'Is this the so-called butterfly effect?'

Xiao thought as he gazed at the two beautiful women chatting amiably with each other, deep down Xiao knew that the entire timeline is now fucked up, especially after Yurou's awakening which was totally out of place.

Xiao deeply cared about making sure that things won't derail from what he knew, not because he cared about the protagonist and the world, just for one simple factor.....control. Xiao didn't want things derailing from his hands, years of living as a mercenary and his master's teaching have taught him how important having information is.

With the right information, Xiao could move the world, but he still plans to take it smooth and soft, rather than running behind power crazily, Xiao wants to relax and cultivate, and see the world for what it is but he could only do that after making sure that his mother and sister are okay, once he gets his hand on that treasure he will be able to help his mother and sister.

Thus securing their happiness and safety, once that is done, Xiao would cooly move through the world racking in riches and power, so who cares if the world and the timeline are affected? as long as it happens after Xiao's gained everything he's happy but he knows that life is never easy, everything related to him is blurry and hidden, Xiao could only slowly move through the fog of mystery,

'Though, I am happy to see that I am not the only one that's pissed'

Thinking so he turned his gaze to Valencia, who was currently sitting opposite to him, her calculating eyes now calm, though Xiao could still notice her brows twitching a little, she still hasn't reached the level where she can completely hide her true emotions, once she truly activates her heart and body, nothing will be able to conquer her heart,

"Valencia, you must take care of your, little brother, okay?"

"Little brother?"

Both Xiao and Valencia asked at the same time, making both the other mother's chuckle, Yun Lan, looked at her son as she said with a kind tone,

"Xiao since both me and Raena have become sworn sisters, that means, from today onwards Valencia is your sister and since she's older than you she will be your big sister"


'What's with that twisted logic?!'

Xiao felt his mind buzz when he heard his mother's words and when he turned to Valencia he could have sworn that he saw a smile come through Valencia's face, its then he felt a tap on his head, admonishing him, his mother spoke,

"Xiao, greet your aunt!"

Hearing this Xiao could only bitterly smile as he stood up and gave Raena a respectful bow, true respect filing his voice and gaze,

"Xiao pays respect to aunt"

"My, what a kind and handsome boy"

Raena said with a smile, ruffling Xiao's head,

"I know right?"

Xiao's mother said with a proud tone, seeing this Xiao smiled, this was the first time that he ever saw his mother showing her true self to anyone other than him and his sister, he could see that his mother took this oath seriously,

'As long as she's happy'

With that he forgot about the issues themselves, it's truly surprising that something like this happened but seeing his mother happy, he's happy, the issues about how this happened? and why? flew out the window, since it's not causing any problems why should he rack his brain for nothing? it might be unprepared but it's not like the world is ending, with this Xiao regained his calm,

"Hey, Raena, why don't I show you my wine collection?"

Yun Lan asked, and Raena nodded her head,


"Let's go!....oh! and you kids talk"

Saying so both the mothers disappeared, leaving Valencia and Xiao alone, soon the atmosphere became awkward, thankfully Xuanyin had to head for her nap since she's still a mortal and due to her condition she needs more rest than others,

"Sigh...why don't we just talk, no matter how much we don't like each other, it would seem that we still have to tolerate each other's presence, we can't hurt our mother, can we?"

Xiao finally spoke with an amiable smile trying his best to start a conversation, it seems to have worked as he got Valencia's attention but the words that came out of her mouth shocked him,

"We can be friends if you call me big sister"

Her words were laced with mischief while her eyes carried a hint of desire for revenge,

'What the hell is happening?'

Xiao thought as he gazed at the face-covered girl in front of him, there's no way that Valencia would ever speak to him like this, she has utter disregard for anyone other than her mother and her master, to her everyone else is just nothing....absolutely nothing...

'The hell?! am I in some alternate universe?'

Xiao was not truly questioning where he is, while Valencia who was opposite to him was frowning, her eyes filled with confusion,

'Why did I say those words?'

Valencia thought with a frown, she herself didn't know why she said them, ever since the friction between them, she felt an innate desire to defeat him?.....no that wasn't it there's something else...

'Master, is something wrong with me?'

Valencia asked the next person she considers her family, an authoritative yet sweet voice was heard in her head,

'No, there is nothing wrong with you, I guess you can call it a rivalry'


Confusion filled Valencia,

'Sigh.....isn't this the first time you met someone that is completely immune to your charms? the first time that someone made you back up? someone that seems mysterious?'

Hearing this Valencia went into deep thought, she has to agree with the fact that for the first time she was stumped, ever since her birth she's been much more calculating than others and Xiao did intrigue her but that isn't enough for her to break out of her hidden shell, no she felt that something else was at play,

"Fine, we can be on acceptable terms but first you must sign this"

Valencia quickly returned back to her cold self, her eyes regained their calculating light as she looked at Xiao,

'Thank God!'

Xiao let out a breath as he saw that Valencia was back to her true self, without a word he started to read the contract, it was the death contract of the highest level, it's something which only the death shrine can give out, once signed the people will be connected by death, try to break, well then you die, simple as that.

Xiao made sure to read the contract three times, looking for any loophole that could be exploited, finally after a minute he placed the contract down, then without any hesitation, Xiao dropped a bit of his blood into the contract that quickly started to shine with a black light, that blasted forth between Xiao and Valencia.

Finally, after a few seconds later the light faded away, both Valencia and Xiao could now feel a small connection between them, if one of them broke the contract the other would know,

"Now we can talk"

Valencia said as she straightened her back and looked at Xiao with emotionless eyes that shined with a hint of interest.

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