Xiao could see Valencia talking to Xuanyin, seemingly trying to tell her something but She wasn't getting any response at all, Xuanyin looked completely uninterested, Xiao didn't keep watching for long as he entered the training yard, and as he did the attention of both the girls were focused on him.

The moment Xuanyin saw him she started to run towards him, with a smile Xiao opened his arms as he hugged his cute little sister, whose beauty and ice seems to be growing day by day, after leaving the hug he gave the little girl her favorite pat as he asked,

"All well?"

Xuanyin: Nods Head

"How were today's studies?"


"Haha....boring as always I see..."

Chuckling he turned towards Valencia his eyes leveling with hers, for a moment when he gazed into her eyes he felt a smitten feeling, something was telling him that she was beautiful, she's perfect, and that she should be his but it didn't even last for a second before which it disappeared, deep in Xiao's landscape the purple flame coldly snorted,

'So that's her bewitching aura'

Coming out of his thoughts Xiao mused, in the past, he completely fell for it becoming another one of the love-sick idiots, this was another one of her power's bewitching aura, by nature people will be more attracted to her, and weak ones would become her slaves, though right now it's weak, in the future this power would be a pain to mess with.

Looking at Valencia he could see her eyebrows raised, him resisting her natural aura surely improved his rating, no it would be more apt to say that for the first time she's looking at him, before to her he was nothing more than air,

"Valencia right?"

Xiao asked and she nodded her head,


Her voice was smooth and charming, just listening to it would make one's bone go soft, it was just that relaxing but Xiao was unaffected, staying calm he continued,

"May, I know what you want with my little sister?"

"I'm sorry but what I want is between her and me not you"

Valencia calmly replied back,

"You're right but I 'm her brother and I have the right to know when some unknown girl tries to make deal with my little sister"

Saying so Xiao turned to Xuanyin who was now looking at Valencia with frostier eyes,

"Xuanyin, what did she say to you?"


"Oh, I see...."

As of only understanding the reason now Xiao turned towards Valencia as he asked,

"Did you promise a treasure to help my sister in turn for a favor?"

Xiao's voice had become cold, the Qi around him was starting to sizzle, while Valencia stood calm, her eyes peering at him, seconds later she spoke,

"Sigh...this is so annoying but yes I did present her such an option, her talent and fate are amazing, it's best she takes up my offer, lest she spends the rest of her life in suffering"

Xiao remained calm as he heard Valencia's words, composing himself he smiled as he lovingly rubbed Xuanyin's head, looking directly into Valencia's eyes he spoke,

"I know, I know that my sister is meant for great things, one day she will definitely be someone that will look down on the world but I do not need some stranger's help for this especially one that does not desire any good for Xuanyin"

"So due to your stubbornness, you are willing to let your sister suffer?"

Valencia responded, her voice now dripping with a hint of disdain, Xiao could feel Xuanyin getting angrier, so he just pats her head making her calm,

"You are mistaken, my sister will be cured and I will make it happen, your help was never required"

"That's stupidity, do you even know or have the capability for a cure?"

Valencia replied, her impression of me seemingly dropping,

"You're wrong this isn't my stupidity, this is...my arrogance"

Xiao said with a smile that played all his arrogance at once, making Valencia flinch, her eyes narrowed, and she turned towards Xuanyin,

"Are you sure of your choice?"

Xuanyin didn't respond she just came forward as she held Xiao's hands, this more than enough for an answer, Valencia nodded her head as she turned around intending to walk away but before she did Xiao spoke,

"Valencia I don't know where you come from or what is your goal and truthfully I don't give a fuck but try anything to hurt my family, I will kill you"


Saying so a huge pressure came bearing down from Valencia, solely focused on Xiao but he didn't feel a thing, soon his hair and his body started to shine with a purple gaze, and an overwhelming feeling of a man above all started to flow from him pushing Valencia back, Xiao folded his hands causing his purples flame to blast outward covering everything.

But nothing was burned it had just created a domain that locked everything from the outside, Xiao now was covered in purple flames while in front of him Valencia stood her pink Qi stretching out covering her, this time she wasn't relaxed and for the first time since they met Valencia was now looking at him as an equal.

Right now the entire land they were in was a purple flaming domain, Xuanyin was still beside him safe and sound, Xiao waved his hand as hundreds of flaming purple arrows were created, while in front of him Valencia felt her Qi being disrupted, her natural connection to the surroundings were being cut off,

'Master what is this? why can't I access my Qi?'

Valencia calmly asked to the being in her,

'It's a false domain created by that flame, it seems to have gained its own sentience'

'How? and why can't I see through any of this? I checked before his fate should have been completely average, nothing should be able to hide from my eyes, even though it's not fully awakened'

This time her master was silent, it was only a few seconds later did she speak,

'No, there is one thing that is capable of hiding from everything and seeing through everything, ranked 10 in the cosmic treasure list, All-Seer'


This time Valencia was truly surprised but then her eyes narrowed as true killing intent began to wash over her, her master's words only meant one thing, all her secrets were laid bare in front of him and that has only one result...death!

Finally, she started to get serious, the skies above the Yun family thundered, her element sky started to rumble, her bloodline started to rumble covering her body with pinkish gas, elevating her beauty to another level, her face was still covered but the feeling she gave of changed, her eyes sparkled as the lines of fate appeared in her hands.

Thousands of probability started to run through her mind, each battle result, the next movement of Xiao's and how she could kill him, the sheer pressure from both sides were overwhelming.

On the other side Xiao took out his sword holding them in both his hands, his Qi started rocking deep within him, a sharp feeling began to come from him, and both of their momentum collided against each other, creating fractures in the air and just as the fight was about to begin a voice came from Valencia,


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