Unknown Timeline....

An unknown Realm...

"Run! there's no stopping it!"

The hardened cry of a warrior was heard across the entire city, spreading far and wide, his voice loud enough to echo throughout but the inhabitants living within the city didn't need his reminder for they could feel the approaching danger.

Unlike the vast cities of the world, this one was small and mostly built for a temporary stay, everyone staying here were hardened warriors, though the thing about them being is that none of them belonged to any major forces or powers within the four heavens, all of them were now currently inside a realm accessible to the public.

A place where people with some money could try their luck to change their fate, the realm itself was extremely dangerous, with several areas yet to be moved through, 50% of the people that come here dies while the rest like slaves kept trying to change their fate, falling into a cycle of repeat, hoping that a day a treasure that will change them will reach their hands.

But right now none of the powerful warriors could be seen, all of them only had despair clouding their faces as they felt the approaching death, inching closer and closer towards them, the whole city was built for protection, a neutral area where the monsters lurking the whole realm couldn't harm them but that changed today.

For reasons unknown to them all the neutral zone seemingly canceled itself the beasts surrounding the entire realm had gone crazy as they now in a circle was inching towards the city for destruction, beasts that nobody had ever seen before, powerful ones that could end their lives, all of them were now barking towards them.

The people now were sitting ducks waiting to be slaughtered, the skies above turned blood red the whole city was shaking from the mighty quarks of the beast, in a few minutes the beasts would reach the city and all of them would be done for, none of the people here expected any help, they knew they were on their own,

"So this is the end.....huh"

A man covered by a dark brown cloak spoke as he stood above the shaking walls, his voice tired yet strong, his eyes bloodthirsty and dreadful, while an unwillingness to die filled him, his entire body reeked of blood, the sins of his chaining his body down, he had already lost count of the number of people he had slaughtered.

There was no joy, for him the slaughter made him stronger and that was it, he had to find his sister, he had to reach the top and make the people who looked down on him regret, and for that, he will betray and kill everyone he finds but now it seems that this is the end for him,

'Just one of the beasts is enough to smash me to death...'

He had come here to try his luck, with his meager power Xiao knew that he would be killed by the beasts, hence he didn't come here for treasure or hunt like the rest, he came here to hunt the ones that lived and thrived here.

The different species that lived here would be the nourishment that he needs to grow stronger, he just expected to manipulate the whole area turning themselves against each other and killing them all with tricks when they least expected it,

'Looks like all my work is down the drain here.....'

He has been here for half a year, taking small movements, hunting down the newbies, while he had been slowly manipulating the entire environment around here, just a bit more and a bloody war he could take advantage of would have been born, it wasn't his the first time and several powerful cites had fallen under his schemes.

But now it was his time to end it would seem,

"It's not the end...."

A sweet whispering voice spread across the entire city, the voice being soft and enchanting, just listening to it was almost making Xiao move according to that will and so under the eyes of the entire inhabitants a single figure started to float high into the sky, an enthralling bow in the figure's hand, while floating the cloak on the person fell,




Be it men or women all of them felt themselves fall into a daze at the beauty in front of them, it was so addictive that they couldn't help but leave all of their control behind, she was just that beautiful. Her body was still hidden but her face was more than enough to take control of the minds of the weaker cultivators without even having a charm control under her.

Shining beautiful gray hair that sizzled with the wind, amethyst eyes that sparkled with grey on them and a perfect face as if created with time and care by the cosmos could be seen. The woman's aura slowly started to rise as it soon covered the entire city, freezing everyone in place, thus effectively bringing people who were in their dreams out,

'She's beautiful but why does she feel familiar?'

Xiao who was standing on the wall thought, his heart starting to beat faster at the beauty in front of him, even with his cruel nature, even with his thoughts about a woman just being his release of lust, Xiao felt a sort of attraction to her, it would be better to say that he has had the hots for her, though Xiao didn't let it reign his heart as he completely squashed that feeling away.

He didn't need love not now nor in the future, for him, he wanted to reach the top and see the face of his sister that dared to leave.

Meanwhile, Li Lun floated above the ground, looking dainty as a Goddess, she kept her bow forward, no arrow was on it but it didn't matter as her soft lithe hand touched the string and pulled back and just as softly she let the string go and then the next moment nothing was left in front of her.

Xiao watched as the whole area the woman was facing distempered, all the beasts that were running were no more, nothing of their existence remained, and just like that Li Lun turned towards her other side doing the same soft movement and just like before the beasts no longer existed.

4 movements and 4 sides.....

That's all it took for a life-threatening situation that would wipe out millions to just stop like that,

'That power....'

A crazed desire flashed in Xiao's eyes as he saw the scene, the entire city was silent, none able to make a voice at the sudden shift one moment it was the end and the next there was nothing.....

Meanwhile, the calm-faced Li Lun who has done something good, smiled a bit her eyes traveled to the lives she kept safe but while doing so she felt an aura that felt familiar, her eyes focusing on the lone figure that stood above the walls, the moment she saw him she understood who he was, how could she forget the person she was engaged to?

Her eyes narrowed as she felt the immense aura of blood around him, she was keener towards evil and she could feel the epitome of malice on him, even a curse, her eyes flashed with intent after which it disappeared, thinking a bit her voice transmitted directly into his mind,

'On the account that I know you, I shall let you live but if I see you again, it shall be your death'

Hearing the voice suddenly Xiao was strangled, his eyes narrowing as he looked at the woman, whose eyes flashed at him, suddenly the figure of hers overlapped with the one he knew in the past,


His eyes widened as he concluded, looking at the woman, a moment of sneer came to her face, in the past she was at his mercy, she was weak, now she stay high in the sky as a Goddess, while he lay on the ground, useless than trash,


Xiao clutched his hands tight, and he looked directly at her, even with everything he was unwilling to let go of, he had finally found a method to grow strong, he wasn't going to fail.

There they stood, one above the ground, her three eyes wide opened, two of them sparkling with a gray life, while the one in the middle layer there ominous while the other on the wall, his eyes even hidden, displayed a great desire to never give up, to reach where he wants to.

Without a word he turned around and left for Xiao knew, that right now he was powerless.

Watching him leave a small amount of happiness bloomed in Li Lun, she felt nothing for him anymore, he was of the past and shall stay in the past, thus she too disappeared.

But sadly fate wasn't done for they shall meet again, but this time the two burning stars would have dimmed.

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