's question causing him to raise his guard,

'If it wasn't for the protection around you, the moment you gazed at her you'd be brain dead'

Reaper added, making Xiao's vigilance reach its height, such power capable of killing you without you even knowing about it is the most dangerous one,

"Oh? did you break out? looks like my successor has found someone special"

The woman replied as her eyes glinted with interest and for the first time she gazed at the boy truly, her eyes rising in surprise at the things she was capable of seeing,

"A death user not belonging to those bastards' faction? I wonder how he will react"

The woman said with an interested peeked tone, her eyes trying to peer into the person in front of her wishing to know more but no matter how much she tried the secrets she was able to gaze at were basic things that Xiao was showing her, with All-Seer with him who could gaze at his secret without him giving them the permission?

Only beings at the caliber of Reaper will be capable of seeing through him but those are the beings at the very top, even above the plane of Origin, and the one in front of Xiao does not have any sort of such power.


Name: Teressa Van Voidian Villeiana Verose

Title: The Bearer Of The Stigma Of Void, The Forgotten Void, Empress Of Nothingness...etc

Alignment: Chaotic Evil

Cultivation: None

Legacy Creator: Void Breaking Pierce

Current State: Last Remaining Wisp Of Conscious


'A last stand of power.....huh'

Xiao derived as he quickly saw through the information about the woman in front of him but before he could even react she was in front of him her forefinger on his chin raising his head as she gazed at him, an amusements brewing within her,

"My....my with your looks when you grow up Adonis and Apollo might have to step back, you have to be careful little kid"

She spoke her voice containing a mind-breaking allure but Xiao didn't fall into it as he shakes her hand off his face, the touch of her skin on him was smooth enough to rival the smoothest silk,

"Xiao, who is there?"

Li Lun suddenly asked as she felt the other presence in the vicinity, the aura that she was feeling for the first time somehow looked closer to her? as if the person in front of her was her family? but no matter what Li Lun was unable to feel any sort of bad influence or danger from the third presence but her voice still had gained an edge as she spoke.

Her natural jealousy comes into play when she got to know that the one whose close to her fiancee is a woman,

"You actually broke all my expectations, my child"

This time Teressa's voice was loving as it could be, a natural good willing smile gracing her face as she patted Li Lun's head, who for some reason felt uncomfortable with the idea of pushing the hand away, her body somehow feeling rejuvenated with the pat and her mind being cleared,

"Where are we and who are you?"

Xiao who was being ignored asked back, making sure to keep a reasonable distance from the Teressa in front of him, his instincts were screaming that the woman in front of him is trouble,

"Who am I? well that's a very broad question"

Teressa chuckled as she replied, her hand snapping as a small common looking throne rose from the ground, she took up Li Lun and sat on the throne and she placed Li Lun on her lap, her hands patting her hair, all the while Li Lun was unable to oppose these actions, somehow feeling right at home here,

"What is going on?"

The blinded Li Lun asked, her back leaning onto Teressa, whose eyes flashed with complex light as she looked at Li Lun,

"Well in simpler terms my child, you are now going to be rewarded for all the suffering you went through"


Li Lun asked confused, while Xiao who was seeing all this could only shake his head as he took a seat on the ground knowing that Teressa doesn't seem to give a shit about him, well it's natural, people who reach those levels of power rarely try to form good connections with anyone weaker, not just due to disdain but also due to fear of loss.

The higher you grow means the higher you reach, your life length and status would be too high for just anyone to enter your life, and your heart would accept connections, thus any good connections you have in high cultivation would mean that they would have a place in your heart, hence how could they see the one's they care about die?

In a way that would affect your life, this is the main reason that ancient beings that reached the supreme level of power will close off their hearts and won't even interact much with their descendants, why should they bear the pain of seeing their children turn old and die? unable to reach your power?

Well in Xiao's case it would be more accurate to say that Teressa doesn't really care about him, her eyes were focused on Li Lun,

"Child do you know why you suffer?"

Teressa asked, to which Li Lun shook her head, seeing this Teressa smiled as she placed her forefinger on her head, Li Lun wet into a daze for a moment before which she recovered, her eyes now red with bitter feelings sprouting within her, turning her head to Teressa she spoke,

"Why did you have to choose me?"

Her voice displayed her anger, resentment, and hate for everything she went through, her hands raising themselves up as she started to hit Teressa with all her strength, her pure hatred fueling her powers, sadly it wasn't making any change on Teressa who would only take up the 'beating' she was receiving.

Meanwhile, Xiao continued to sit on the ground gazing at the scene in front of him, his black cloak still surrounding his body, protecting him,

'I wonder will your resentment still burn like this later?'

Xiao questions within himself, Li Lun being young as she is has all the right to be angry, her pain needed to vent, for otherwise she will never be able to move forward nor will she in the future be able to understand the might of what was gifted to her, right now she will hate it but in the future, her heart will only contain infinite gratitude for what she had gained.

Xiao knew that the higher you go the more you see how cruel power really is, the whole of the 4 realms you climb only gets worse the higher you go, while society and laws exist it is just a small thin paper that could be easily be broken, for if Reaper were to ask for the death of someone who would dare to stop it?

No, all of the ones alive and dead will scramble to bring the head Reaper desires, that is power, and the more you live, the more you will appreciate having the power to live and survive for in this deadly world, only having power will you be able to truly live.

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