Time ticked by as Yun Yurou lay within Xiao's embrace as she cried out loud, tears rained down upon Xiao's chest, as he felt his chest moisten from Yun Yurou's tears, he was surprised to say the least, he knew that she had some feelings for him but he didn't expect it to be this deep

He had just thought of her feelings as some passing wind, something which would not cause much issues in her life but it seems he had underestimated her feelings, right now he had to be careful with how he deals with this, otherwise it might create a heart demon within Yun Yurou's martial heart, becoming a wall that would block her future path

'Sigh...this is a lot to deal with.....'

Xiao sighed inwardly, mentally he was old and for him, he has no feelings for Yun Yurou but Xiao knows very well how a persons feelings left unchecked might cause unprecedented problems, so dealing with it before it blooms is the best, a few minutes passed by as Yun Yurou lay within his embrace

The crying stopped as she had calmed down, Yun Yurou stayed silent as she lay within Xiao's embrace, a few seconds later she lifted her head as she looked directly into Xiao's eyes, Yun Yurou's eyes was red but deep feelings lay within her eyes

One must not looked down on her feelings because she's young, in the world of four heavens children mature very quickly this was not only due to the presence of Qi that naturally boosts their growth but also due to the worlds environment that naturally makes a person more mature even at a young age

Moreover a young child's feelings is not something that would stop, no it would only continue to grow as they chased after what fascinates their heart, Xiao slowly raised his hand and stroked Yun Yurou's face cleaning away the tears that was left within her face, he smiled warmly, just like a grandpa does to his grandkids as he spoke

"What's it Yun Yurou?, why are you crying?"

Yun Yurou was surprised from Xiao's sudden touch and his warm smile, a small blush took her face as she begrudgingly took her head from Xiao's chest while looking into Xiao's hypnotic eyes that drew her in, she held her gaze to his eyes seemingly trying to transmit something to him, Xiao understood as he asked her

"Yun Yurou do you have feelings for me?"

Even when he spoke he didn't take his eyes off her eyes, he could see Yun Yurou's eyes widening while she was panicking but in the end she closed her eyes and took deep breath, a few seconds later she opened her eyes as she nodded her head as she spoke

"Yes, that's right I do have feelings for you Xiao"

As she spoke a happy and warm smile came over her face, even when she spoke like this there was many uncertainties, fear and dread in her eyes, seemingly fearful of his reply, Xiao kept looking at her as he spoke

"Since when?"

"Since the time you fought for me, since the time you helped me get over my trauma, from then on you were my friend but I guess from some time onwards my feelings grew to be something else for you, not seeing you everyday causes me sadness, not talking to you makes me sad and seeing you everyday brightens my day, one day unknowingly you became a light at the end of a tunnel for me"

Yun Yurou finished speaking as she kept looking at Xiao, his eyes flashed as he looked at the deep dark eyes of hers, to tell the truth Xiao was very surprised he never expected her feelings to be this deep, just how could it reach to such level of intimacy?

Yun Yurou's feelings ran deep, he could see it, if he did reject her now, he was sure that it would destroy her, truly he couldn't find out how such deep feelings were fostered within her, if he did accept her feelings it might be good but it might hurt her in the log run, as right of now he doesn't have any such feelings for her, heck she's just a 10 years old!

Leaving that aside they were direct cousins which was not something to be taken lightly, unless you have absolute strength over others, you would still face backlash from what others might say about you, finally coming to a decision Xiao closed his eyes for a few seconds before opening them again and speaking to the worried Yun Yurou

"To tell the truth I am flattered you think of me like that, Yuoru I never thought of you as anything more than family and you should know that the relationship between us will never be easy...."

The more Xiao spoke the more pale Yun Yurou became but Xiao was not done

"But it doesn't mean that I feel repulsed or reject your feelings, in fact I am quite found of you but you must know that our relationship will not be accepted by the world not unless we have absolute strength"

As he spoke he raised his hand and caught Yun Yurou's both hand, with tender and pained eyes, his whole feature displayed his sadness at not being able to be with Yun Yurou, his sadness at the 'cruel' fate

"To tell the truth, I do cherish you a lot Yun Yurou but we both have average talents and our fate would be determined by our family, unless we have absolute strength we would be under their control, we would only be puppets under their control, forced to play to their tune, I like you Yun Yurou but our feelings are never destined to happen"

As Xiao finally finished his words he pulled the dazed Yun Yurou to his body, as he hugged her lightly, he tapped her body calming her down

'Ufff....I hope this worked'

What Xiao did was tell tell her that he liked her but they wouldn't be together due to the family circumstances, in this way it won't hurt Yun Yurou's feelings and it would also help to push her feelings away to, it was two birds with one stone, Xiao was sure that with time her feelings would fade....too bad his thoughts was a waste

If Xiao was to now look at the face of Yun Yurou he would definitely swallow his words back because right now she had a life less look in her face while her mind was muttering

'So family is the problem, family is the problem, family is the problem, family is the problem, family is the problem, family is the problem, family is the problem,'

Xiao didn't know right now but his decision right now he would dearly come to regret it down his life, a decision that would result in the birth of the world burning phoenix

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