"Um, Xiao will you marry me in the future or will you let me go?"

Li Lun asked as she looked directly into Xiao's eyes, it's being an hour since they had started talking, they talked about many things, raging from likes to dislikes, and with each passing time Xiao got closer to Li Lun, right now they were seated at the edge of a building as they talked with each other

​ It was then that Li Lun had asked this question with utmost seriousness in her voice, Xiao was surprised by this question, he was confused for a moment before he understood what it meant, an engagement between two people is sacred, once engaged it's not easy to throw away that engagement

If Li Lun's engaged to Xiao and if he never accepts her then it would be a great shaming and disgrace for her, in fact it might ruin her reputation and if he rejects her then her name would be dragged through the mud, no matter which way it goes, it would be Li Lun whose going to face problems in the future, simply because the Yun family's stronger than the Li family

And Li Lun understood that very well, this was one of the major reason the she was scared but after meeting Xiao and talking to him she was able to tell a bit what type of person he is, so she was able to ask the question that was deep in her heart and now she was waiting for his response, a stern atmosphere builded up in the atmosphere ad Li Lun awaited the answer

Meanwhile Xiao's eyes looked deeply into Li Lun's eyes as he thought of his answer, a few seconds ticked by before he opened his mouth to speak, his face was serious, as he looked deeply into Li Lun's eyes

"Will I marry you in the future?, yes I will marry you in the future but it would only be if and only if you want to marry me, if in the future you meet someone you love before our marriage time then I would gladly let you be with him and I would take all the blame for the problems that would arise"

Xiao finally finished speaking as he kept looking into Li Lun's face that seemed to be in daze, she remained like that for as few minutes before she broke out of it and looked at Xiao with a confused gaze, she looked deeply into his eyes trying to find any falsehood but she could find no deceit from him, only genuine emotions


Li Lun finally asked after the seconds ticked by, Xiao's words only confused Li Lun more, why did Xiao care about her feelings, no why did he care about her at all?

"Why?...well, you could say that it's because I want it, it's that simple"

Xiao spoke with a nostalgic and profound look as he turned his gaze towards the sky, after some time he turned it back to Li Lun

"Li Lun, I will give you a chance till the marriage date but after I marry you, you will be mine and I will never let anyone take you away from me, got it?"

Xiao's last words were powerful and strong, his words deeply hit Li Lun causing her to blush deeply, with a shy smile she turned her face to the side, trying to hide her embarrassment, Xiao looked at Li Lun for a moment before he turned back to the skies, all the words he spoke were the truth.

Xiao does indeed have good feelings for Li Lun but it isn't love, to speak the truth Xiao never married nor did he ever have any romantic interest, all he had were some flings here and there, never truly falling for someone but if there's something that Xiao takes very seriously then it would be his promise

Since she's his fiancée then he would make sure to take care of her and if she ever became his wife then he would protect her from anything that wanted to harm her, this was Xiao, if he put his mind on something he would make sure that he had accomplished it

'Sigh.....lets see how the future goes....'

Xiao thought as he threw out all the confusing thoughts from his mind, there's some time before everything happens and by that time Li Lun would have awakened her power, he could not predict how the future would go with his interference, all he could do was go with the flow and see how things end up

Time ticked by as half an hour pass, with it Li Lun had to leave with her father back to her family, in truth she was a bit sad to leave but after being promised that she could visit again she smiled happily as she left with Li Kai, who had a confused face, just as Xiao had being returning to his mothers room, he heard a short cry in one of the nearby garden

Hearing the familiar voice, he walked towards a semi hidden area within the garden, reaching it he could see Yun Yurou sitting with her head on her knees and her arms wrapped around her legs, small broken cry could be heard from Yu Yurou, seeing it Xiao sighed again massaging his forehead

He was very tempted to just walk by without seeing this, Xiao's not an idiot he could see that Yun Yurou had budding childish feeling of love for him but he didn't mind, after all Yun Yurou's just a child and this feeling of hers would disappear with her age as she grew up, plus her feelings might cause problems as they were directly blood related cousins

Hence Xiao's plan was to just not interfere but seeing the devastated Yun Yurou Xiao hesitated for a moment but in the end he walked up to her and sat beside her, as soon as Yun Yurou felt someone sitting next to her she was startled and looked towards her side, seeing Xiao her eyes widened

She moved quickly as she tried to wash away the tears that filled her eyes but no matter what she did the tears only got more prominent, Xiao didn't say anything as he opened his arms and pulled Yun Yurou to a hug, causing her head to fall to his chest

Yun Yurou was unable to react and before she could realize it she was in Xiao's arms, at first she was confused but then she felt a warm and affectionate pat on her back, feeling it she was unable o hold back anymore as she burst out crying in Xiao's embrace

Xiao held her small body as he just kept tapping Yun Yurou's back to comfort her, sometimes what one needs is to just let out one's emotions

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