[The power now that's about to be unleashed will be humongous]

All-Seer finally leaving the playful attitude spoke, making Xiao ponder, his eyes looking high above him as those red emotionless eyes looked down at him,

'What are the chances that it will be able to break in?'

He asked.

[If I give it all, it wouldn't be able to do shit but as you have seen this things ego looks to be hurt, it won't stop coming after your secrets]

Hearing All-Seers reply Austin stood in silence, the red light around him getting redder and inching close to him by the second, finally, Xiao's eyes started to sparkle as he asked.

'What about letting it in and never letting it out?'

[That! might actually work...]

All-Seer turned silent as it thought over Xiao's suggestion,

'If we do this won't we get total access to whatever information this thing already has?...'

Xiao was tempted as his face inched into a very very evil smile, his words making All-Seer silent at the prospects of information making its inner obsession take place, for Xiao, it was the prospect of maybe knowing several information about previous people that visited before and maybe getting control over this place while All-Seer was tempted by knowledge.

Meanwhile, Li Lun saw the evil smile on Xiao's face that would send any person running away in fear, especially if it appeared on an 11-year-old but for Li Lun seeing it her eyes only started to sparkle,

'So cool...'

Li Lun was a lost cause.....

[I like the idea.....hehehe....]

'I know right...hehehe.....'

For the first time, both All-Seer and Xiao were in perfect sync and if All-Seer did have a face it would have definitely had the same greedy smile that Xiao was currently having. While the two plotted the downfall of the poor device that just wanted to do its job, the red light from the room finally reached Xiao.

It started to cover up his whole body while searching for his secrets to record and just like before All-Seer put up a barrier around Xiao preventing the red light from entering and scanning any secrets, a fierce battle began between the two of them, and Xiao who was caught up in between felt like his soul shudder.

But this time All-Seers power wasn't all strong as before, as the red light started to push the barrier that it has placed but All-Seer seemed to fight back with all its power, looking as if it awakened a supreme will the barrier light from it heightened higher as it started to fight against the invading light with greater power,


Xiao who knew that truth asked out with twitching lips, feeling as if he was watching a children's battle cartoon,

[This coming from the guy who summoned a whole army to look cool?]

All-Seer retorted with a light voice,


Knowing that he couldn't win this argument Xiao turned silent as he stood between the battlefield, on one side of his body was the extreme red light fighting on, while on the other side it was the blue light that All-Seer was using, the tough life and death battle went on for a few seconds before which All-Seer's light started to become weaker, it finally starting to lose its power,


Suddenly the voice of the device was heard, this time its voice containing a hint of smugness?.

[Is this bitch looking down on me?]

'Calm down! remember the plan!'

Seeing that All-Seer was losing its calmness Xiao called out that if they fail now this device would be hundreds of times more vigilant when it comes back again, and then it will be impossible to deal with it.

[Hehehe...come in my little rabbit, the wolf is waiting~~]

All-Seer's voice suddenly became a little creepy as it was heard in Xiao's head, hearing so Xiao closed his eyes and prayed.

'Amitabha may you survive'

It didn't take long for the red light to completely overcome All-Seer's power and Xiao felt that the more it moved forward the more excited it was becoming, seemingly the prospect of defeating All-Seer was riling it up.

[You won't defeat me! arghhhhh!]

'Seriously? do you have to be so childish?'

[Hey why don't you spend millions of years all alone without any contact? it will make you childish too]

'Did I add someone crazy to my soul?'

Xiao questioned but in the end, he shook it off, he wasn't all that sane anyway.....

Soon the war between the two was over as All-Seer had lost, the red-colored light blasting forth into Xiao's soul after all the soul is the ultimate information hub of any being, all talents, power, and gifts are inscribed within one's soul and the red light ran towards the orb that was floating within his soul, the very orb being All-Seer.

The red light soon touched upon the orb and the moment it did, the red light wasn't even given any time to even react before which it was swept away from the central hub, in normal cases just its subconscious that was split up would deal with the newcomers but due to Xiao's special situation and due to its pride being hurt the main consciousness took control.

And right now it had touched upon All-Seer on doing so the main conciseness wasn't even able to react, as across power and inscriptions the main consciousness was removed from its central hub of protection, the next thing it knew, the two red eyes were now floating on utter darkness, for the first time since its creation it no longer having any control the situation.

The device was a supreme creation for information, its pride had long since exceeded anything, any other creation of ego had kneeled to it, nothing was capable of stopping it if it needed the information, its search and understanding were absolute, and all the other egos was nothing to it, over the millennium it had earned some emotions, pride, arrogance, and understanding.

But now floating in this darkness, being cut from all the power that it used to, it started to feel an emotion it had never felt before, the darkness around it was chilling, and it had finally felt the emotions that drive everything within the cosmos to move forward, it had started to feel....fear!

"You gaze upon something you shouldn't have"

The voice of All-Seer spread about but unlike with Xiao, its voice was utterly emotionless, nothing, no emotion was present, the darkness around started to tremble, seemingly rejoicing at the arrival of their king, and the 'sky' above the red eyes started to shake about before which two eyes formed above the red eyes.

The red eyes that were surrounded by the darkness and who thought that no higher darkness could exist than the one it was at now trembled, the eyes that appeared above it were black...

No, the eyes above were such darkness that even the darkness around it felt like the light.....

"Let me now teach you some humility"

All-Seer spoke and on doing so the darkness around started to move, it started to shake and shake as it started to take over the red eyes, and it allowed it, the main consciousness couldn't do anything before which it was covered up, being swallowed up whole, leaving just the darkening sinister eyes floating above,

"You aren't the only one who can flex....."

All-Seer replied with such amount of complex emotion that the previous emotionless words looked like an illusion.

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