All the power that belonged to Azrail was being called out, and behind him lay the millions of swords floating about, every single one capable of ending realms, his crown of death floated above his head, shinning with dark luster, 11 flames floated behind his head in a circle, 2 of them being black and purple while the rest being colorless.

The World spirit energy swirled around, being mixed with fire Qi, soul energy, and mental power, their combination producing a beautiful color swirling around, the mass of all power flowed right in front of Azrail where the darkest and the purest energy of death and demise leaked out of the crown and mingled with the rest of the energy.

But this wasn't the end, deep within his soul Azrail felt his skills trembling as they too were ripped from within him, under his eyes 5 small star-like figures started to shine, the fifth one being the biggest and the brightest, they started to swirl and move around his body, seemingly missing staying within his soul.

An unstoppable power ripped deeper into Azrail, ripping his soul and soon pulling out a single drop of liquid that looked divine, it was sparkling in all colors, just its scent enough to entice all of creation,

'The primordial Qi'

Azrail looked at it with a hint of slyness, this was something he was gambling on in the future to increase his true talents, and with it he would have reached a level of talent beyond ordinary, one capable of making him stand shoulder to shoulder with the giants of the cosmos, after all the pill he ate only took away the limit to his talent and he was in dire need of increasing it back then.

The plan was all smooth but now it was not needed, with Death by his side, his talents already have reached beyond the Zenith, hence the plans he made when he was in control were already scrambled,

'Perhaps I can use it for something else'

Just like the rest of the powers, the primordial Qi floated beside everything, awaiting the judgment Azrail is about to receive, just as Azrail was awaiting his judgment the power moved again drilling deep into his soul, making him surprised, there was no pain but a sense of discomfort did fill his entire being.

The power moved deeper and deeper until it took something deep out from within him, in actuality it was two items, seemingly thrust into his soul, one being a crystal-like object looking completely ordinary the other being a part of his soul,

'Is that the power of rebirth?'

Azrail questioned as he gazed at the part of his soul ripped out but what was making him more intrigued is the crystal-like thing, the rest of his power even with his soul taken away could be felt by him, he could feel a heavy amount of connection to them but the crystal? he felt nothing.....

That issue itself is very surprising to him but what was more intriguing is the fact that the moment the crystal was taken out of him, his fifth skill the largest and brightest among his skills left surrounding him and started to move around the crystal, enjoying the presence of the crystal instead, this information was another shocker,

'Is this related to the legacy that chose me?'

Azrail pondered, he had thought that the legacy of Cosmic Ending Divider was given to him by those beings that wanted to control him but even after giving up his name and taking total control over his fate he still could see the indication of the legacy within his status, with All-Seer not being able to lie to him this meant that whatever this is it belongs to him.

In fact, Azrail was beginning to believe that the 11 flames he inherited belong to the legacy that he is chosen by but now seeing these clearly there are definitely deeper mysteries at play,

'Did I really awaken my 5 skills back then due to coincidence? or is there a deeper plot in the play?'

Azrail's mind churned at hyper speed as he started to link several incidents in his life together, it was then that the power started to move erratically everything was shaking beyond control, seeing so Azrail calmed his thinking for now, he understood that this is no time to ponder and play around.

He leaned himself to the chair, relaxing himself, right now Azrail felt completely powerless, the things in front of him isn't merely a representation of his power...

No, right now every power from him has been stripped away and made to float in front of him, nothing was left in him, currently, he is as powerless as he could be, this trail is something that motivates every person that goes through this. The feeling of having your talents stripped away from you just shows how much weak you actually are.

The fact that anytime such an entity can take away your talent that makes you well you, is terrifying, Azrail still remembers his first time, the absolute feeling of loss, that time he was scared shitless that he couldn't even soak in the feeling but now he just relaxed to it.

Closing his eyes he felt his emptiness, there was nothing within him and he is free as he can be, with no name, no power, no fate, no control, and no reality.....

There is nothing to him, right now Azrail is just himself, and instead of the mind-freezing fear of losing all his powers, felt a sense of peace, a throbbing feeling within him to just give up everything and enjoy this peace, a life without drama, conflict, killing, just pure bliss.....

But this feeling was fleeting as it came, as much as he enjoyed this he knew that this is just a false sense of security, everything has a price, and the price for this freedom is to always have the end of his life at the hands of another and he lived that life not once but now seemingly thrice.....

There is no peace without conflicts.....

As sad as that sounds it is the truth and in a world where strength reign above all, this truth weighs heavily above all.....

The feeling of peace withered away within Azrail, the fire of desire burning deep within him, he knew what he wanted and he knew who he is, Azrail knows he could never live in peace where others keep reigning over him, the solution?

Reign over them...

Just as those ideals were finalized, the path for him opened.

Azrail's eyes open wide, the desire within him hurtling forth and taking control of his power, in this place his talents were taken away, his power locked but his ideals and him confirming his path made every single power of his tremble in delight, they respond back to his call.

Even the swords that don't respond to him most of the time acceptable the deep burning desire within him, all of them trembling to create a humming sound of domination.

The two flames burst forth with vigor while even the awakened ones danced in delight and desire, they soon started to rotate in a circle-like formation.

The crown above his head representing all his authority to death, rippled, the gem within it bursting forth with a power that covered Azrail with the cloak of death, his body now being a mix of Black and red.

All of his Qi split up and started to circle around him, creating 5 different floating rings of protection.

His skills those little floating stars came to him, even his fifth skill joined the rest, all of them reaching and joining to his chest.

The primordial Qi accepted his desire and floated to his forehead going in.

Azrail eyes now shined brighter than before, he turned to his left seeing his older self standing around scared, that was his past.....

He whipped his head to the right and hidden in blurry sight he could feel a powerful rhythmic force being generated, a person of extreme power was there, it was his future.....

And he sat there within the present.

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