'It's quite good'

Xiao thought as he read through the 'gift' that Teresa has given him, if used well it could be a good part of his strength,

'She's a good person to have as an ally'

Xiao pondered over, now that his mind was not clouded over anymore he could think and plan well more.


Gift of the Void Empress Of Endless End

Power: Addition of the attribute of disintegration and destruction.

Description: Thanks to the blessing of Teresa, the host is now capable of adding some of the properties of Void Qi to his attacks, making them much more deadly.

*If the host is near to Li Lun when he uses his blessing, then his powers over void would multiply over ten times


The last part of Xiao's 'gift' was making his lips twitch, he could blatantly see the scheme being cooked here but he didn't reject the blessing, power was power, and he wasn't going to reject it over such a childish reason,

'I have to go through the battle'

Thinking so Xiao took a deep breath as he entered his mindscape, soon the replica of the past battle was formed, as Xiao started to replay the battle that he recorded in his mind, his eyes focusing on each of the movements and issues from the battle, the more he watched the more he shook his head,

'I have been wasteful'

Xiao understood, since it was his first time calling upon his 'subjects' to the real world, Xiao had gotten a bit more excited thus not giving proper instructions in the battle, the army he called upon was his and as its commander, it was his responsibility to make sure that his soldiers fought in an effective way that reduced deaths.

Though in this case, the army he called upon is dead...

'sigh...no use crying over spilled milk'

Thinking so Xiao rebuilt the fight from before, making a similar situation again, this time Xiao wanted to finish the battle sooner and in a more effective manner, back in Ingrid due to his mercenary status he had learned a lot about leading battles, commanding and planning, thus he was effectively able to plan a better fight.

It was much more fluid now since Xiao knew much more about Teresa, thus granting him an edge,

'hum....looks like I will need to swallow up the souls of some great generals'

There were several things he was lacking on and he needs to decrease his weakness bit by bit, as such Xiao went into deep practice, his mind understanding every growth within his power, slowly adjusting to his growth, Xiao within his mindscape started to learn all his power, as such time passed by as a new day began.

Just as it did a deep rumbling shook the realm Xiao was in, thus finally taking him out of his training, still sitting cross-legged Xiao opened his eyes, both of them flashing with different colors, he was now much calmer than before, his presence looked a bit more frightening and dangerous.

The aura that Xiao gave off was a mixture of inconsistencies that took people's attention no matter where he stood, the passive connecting feeling of his was combined with the natural aura of danger and fire given off by his cultivation technique, this was also combined with the natural presence of death, the presence of his status giving him a prideful and a dangerous feel.

Each of these sensations was combined with Xiao, all of them coming together to give him a natural feel that swayed once heart and focus, Xiao's long hair sprawled on his back as he stood up, slowly stretching his body to get its feel back,

'Manh...sitting like this is indeed boring'

Xiao complained as his eyes moved towards the cocoon that held Li Lun, it was shaking and several cracks could be seen in it,

"She will be out soon"

Teresa spoke as she appeared beside Xiao, who nodded his head at her words, his eyes focusing on the girl that would soon be reborn, a girl who after even though brief time will be able to gaze at the world, a girl who will be reborn strong,

"Won't you see her?"

Xiao asked as he saw Teresa's body getting a bit blurry,

"No, something tells me the first thing she wants to see isn't me"

Teresa spoke with a mischievous tone before her entire body disappeared, leaving Xiao facing a cocoon that was descending to the ground, reaching his level as the cracks around it started to spread wide, a subtle grey light leaving the cocoon,

'This will be a mess'

Xiao mused and as he did the cracks filled every edge of the cocoon before it burst open, a vibrant light filling Xiao's face and forcing him to close his eyes, it took a moment before which he was able to open them,

'Thank god she's clothed'

Xiao thought, even though they weren't the same cloth she wore before awakening, it was still clothing but then Xiao's eyes focused on Li Lun herself making him take a deep breath at her change.

The current her didn't look feeble at all, as her body floated above the ground, her black hair had now turned beautiful shinning grey, her body seen through her dress was white and supple, and her face even when ten looked beautiful enough to take anyone's attention, perfect symmetric features, cute pointed nose, red lips.

Right now she didn't arouse any lust but a feeling of awe, Xiao's sure that as she grows her beauty would smite everyone that gazes at her. But within this what caught Xiao's main focus was the third eye on her forehead, right now it was closed along with her other two eyes,

'What's her power now?'

Xiao thought as he peeked into the current her.


Name: Li Lun

Title: Pitiful child, Cursed Body, Blind baggage.....etc

Alignment: Neutral

Cultivation: Heaven Core Realm-[Level. 2](Currently Allowed)

Legacy: Void Of Endless End

Bloodline: Void End Monrcah

Physique: Endless Fall Of Void

Heavenly Eye: Void Eye

Affinity: Void, Earth, Chaotic Wind

Power level: Supreme Tier Supreme

Specialties: Realm Destroying Shot, Disintegrating End, void Call

Qi Type: Void Qi, Erath Qi, Chaotic wind Qi

--> Profession :

[Archery]-High realm of mastery

[Void Caller]-the minor realm of mastery

--> Cultivation Manual :

[Realm Tearing Void]-Minor realm of mastery

-->Martial Manual:

[Perfect Shot]-Minor realm of mastery

[Void Steps]-Minor realm of mastery

[Ending Call]-Perfect realm of mastery

[Chaotic Wind Sniff]-Perfect realm of mastery




--> Skills: None

-->Familiars: None


'This is good'

Xiao thought as he gazed at the status of Li Lun, some of the power she had even he didn't know what they meant but he could tell that she had undergone a complete rebirth, strictly speaking, she was no longer human, she had turned into the highest level of void being,

'What's up with her cultivation?'

Xiao asked to All-Seer.

[It's not her true cultivation, it's restricted to this current level]

'Must be Teresa's doing'

While Xiao thought so as Li Lun's body slowly started to descend as she reached the ground, her dainty feet touching the ground, while the grey one-piece dress suited around her, her two eyes started to flutter as they slowly started to open, and the first thing her eyes gazing on being Xiao.

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