<Darling, are you alright?>

Yurou asked once again, a sense of doubt beginning to burst within her heart as her voice turned a pitch deeper.

<I'm fine, you know just lost within the mysteries of the cosmos>

Xiao bullshitted his way through as he talked with Yurou.

<Are you busy right now?>

She asked.

<Yeah, kind of stuck in a hunting land>

Xiao replied.

<Am I disturbing you?>

Yurou asked with a low voice to which Xiao replied with a loving tone.

<You could never disturb me, you're that precious>


Yurou's sweet melted voice was heard as she listened to his words along with his feelings, hearing so Xiao started to thank his teacher with all his heart, the teachings which he thought worthless were now really starting to be useful in his life, somehow Xiao could already see his master giving him a thumbs up.

<Okay, darling I won't hold you back for long, enjoy your fights~~>

Saying so the connection within Xiao's mind was canceled,

"Are you okay?"

The same question but a different girl, Xiao smiled as he responded,

"I'm fine, I was just thinking something"

As he said as so he raised his head from Yurou's lap, his body having regained its energy back, his eyes looking through the small room they were in, just as Xiao was about to speak an emotionless voice was heard from all around the room,

"Scanning Arrived life forms..."

"Comparing with available database....."

"Matching the present with the past promise....."

"Inheritor of The Empress Of Endless End detected..."

"Scanning extra variable with the available database...."




Just as the voice was heard a blue light scanned Li Lun, thus giving out information, after her, the light scanned Xiao yet unlike Li Lun the results didn't arrive as fast as hers, the word of scanning kept being repeated again and again,

'What's going on?'

Xiao questioned.

[I am currently stopping that device from getting any information about you]

Luckily All-Seer got rid of his doubts as it answered,

'So that's why it keeps scanning me?'


'They just leave a small gap and let it see the unimportant stuff'

[That won't happen]

All-Seer rejected immediately, a sense of unwillingness to back down from being heard from its voice,

'Sigh.....tell me why'

Xiao didn't lash back at All-Seer, as much as it was a mystery to him, he couldn't reject the notion that it was extremely useful to the current him, and thanks to the special tweaking he did with it during his awakening, All-Seer became incapable of lying to him, it can reject his questions but it's unable to lie to him, this was the minimum insurance that Xiao needed from something that was taking its place in his soul.

[The one scanning the host is a device similar to me]

'So it has your function?'

[No, I am superior]

All-Seer immediately replied with a hint of superiority, suddenly Xiao felt the blue scanning light around him getting stronger, it's the color deeper and now it was repeatedly scanning him from upside down,

'You better not be doing this for some superiority'

Xiao questioned.

[Of course not, while its function pales in comparison to me, it still has its own greedy ego, if I let in a small gap it will take advantage of it to try to rip off everything from you]

'Can't you control it?'

Xiao questioned.

[I could but then again my power will once again depend on you, this device that's scanning you is backed by a Devine core]

'So it comes back to me not having enough power....'

Xiao lamented.

[You are lucky to have me, nothing else would have been capable of blocking this, you should know that once you are scanned all your information will be saved]

Hearing this Xiao's eyes flashed with understanding, if something is saved that also means that someone could access it, on doing so some heavy secrets of Xiao's would be out, though he wasn't afraid of it, with his current status hardly anything in the cosmos will dare to raise their hands at him but then again it came down to the ones that could understand his status.

The ones capable of even knowing Death should be related to beings of his caliber, the ones below them the Origins, then the gods but what was really the problem was Xiao never really believed in true confidentiality, his information might be displayed to all if the person with enough power asks, that would imply his power, talents and trump cards beings out and Xiao knows more than anyone the power of having the correct information,

'Is there any way to trick it?'

[Again not possible with your current cultivation...]

"Xiao, what's happening?"

Li Lun suddenly asked as she pulled at his shirt, her divinely cute face with a frown at the extreme level of scanning that Xiao was receiving, seeing this Xiao gave a light smile as he patted Li Lun's head, making her calm down,

'I have to deal with this, one way or another'

Upon thinking so Xiao looked around the room after which he spoke,

"Are you done with this farce?"

Xiao spoke out but no reply was given,



'This bastard is annoying'

[Tell me about it]

'You are the same to me too'

[Damn...was I only worth this much to you~]

Avoiding the damn All-Seer that was becoming more and more interactive with him Xiao spoke out again,

"I said no matter what you do, you will never be able to peer into me"

Somehow though Xiao's words riled up the device in question as the room he was in started to tremble,

"Unable to get a clear scan, raising the power level, taking the higher amount from source..."

[Ha!.....no matter what that device will never b-Fuck!]

All-Seer wasn't even able to finish its boastful words before which a powerful blue light now surrounded Xiao, rounding around him as a sphere, its drilling power fighting against All-Seers protection, preserving it from all sides.

[You want a fight bitch? then you got it!]

All-Seer was royally pissed as a dangerous sizzling sound started to be heard from inside Xiao's soul, a similar light to the one scanning Xiao started to break out from All-Seer but this light was far more advanced and dangerous.

Soon a clash of pride amongst certain devices started to begin around Xiao, the owner of the first blue light, the one trying to scan Xiao seemed to be riled up as the clashing upon him was increasing at a humongous pace, right now Xiao looked like a disco ball as the light was flashing upon from his body.

It also didn't help with the fact that Li Lun was looking at Xiao with shining eyes, almost as if to savor the moment,

[Nah bitch you ain't getting in here!]

'Can you win?'

Xiao asked, getting tired of these shenanigans.


All-Seer replied as it focused back on fighting back, even with the power being borrowed All-Seer truly was on another level, without it giving an order, no device shall go against it to peer into Xiao's secrets.

The clash between the two got higher and higher before All-Seers light finally pushed the other device back, restricting any entry into Xiao.

Finally, a silence remained within the room, the device seemed to have given up.

[Humph! that's all it is....]

All-Seer replied proudly, sadly that didn't last for long,

"Detecting supreme resistance....."

"Main consciousness now taking control...."

"Highest level power shall now be sipped out..."

Just as the last words were heard the room now started shaking much higher than before, looking up Xiao saw two red eyes opening up, a blood-red light now starting to surround the room before moving towards Xiao,

'Can you stop that?'

He asked,



[System shutting down......]

'Fuck! don't run away! where is your pride?!'

[I have no pride!]

'Why are you proud of that?!'

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