"That's a nasty life...."

Xiao replied as he took a sip of his drink, the content in it making him slightly drunk, after all the pain he went through, the feeling of losing his mind through getting drunk is one of the few pleasures that were left in his life,

"Can't say it's perfect"

Li Lun spoke as she too took a sip of her drink,

"Betrayal, betrayal, and betrayal, quite the tough life to live by"

Xiao said as he looked at three dead eyes being reflected back at him,

"It's the only one I got..."

She said as her three eyes turned to focus back at her drink, her sight being lost in the swirls of the drink as she shook them,

"What about you? how did your life go after I disappeared?"

She questioned, her mood being one where she was not just going with the flow,

"Well after you disappeared my life's been pretty shitty"

Xiao said as his eyes turned a bit unfocused, his memories of the past being played through his mind,

"Somehow I feel it was more easier when I was a child, even though I was lost I still had faith in the world"

Li Lun spoke with an emotionless voice, which resulted in a complete silence between the two,

"Tell me if you could have your one wish granted, what would it be?"

Li Lun questioned, a sense of deeper meaning within her inquiry, this stumped Xiao for a bit as he stayed silent, he had long since forgotten about the fantasy of some mighty being just granting him a wish, even if it did just one wish wouldn't be enough to write away all the regrets that he's carrying in his heart,

"What if you could go back to the past? will you take it?"

Li Lun asked another question, a connection to the one before her, to this Xiao shook his head, he didn't need to think a lot to answer this question,

"I won't take it, all the will to live has already sipped away from me, the reason I am not killing myself is that I gave a promise that I won't"

His answer didn't satisfy Li Lun so she asked again,

"Won't you be able to rewrite all the regrets?"

"And then what? once again live all my life in the lower heaven? I am truly too tired, right now all I dream is a rest"

Xiao's lifeless eyes spoke it all, even if he's allowed into the past, isn't it only worth it if he wants to live and change? with his current mental situation if he went to the past he will just be killing himself again, moreover, he would just be running away from the present, his heart right now is too empty of desires to redo that life again.

To fight, to scheme, to plan, to live, and to cultivate, he's too tired of it all, even with his technique to grow stronger from slaughter is useless, by now he has already figured out the hidden bomb in that technique, his life was already over, it's just a small ember living with the sheer will of a promise that he gave in the past,

"How can you guarantee that the past won't repeat itself, moreover what's there in the past that you desire?"

Xiao asked back to Li Lun who turned silent, she lightly took sips of the drink as she let it burn her on the inside,

"Xiao what if there's an entity out there determining our life the moment we are born?"

She didn't answer his question instead she asked another inquiry, to which Xiao immediately replied,

"Then I would love to fuck him, her, or it out"

And for the first time, a small fire lit in Xiao's eyes as his response sounded out, to this Li Lun nodded her head,

"Me too, I too wish to fuck up such a person up if they exist"

Li Lun's reply calmed Xiao down as he kept taking a sip of his drink, half an hour later, he stood up, placing a stone at the table he gave a bow to Li Lun as he spoke,

"It was nice meeting you, maybe in the past not written, we might have had a different fate"

Saying so Xiao turned around and walked away not even turning back as he left the connection to the past on the table, his mind already deciding upon its destination. While Li Lun lost in her thoughts sat there sipping on her drinks, her mind was too lost in an unknown past. As such the fateful meeting between the two stopped there and then. it's a small interaction that has been buried within Xiao's a mind and interaction that proved even the talented could fall.

But was that all that happened that day? or did something else take place?


Hidden Timeline.

Erased Past.

Connected End.....

"Xiao what if there's an entity out there determining our life the moment we are born?"

Li Lun asked, as she did so a fire burned deep within her eyes, the life that seemed to be lost now burning deeper and higher with an intent that couldn't be extinguished, this question of hers caused Xiao to narrow his eyes, a small fire starting to flicker within him,

"If such an entry exists I want to fuck it up"

"Then what if I could grant you that chance?"

Li Lun asked, making Xiao silent, truthfully in his heart, he is already too tired to deal with anything anymore,

"Xiao asks your heart, do you truly want it to end like this? just once more why don't you try? just once more?"

Li Lun spoke, her eyes now peering into his, as if she found out a light within the darkness, her hands waving as she took out a normal-looking orb that was swirling with darkness enough to swallow all of light whole. She lightly placed it on the table before Xiao as she spoke,

"Consume this and you shall have the power to fight with me or more for some years"

Li Lun spoke with a neutral voice,

"What's the price?"

Xiao asked with a calm voice, as he eyed the orb on the table,


Li Lun replied, Xiao, stayed silent, looking deep in his heart to see if there is any burning will left, a minute of silence followed after which Xiao spoke,

"The sign of trust and worthiness"

His words were small but Li Lun understood them, she took out something and she passed it to Xiao, it was an information orb, he didn't hesitate to crush it as all the information filled his mind, it took some time for all the information to be processed by Xiao as he closed his eyes but the moment he opened them, the same flame similar to Li Lun now burned in his eyes, perhaps even hotter than hers.

He didn't hesitate to pick up the orb and swallow it whole, as he did so several questionable patterns hidden under the orbs started to appear in Xiao's body


Such symbols had even moved to cover even Xiao's face,

"Why me?"

He asked through gritted teeth as Xiao held in the immense pain that was filling his body,

"Why not you?"

Li Lun asked back with a maddened glint in her eyes.

Fuck the world!

Fuck its schemes!

And Fuck all the people in the world!

She's going to bring everything down! Everyone will feel the pain of her loss and now she has the perfect partner to move her plans,

"Shall we?"

She asked,


He replied as the two of them disappeared, leaving a silenced establishment that was now left with nothing! everyone there was dead, the dark gas from Xiao's body having swallowed them up the whole.

Two monsters hurt by the world had set out in revenge and the cosmos will pay the price for their anger.

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