Li Lun who had undergone her rebirth was slowly opening her eyes, during the time she underwent her rebirth, her mind was hazy and lost, she could feel the changes in her body, while its effects, advantages, and disadvantages filled her mind, making her understand who she was becoming.

Information about the cosmos and stuff she never knew about filled her mind, making her understand just how small and powerless she is, this also meant she had understood just how high an opportunity she was receiving, the humongous power filled her body, changing it to fit a Qi that's feared everywhere.

Each of these emotions, information, and desire was overwhelming Li Lun she knew what she would be once this process stops but even in all this a single looming thought dominated her,

'I will be able to see him!'

This thought was burning her mind, body, and soul, Li Lun had seen Xiao before she lost her eyes but she had heard from the talks about how much Xiao had changed after he started cultivating, his looks spread about far and wide, gathering a lot of buzz.

At this moment it wasn't the supreme power that she would receive, it wasn't the prospects of the future and it wasn't about seeing the world, none of these were her main concerns, right now all she desired was to finish her awakening such that she would be able to gaze at Xiao, to know how the person she loved currently looks.

Li Lun had dreamt of the moment ever since she fell in love, her mind had created several prospects of how Xiao will look once he grew up and now the dream she longed for will finally come true.

With severe difficulty Li Lun's trembling eyes started to open, revealing two beautiful amethyst pairs of eyes, they seemed to shine and sparkle, a pair of eyes that just gazing at them would make people desire them.

At first, as Li Lun opened her eyes confusion filled them, different colors assaulting her gaze that she flinched, the unusual world of colors that she had long forgotten about was filling her, making her close her eyes once more,

"Are you okay?"

It was then she felt Xiao's familiar voice around her, her hand moved by instinct as she held his hand, even though her sight had returned, her enhanced natural senses still remained, she could feel his familiar aura, scent, and heartbeat, somehow it had only gotten stronger with her, making her cherish everything she was feeling,

"I-I am fine, just a bit unused to the light"

Li Lun replied,

"Then take your time, I am here to help if you need any"

Xiao said as he held her hand tight, feeling so a stunning smile gracing Li Lun's face as she nodded her head,

"Um, I know"

Saying so she took a deep breath as she once again tried to open her eyes, the colors affecting her once more as she closed them up again but it was better than before, soon bit by bit she started to open her eyes, this time her sight having adjusted, slowly but surely everything was filling her gaze and the thing that came first to her view was the face of a boy that looked familiar yet not,


Li Lun spoke in a choked-up voice, as small pools of tears gathered in her eyes, seeing this Xiao smiled wryly as he washed up some of her tears,

"Look at this, you have grown so strong yet you're still a cry baby"

Li Lun's mind went blank as she saw Xiao's smile,

'So handsome!'

Li Lun thought, in truth, Xiao was cuter than handsome right now but to a budding lover, Xiao would look handsome no matter how he was but adding to his true looks? well, that was more than enough to raise Li Lun's heartbeat as a furious blush took her face,

'He's taller than before, his hair is different, his cheeks have sunk and he's amazing!'

All the imagination of Xiao's looks had shattered upon gazing at his real face, imprinting it into her mind, her beautiful gem-like eyes focused on Xiao, scrutinizing everything about him, his face, his hair, his body, she was making sure to remember them all,

"Am I that interesting to gaze upon?"

Xiao asked with amusement, gaining an unconscious answer from Li Lun,

"Yes I can look at you forever"

As soon as she said so her ears that was a bit more pointed even turned red but she didn't deny it as she looked straight into Xiao's eyes that were pulling her in,

'Atta girl! keep attacking his heart, you got this!'

Teresa thought as she gazed at this from above, hidden from sight, she was waving her hands forth as she lamented the fact that she didn't have a beverage to drink as she enjoyed this budding romance.

Meanwhile, Xiao could only gaze at the infatuated Li Lun with a smile, he wasn't going to reject her feelings for he knew he didn't have a way back, he had expected her feelings to fade with time and mostly he didn't want anything to do with her because he feared the challenges that might come his way if he was to accept her love.

But those thoughts had flown out the window the moment he took Yurou to himself and awakened his bloodline, who was he to fear within the cosmos? it should be others who should be fearing him now,

'Though I need to tell her about Yurou'

Although Xiao thought so he didn't speak out, not now anyways, this was the moment that Li Lun was gaining her second lease on life, how could he relate it to the part where her fiance speaks to her about the fact that he already has someone that he loves? yeah, he ain't that stupid,

'Wait, come to think of it, I know what kind of woman she will turn into, then why did I even think of rejecting her love?'

Xiao thought, sure he loves Yurou but he wasn't some saint bastard that thought he can't fall in love with another, everything about Li Lun was perfect and he knows that her love for him is true, so why the hell should he push her away?

'Wait, it would seem that the cube was even making my senses and reasoning dull, how could I have not seen the signs?'

Xiao wasn't dense, he should have known that acting in such a way with Yurou and Li Lun will lead to them developing feelings for him, yet why didn't he see it?

'Wait why do I feel like I am forgetting something...'

Xiao thought as his mind churned back into his life it was then that a supple little figure filled his mind,


Reaching here Xiao felt his body shudder and his mind shake,

'No, I can't jump to a conclusion yet, even if my actions have made her happy, it shouldn't lead to feelings above that of siblings'

Xiao calmed down over such thoughts, such feelings are very rare to develop, it was to only take place when the person was isolated, had heavy suffering, had feelings repressed, and only has one outlet of freedom...

Reaching till here Xiao's thoughts froze as his mind slow down,

'I'm fucked aren't I?'

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