Li Lun's tears and cry had filled the land, her entire pain, anger, and reluctance filling her voice, while Teresa just took it all in, not denying any of the words or accusations thrown at her, she knew what she had done and she had long made peace with it, the price of her power was high and only the one she deems worthy could wield her power,

"Did you release all your anger?"

Teresa finally asked as Li Lun had calmed down, Teresa calmly patted her head as Li Lun laid back, all her strength leaving her body, she had thrown everything away, her body losing its strength, while Xiao sat at a distance from them, gazing calmly at the girl throwing all her tantrums and her hidden fears out.

She might have only lost her sight and legs for some time but those times would be a part of her, the pains and desires that filled her will be a huge part of her cultivation path, and everything she faced would only be added to the strength she has,

'This time I hope you find true happiness, I hope you don't end up like before'

Thinking so the image of a broken tired woman filled his mind, nothing about her could be seen, only darkness covered her body but one thing could be seen, her eyes.....

They were dead and lifeless, they were very similar to the past Xiao, her gaze formed from the world breaking you, from all the difficulties that had piled on you, they had become so large that they had broken you, once again claiming another victim.

Xiao broke out of his thoughts as he looked at the tired Li Lun, the image of the past slowly breaking away from her, creating a new path for her to walk,

'You saved my life once and I have now changed the trajectory of your path and I will make sure that this world will not take you up as another victim...again'

Xiao promised, not just because of the past but because he wants to, all these months he had come to see what type of person the girl is in front of him, she was strong yet weak, she was cruel yet kind, with her awakening so early things had already started to change, the path she walks will be hers and hers alone,

"Do you hate me?"

Teresa asked to which Li Lun un-hesitantly answered,

"I do, I hate you"

"Good, then use that drive to become stronger, to become better than me"

Teresa answered with a smile, her eyes shining for a bit as she spoke more,

"If that isn't enough use the boy as your goal, if you don't get stronger you will lose him"

Her second words earned Li Lun's true attention as she 'looked' at the Xiao who sat on the ground, seeing it Teresa smiled, her eyes twinkling with mischief,

"You know some Goddess are very competitive, especially from the Greek pantheon, if they see him, they will definitely take him away as a trophy, do you want that?"

Teresa asked, making Li Lun tremble, her mind flashing with viciousness, while her desire blasted out,


This time her scream was much louder than before, her heart rejecting the very notion of such thought, she refused to yield, she refused to give way, even if it wasn't long, she had her whole life toyed with, her desires played with and her life at the whims of others and she hated it to her very core!

Again and again and again, she had to hold back her true intentions, to back down, to be inferior, to know that she might never see the light, see the color, see the sun nor will she ever be able to gaze at the boy she loves, she kept holding back every time! but no more...

In the past, she could connect it to not having enough strength, not having a powerful backing, not having sight, not having world-breaking talent, and not being special.....

But could she anymore? NO!

She was now given a chance and if she kept backing out anymore then she has no one to blame but herself, after being given all this, if she still fears to face what's to come, then she deserves to lose everything she has!

"I will accept your legacy!"

Li Lun screamed out, making the smile on Teresa widen, seeing this Xiao helplessly shook his head,

'Were you a scammer in the past?'

Xiao internally questioned, as he saw how Teresa has guided Li Lun's thoughts, he wasn't against it, as he knew Li Lun getting this inheritance would only be good for her, having power was just the start.

As soon as Li Lun's words were heard the world they were in started to tremble, the grey surroundings trembling, the land they were sitting on quacking, cracks spreading across the land, and the grey surroundings started to rush towards Li Lun, soon encompassing Li Lun in a grey blurring cocoon, it started to beat with life, the sound being heard across.

Now only Xiao and Teresa remained as they stood face to face, both of them quietly accessing the other,

"You hold the heart of my successor"

Teresa spoke, her eyes narrowing, the smile she had receding, while a bloodthirsty aura covered her body, corpses of millions appearing like hallucinations behind her, her body becoming blurry as only three deadly eyes could be seen, Xiao raised his head as a humongous figure materialized above, its true figure becoming a terror to all.

A body that extended to no end, the lower body breaking and twisting, it was a mixture of hundreds of bodies, becoming absolutely disgusting, above himself three humongous eyes looked down upon, sinister intention brewing within those eyes, just gazing at it was more than enough to break the will of the strongest hearts.

While all this happened Xiao just sat on the ground, his legs crossed while his arms too crossed around his chest, looking absolutely calm under the pressure of the world,

"I do"

He answered as he looked at the massive being that made even the scariest of beings in stories look like children, Teresa being taken back for a moment mused in amusement,

"You knew?"

She asked, deciding to give this boy some talk before making him disappear, Xiao shook his head with a smile as he answered,

"It simple actually, the door itself that lead us here spoke of your true nature, plus no powerful being will allow their successor's true heart belong to another, that just makes them a puppet"

Xiao's logical words made Teresa silent as she gazed at the boy in front of her who had yet not finished speaking,

"Moreover from a logical view killing me is the best, this will drive Li Lun more, perhaps for revenge or to bring me back, lots of ways to motivate your successor, am I right?"

He asked, making Teresa chuckle, her heinous voice making one shudder as it resounded in the world,

"But I do have a question"

Xiao asked, making Teresa to continue to chuckle at his calmness while a sense of dread started to fill her heart, she was now lightly beginning to change the path of action, she wasn't stupid after all, otherwise she would have died long ago,

"Ask away"

She spoke,

"Don't you think that I have someone protecting me? a background you might not be able to provoke?"

His question earned another laugher from her,

"Boy, here everything is closed up, plus my strength had grown to rival the gods, only the Origins stands to make me beg, how could you have any of such backing?"

She asked probing a bit, if she then this will automatically turn this attack into a test by her, as you grow older, so does your shamelessness,

"I see....."

Xiao's calm answer once again made the dread she was feeling stronger, she was about to talk before which Xiao did,

"I see, Reaper, I finally see what you wanted me to"

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