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Unknown Timeline...

Unknown Realm.....

The roars of laughter and uncontrollable sound of joy and vigor was heard all around, it was a well-decorated establishment where several people of different species could be seen sitting around round tables as they drank and enjoyed their feast, there was no grace or manner just pure animalistic enjoyment of finishing their mission and coming back alive and well.

It was more of an adventurous area that portrayed a sense of harmony and peace, with drinks and foods flying across the place and in such an environment at an edge that no one paid attention to sat a lonely figure in a broken and dirtied brown cloak, that seemed to have faced a lot of hardship on its own.

A dark deadly and tired aura surrounded the person completely contrary to the atmosphere around the place, the person in question Xiao just sat there like a lost lamb as he took small sips of the drink in front of him, a long yet short time has passed from the fated meeting with Li Lun and several things had already gone underway.

The once defying eyes of Xiao now no longer stay with him, his eyes were dead and unfeeling, and his back which stood straight even with the horrors of his past now bowed and broken, inside the clock his face haggard and defeated, the person that once vowed to stop at nothing to reach the top looked nothing more than dead.

He's sure that his willpower is greater than any but sometimes or most of the time the story doesn't have a happy ending, not everyone is lucky to have their fate turned around with just determination and no talent, especially not a villain like him, who by now had killed more than he could ever count.

He has a wish and in a sense, he had fulfilled it but the price he had to pay was everything that was dear to him.

He had promised himself to never fall in love....yet he did.

He had promised himself to never give up...yet he did.

He had promised himself to never yield to the crushing fate of the world....yet now he did.

He had promised himself to only not take from others and to never lose....yet now he lost someone again.

It is easy to dream and among those dreamers, a minuscule of them achieve what they dream of but what about the rest? were their pain, suffering, and dreams not equal to the ones who succeed? did they not work as hard as the rest? did they not bleed and work while others relaxed? yet why was it they failed?



Or a curse?

While the masses worship the small majority that succeeds that vast of them who worked harder and failed because of not having the luck the others had could only fade into the shadow and be lost forever, what could the losers do? cry injustice? no, they can only suck it up and be part of that large group that the world had broken again.

And now Xiao's being slowly swallowed up and he was on his last legs.....

It was then the screeching of a chair being pulled was heard and Xiao raised his head to face someone sitting in front of him, just like him the figure in front of him wore a cloak, everything hidden, in its hand was a drink and it disappeared into the darkness of the hoodie, not paying any attention Xiao just took a sip, everything tasting bland.

It was then by a coincident that both the figure placed their drink at the table and looked at each other, somehow by something they couldn't understand the two of them were able to gaze into the eyes of each other, Xiao's two dead eyes came to face with three twisted eyes in the darkness and just like him those three eyes were dead.....

By a miracle of chance that stood above the plane of impossibility the two of their eyes sparkled for a second, a kind of mysterious connection forming between the two losers as their gaze seemingly transcended all of the reason and time that provided their identity to each other,


'Li Lun'

The two seemingly shaken just looked at each other a sense of unknown feeling welling up within them, just how many years was it ago did they seen each other?

The image of the past relaying in their minds, the proud and arrogant goddess with amethyst sparkling grey eyes of life, goodness, and power floating up above in the sky where no one can reach, that was Li Lun to Xiao.

An arrogant conceited man who slaughtered to get stronger yet his eyes burned with an unyielding will to rise to the stop, while many accepted their worth and stayed in the ground, Xiao accepting his worth did everything within his power to crawl through the ground to become powerful, that was Xiao to Li Lun.

Two different situations, one an Empress of the sky and the other a beggar of the ground but now? was there any difference between the two?

Years later be it the extremely talented Li Lun or the useless trash Xiao the two of them by a conscience of fate now sat at the same table with the same will of despair and death covering the two of them.

Now no longer does those eyes sparkle with goodness or power, now no longer do those eyes look unyielding, it has already given up.

Xiao gazed ahead, he coming to understand that even the talented that stood in the skies up above ain't protected from the harshness of the cosmos, it had the power to break anyone,

"Life is hard, huh....."

Xiao replied without any will to it,

"Indeed life is hard"

Li Lun replied, the silence filling the two as they started to sip on their drinks, a sense of comfort formed between the two, perhaps the recognition of losers or perhaps the identity and connection of the two, somehow the two felt at peace as they kept sipping the drink in their hands, for the first time in a long while the two enjoying a company,

"You're going to kill yourself?"

Xiao asked a seemingly deadly question to which Li Lun nonchalantly replied,

"Thought of it a few times but then I would feel disgusted to ending my life like that, I want to die but it would be with me fighting for a second chance, what about you?"

Her reply stormed Xiao for a bit after which he replied,

"Thought of ending it too sometimes but then the chance that she might come for me keeps me going"

His reply didn't spark anything in Li Lun as she questioned,

"Yuoru, right?"


Xiao wasn't surprised, the story of the greatest phoenix falling in love with the greatest trash is after all the greatest joke circulating around, even more, when Yurou died to protect him,

"Ever fall in love?"

Xiao questioned to which Li Lun stayed silent, she seemed to be thinking about her choice after which she spoke,



He asked,


She replied with an emotionless tone as she drank her drink, even without a reply the two knew each other's answer, for their life was too similar yet different,

"Wanna talk about it?"

Xiao asked, for the first time in a long while, he thought of doing something outside of what he would do.

He thought of helping Li Lun, the thought of helping someone disgusted him, the world never treated him fairly, why should he then treat others fairly?

Xiao lived by it, the world was a shitty place, it gave him nothing but pain, and when he had found something to love it took that also away from him but now he didn't care anymore, he was too tired to hold on pettiness and revenge, many will question it and call him weak and a coward but had they gone through a fraction of the pain he has?

It's easy to talk about revenge but doing it, and having the will for it is another matter altogether,

"Why not...."

Li Lun replied, she too mysteriously understanding his goodwill, Li Lun has gone through a lot that her good nature was destroyed, that she was destroyed, which ended up with her losing any faith in the world but now just like Xiao she started to do something she had long given up on.

Relying on someone...

So she started to talk and talk about her problems and everything she went through, while Xiao sat there in silence listening to her story, he did not sympathize nor did he give any false words of encouragement, he just listened, and sometimes that is more than enough.

And so within the lively atmosphere that would make any depressed person jump in joy, a story of a broken woman that will even move the heartless to tears was told.

And so two losers of different perspectives enjoyed their drinks.

Their disdain for themselves makes them live, just to spite the world.

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