Azrail let out an evil-looking chuckle as his mind played through certain scenarios perfect to keep Yunbai in check, a woman being the best option, one capable of keeping a tight leash on him, one woman who Azrail will have a leash on such that he won't ever be betrayed.

Azrail has to be careful, he can't just choose and manipulate just any woman for Yunbai, it should be one capable of keeping up with him while being capable of accepting all his faults and problems, a woman capable of keeping tight control on him, Azrail's mind flashed with several scenarios until he stopped at the perfect one.

The grin on his face widened as he chose the perfect target,

'Looks like I would need to play matchmaker here'

Musing at his thoughts Xiao's mind once again focused on the girl in his lap, her stunning face close to his as her slow breaths hit his face, just looking at her started to make his heart beat faster, and focusing on himself a bit he felt the connection between the two of them.

It's different from the one he has with Xuanyin, Yurou or Li Lun, this one felt deeper, more compact and it felt very....special.

'Since you are mine, I will make you shine the brightest you can be'

Azrail's eyes twinkled as he thought so, she was now his and there are no takebacks here, till the end of their life and beyond that, the two of them will be together. Valencia with her talents was born to rule, pride etched deeply into her bones, that can never be broken, and no one can bend her will other than him.

The connection between them made Valencia like an open book to Azrail, he could tell what she was feeling and read into her thoughts if he want to, he could tell her weakest time to her strongest, everything about her now belongs to him,

'There's a lot to do'

Azrail controlled his burning passion for the future for now and decided to focus on the present, holding Valencia delicately he focused on the issues he has to deal with currently,

'Looks like you are awake All-Seer'

[Yes, I am well and dandy now]

All-Seer replied,

'Good, then show me the choices for my evolution'

Just as Azrail finished speaking the evolution list once again appeared in front of him but this time Azrail knew which path he wants to take.


Host's possible paths of evolution have been studied and confirmed, With the achievements, talents, fate, status, blessing, and growth you have earned until now, a path you can take is now seen, select the path you wish and a befitting trial will be given to you:

-->Option 1: Raging Humanrion Of Fire

-->Option 2: Fate-Defying Divider

-->Option 3: Fire and Death Chaoser

-->Option 4: Asura's Wrath Wielder

-->Option 5: Cosmic Divider of Fate

-->Option 6: Sword Of Fire And Death

-->Option 7: Life Holder Of End

-->Option 8: Fledgling Of Chaos And Darkness

-->Option 9: Walker Of All Power

-->Option 10: Bringer Of End


He first looked through the paths that he can choose after which he turned towards the path that he can only walk.


Title: Path Of Unknown

Description: As someone that has lived over death twice, someone of slaughter, someone that can walk many paths, someone deemed as the Prince Of Death, and as someone that has awakened a supreme understanding of himself, the host is capable of creating his own evolutionary path to walk. Capable of evolving to a being that has not ever been seen ever before.

▪︎Host will be the first of his species, a progenitor of the path, a supreme overload of all that wish to follow your evolution. This is a gift that rose due to several situations that shouldn't have taken place. The !@#$%^&* has given you a chance, a chance to break the norms.

Caution: Choosing such a path would mean that all help from the cosmos itself will be cut off, and the host will be evolving into a being that isn't marked or known, hence the future evolutions will all depend on the host himself. The limit of this evolution lay on the host.

Advantage: You shall be capable of reaching the realm of power blocked to all of creation, a power that is only wielded by the first concepts, a power to affect reality as a whole.


There wasn't any need for brooding over this, the path that he wants to take is already set and even without All-Seer he could choose the path that he wants to evolve to, the cosmic will would seep into a person's consciousness and provide all the requirements deep into the person's mind but thanks to All-Seer Azrail gets a much deeper view of the information,

'Confirm to the cosmos I will be creating my path'

Azrail commanded.

[This is the final confirmation, are you sure?]

All-Seer asked with a hint of excitement in its voice?

'Do it'

Azrail commanded as he closed his eyes, All-Seer took in the command as it agreed to the path walked by none as he closed his eyes, just as the confirmation was done the entirety of the reality paused, Azrail was now broken away from the confines of reality itself,

'Never thought I could go through this again'

Azrail thought as he opened his eyes, seeing around the entire frozen reality, the world became entirely colorless, he was still seated but he was seated nowhere, it looked as if he could do anything he wants but Azrail knew that right now he was at his weakest, this is the reality phase that every being goes through when they chose their first evolution path.

A moment of complete solitude with themselves, this also imbues into their mind how small they really are and how much they would have to climb to reach the top, for now, their journey was really just starting, hence the first step is now being taken to actual growth and power.

Azrail sat there without moving, waiting for the information that should be delivered, soon what he was waiting for arrived, just like back at the tower something extremely ancient and unstoppable started to scan Azrail inside out, no matter how powerful he is, this time nothing was capable of stopping this power from seeing through all the secrets of Azrail.

Azrail sat there waiting for the scanning to finish, in his first life the scanning for him finished within less than a second, this time his estimate is about a 5 minutes hence the time moved.

1 minute....

2 minute....

3 minute....

5 minute.....

10 minute....

15 minute...

30 minute.....

And finally, after an hour, the scanning stopped, by now Azrail already had a frown marring his face. The feeling of being looked at vanished and along with it came a burst of power from deep within his soul.

Two colorful flames and 9 colorless ones started to surround Azrail, a gentle blue light flashed from within him, and the soul power split up as it was locked next to the World Spirit power. A humongous quake soon hit within Azrail as behind him millions of different swords appeared, floating and ready to kill.

Mental energy joined the powers of the other and soon darkness took control of Azrail, a single beautiful crown appearing up above his head, showing his stance as a prince.

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