Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 152 152-Caught It.

"Tell me Li Lun, do you think I find you repulsive with your eye?"

Xiao asked he looked deeply into her eyes, making her flinch the question directly drilled into her heart, breaking past all the protection that she had placed, just her reaction was more than enough for Xiao to understand why she was unable to use her eye of the void,

'Such a simple yet complex reason'

This doubt had been within Xiao's heart but he held it in since he wanted Li Lun to realize it herself but this sudden 'dream' of his threw a wrench into Xiao's plan, for now, his main objective is to get back to the four heavens and deal with some issues he should have dealt with a long time ago.

Just like everyone else Li Lun up and till now lived within the protected confines of the empire, she had never interacted with any other species, her rebirth had pushed into her mind several information about the whole cosmos and when the two of them arrived here she had seen species she had never before heard of.

This might have helped but it all in the end boiled down to the fact if Xiao felt any sort of revulsion towards Li Lun because she was not human anymore, in truth the current Li Lun was cuter than any other and she herself knew this too but even then her hearts restless, she knew now she has three eyes but as long as the third one is closed it won't make Xiao repulsive right?

This might be the thought that's running deeply through Li Lun's head, making it harder for her to open her third and most important eye,

"Li Lun, I will tell you this here and now, no matter how you look now or in the future, I will never ever find your appearance repulsive"

His words were strong and powerful, Xiao kept direct contact with Li Lun, making her understand everything he said deeply, his right hand held her face as he gave her a smile,

"Never push away power and if you ever have questions, don't hesitate to ask them to me, got it?"

He asked to which Li Lun nodded her head, her expression turning focused, her hand placed above Xiao's that held her face, to her what she needed was just a small reinforcement, her desire to push away was for Xiao but if he willed it she would take every power he speaks of,

"I'm sorry for worrying you"

She said with a smile as she took off her hands, and slowly she made some space from Xiao, she soon closed her eyes, a deep breath filling her, as the void Qi around her started to shake and quake, the third eye on her forehead trembling as the eyelids started to slowly open, and soon smoothly her void eye opened up.

It was grey in color, with no pupils inside, it was a complete grey, with a '�' symbol on it, contrary to the grey the symbol was shinning dark black, making a striking yet dangerous look, the moment it opened Xiao felt a small chill up his spine, pure evil darkness was felt from it, a few seconds later Li Lun opened her eyes as she looked at Xiao.

Her eyes peered into his, trying to find any discomfort but all she got was a warm prideful gaze, making her smile,

"Now, why don't we start the real hunt?"

Xiao asked to which Li Lun nodded her head, the void Qi around her trembling and surrounding her, the cave shook a little, as all the void Qi focused around the void eye, the marking on it lighting up as the light within Li Lun's eyes started to disappear, Xiao could tell that right now she wasn't gazing at the world but the cracks of space that surrounds the balance of life.

Xiao didn't say anything as he stood beside her, he knew at this moment she was more vulnerable than ever and her awakening wasn't gone unnoticed, his sense was stretched wide and Xiao could feel several powerful beings of this placing focusing towards them, their greed filling the entire plane,

'Looks like they all want a piece of her'

Xiao could understand their greed, the place was filled with void creatures, and for them to swallow up Li Lun would mean that they could perhaps get a chance to obtain her powers,

'Teresa sure is ruthless'

One small mistake here and Li Lun would be dead, of course, Xiao is sure that Teresa would intervene but even then the objective of moving around here is extremely hard, Li Lun had yet to practice enough to reach a level where she's capable of hiding her true lineage and power, whenever she opens her void eye everything greedy will rush to consume her.

Even though Xiao could feel the quaking of the ground, and the fast-approaching beasts that could take them both down he stood there guarding Li Lun with a calm face, soon Li Lun's void eyes seemed to dim down as her eyes regained their light, the eye on her forehead glowed on its own,

"So? any luck?"

Xiao asked to which Li Lun nodded her head, sweat filling her forehead,

"I found one three kilometers north of here"

"Good then let's go"

As he spoke he took up Li Lun and soon vanished from the cave, his skill [Forgotten] being put to use as his and Li Lun's presence completely disappeared, the powerful beasts that locked onto them screamed in rage as they quickly zoomed to their position bit by the time they reached here the two of them were long gone,

"Where is it correctly?"

Xiao asked, to which Li Lun closed her eyes, focusing around her to feel the fracturing lines of space, soon she pointed to a direction and Xiao started to move towards it with controlled speed, keeping his focus not to alert any unwanted beasts, he could still feel several of them lurking around for them,

"So what should we do?"

Xiao asked as he reached the location, Li Lun didn't reply as she waved her hand in a catching motion and the next moment she replied,


As she said so she opened her hand in which lay a worm-like beast, barely the size of a pinky, with fleshy teeth peaking outward,

"Guess we are done"

Just as he finished saying so the two of them disappeared and just as they did powerful attacks that could wipe them off the world hit the area they were staying in.

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