
As soon as the words were heard both of Xiao's and Valencia's powers stopped, as if a great hand had descended down their Qi to their abilities were completely suppressed, Xiao's eyes twinkled as he heard the voice, a blurry image of a woman appeared behind Valencia, no matter how hard Xiao tried he was unable to see her face, the only thing he could tell was that she was a woman,

'Adria Decebel'

Looking at the once-powerful woman Xiao reeled in his powers, even though she doesn't even have 1% of her peak power, the current her still more than enough to crush him, a feeling of pity arose when he saw that her figure was obscured, this was the price she had to pay for escaping sure death, her face would never again be seen, no power or gifts could change that,

p "Who are you?"

Xiao suspiciously asked as he made sure that Xuanyin was safely in his back,

"Master! you can't come out! what if they feel your presence!"

Valencia shouted but Adria just shook her head as her calm voice echoed,

"Don't worry I have set up a barrier, at least for the next few minutes we are safe, I had to do this or you would have destroyed your life, who told you to start going all out?"

Adria spoke as she looked deeply at Xiao, while Valencia shut up as she understood her fault, she had lost control when she heard that her secrets might be laid bare, that is something that she couldn't allow no matter what, after all, everything she has is too tempting, once her thoughts reached this, once again her bloodlust started to rise,

"Are both of you done?"

Just then Xiao spoke, taking in the attention of both the ladies, seeing this Xiao nodded his head, looking at Adria first he cupped his hands and gave a respectful bow,

"My respects to a warrior of such level"

Adria wasn't surprised by Xiao's words as she nodded her head,

"At ease"

Xiao didn't stand at formality as he stood straight, looking at Valencia he spoke,

"It seems that we got off on the wrong foot, my name is Xiao and I don't care who you are"


Xiao's words hit a nerve as Valencia looked at him with narrowed eyes but he didn't let her complete as he raised his hands to stop her from speaking,

"Wait let me finish, again I don't care what you do or what you are but I think we can reach a middle ground here"

After Xiao finished he looked at Valencia who took deep breaths as she closed her eyes, a few seconds later she opened them, and her calm eyes had returned, looking at Xiao she spoke,


"Well, it would seem that here we both know each other's secret, so why don't we just promise to keep our mouth shut? here you have the higher ground as you seem to have a higher status than me, so you could cause more trouble for me"

As Xiao finished speaking there was silence, as Valencia kept thinking, a few seconds later she spoke,

"Fine, how do you want to do it?"

Valencia relented, in the end, she knew that it was not worth it, both of them holds the other secret, this is the best leverage there is, in truth, she wanted to kill him but from the earlier powers she knew that killing him with her current power might not be easy, plus he doesn't seem like the lustful or idiotic type.

Right now her options are closed, perhaps in the future when she grows powerful she could kill him but for now, she plans on going along with Xiao,

"Good, then it's simple, we keep quiet"

"That's it? don't you want to get a physical representation of promise?"

Valencia asked confused, she had thought that he would ask for a heavens oath or deaths contract or a Qi cut but nothing, Xiao wanted to keep things on a verbal promise, meanwhile, Xiao just smiled, his eyes looking at her as an idiot as he spoke,

"Wait could it be that the disciple of such a master is a person who can't keep her words? or maybe you don't trust yourself?"

"Fine! be it your way"

Saying so Valencia didn't even stay for even an extra second as she turned around and stormed off, seeing it Xiao sighed as he relaxed his shoulders,

'Mission accomplished!'

Yup that's right, Xiao didn't just start a fight with Valencia for no reason, while he was pissed off by her desire to make Xuanyiun owe her a favor he's not stupid to just start a fight for it, his main objective was to make Valencia and himself reveal each others 'secrets', Xiao knew one day she might find out about it.

Even though right now he's hiding his fate, it does not mean that she couldn't in the future connect the dots and find out the truth herself, she's just that smart and that's why Xiao took the actions now to get rid of the growing issue now itself, this way he could determine when he's secret will be out.

Xiao is growing stronger not so that he could hide himself, why should he fear that girl and act cautiously? it's already stuffy now and he has no intention of hiding his abilities from her, let her see all she wanted, what can she do? all she could do is watch.....

Plus there's the added bonus of her not coming to him later on, Xiao doesn't want anything to do with that crazy girl, it was then that he felt a pull at his side, looking downwards he could see her sister looking at him with her cold eyes,


"Yes, I'm fine she couldn't hurt your big brother"

Saying so he flexed his muscle, which made Xuanyin nod her head, patting her head he spoke,

"Ready for sword practice?"

Xuanyin: Nods head vigorously

"Good, let's begin"

Saying so they began their night sword practice, while Xiao taught with a relaxed heart, knowing that Valencia will not talk to him anymore and that he doesn't have to see her too.

An hour later~~

'What's she doing here?!'

Xiao mentally screamed as he saw Valencia sitting before him at the dining table, beside her sat her mother, who was smiling at him, other than that there was his mother and sister at the table, his mother seems to be in a good mood as she was talking happily with Raena as if they were some sort of lost friends,

"Mo-Mother? what's going on?"

Xiao asked completely confused, looking at Valencia he could tell that it was the same for her, his question caused both the ladies to stop talking as they replied at the same time,

"Oh, both of us just became sworn sisters!!"

'What the fuck?'

Is all Xiao could think of this twisted change, dazedly looking at his smiling mother his thoughts were,

'Is this the so-called butterfly effect?'

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