Heavenly Opposers

Chapter 153 153-Lets Hunt

The dizziness and the covering over his eyes faded away as Xiao appeared back in the very familiar white room along with Li Lun, both of them stood there in silence as within a few seconds the emotionless voice was heard again,

"The second trial has been completed...."

"Scanning the situation to distribute the reward..."

"Scanning completed..."

"Achievement completion rate, Li Lun: 80%, and Xiao: 20%"

"Rewards shall be distributed based on contributions..."

Just as the voice was over, a bright light flashed once again as it entered inside Li Lu and Xiao, this time the light entering Xiao was a bit more larger than the previous time,

'Guess it took in my action of rescuing Li Lun'

While he thought so the voice spoke again,

"Make a choice....."

"Continue or leave....."

Hearing this Xiao turned to Li Lun who too turned to look at him, a smile lighting up their face as Xiao spoke,


"Of course"

The reply of Li Lun was more than enough as she spoke out,

"We wish to continue"

And once again they were whisked away, soon the two of them opened their eyes as sharp deadly winds started to hit their face, Xiao narrowed his eyes as he started to look around, from what he could see, he appeared to be above a certain cliff, sharp winds rose from below the abyss like area rising to the top.

Looking sideways there seems to be no way out, as they were transported to the very top of the cliff but what took Xiao's real attention is the fact that,

'The void Qi here is low, in fact, I can't almost feel it'

Just as he thought so he heard Li Lun coughing beside him,


It was as if she was having seizures as she directly fell into the ground clutching her throat with her body shaking heavily, she seemed to be struggling to grasp for air, seeing so Xiao crouched down to her as he held her body and started to pat her back,

'Qi deprivation, this is not good'

Xiao clearly knew what she was suffering from, its the situation where one's body is unable to get the Qi required, a similar situation of not having enough air to breathe, when a person reaches a level where the desired Qi doesn't exist the said person will undergo a seizure like a state while the body tries to adjust to the heavy change in atmosphere.

But its more dangerous for Li Lun, she's just a fledgling whose just getting used to having the void Qi around her, and to suddenly take it away would result in a dire situation, if not dealt with correctly she might even die, in normal situations, the body would take several hours for it to adapt, after which it would be fine but you would be unable to use your whole power.

This is the main reason that many don't travel between the realms, most only try so, when they reach a level of adequate power, else even if you are strong in one realm, in the other you might have your ass handed to you by even a kid, for adapting to an unknown Qi is not easy, many lost their lives due to it.

Of course, there are realms where there exists all the Qi as one, most high-level realms are born from the combination of immense Qi's around them, or the realms themselves will grow to be such, the one Xiao comes from is such and all high-level realms won't have this problem, it only arises to the low-level realms and beings that come unknown realms,

"In the sky birds of power fly high..."

"Targets unseen and seen float proud and high....."

"Take them all out and you shall leave..."

The emotional voice spoke again as Xiao tried his best to help Li Lun, using his minuscule gift to try to balance the extreme fight taking place due to the lack of Qi that was in her body. He looked above him as several small bird-like creatures started to rise from the abyss-like depth.

Xiao wasn't able to keep his focus on them as just as they appeared in the sky they seemed to flinch and disappear through space and just like that several of these birds started to flash through in the skies, the heavy wind blowing to the top creating a fluctuating scene of dance and beauty,

'So these are the targets'

Xiao couldn't help but agree that this trial is harder than the other ones before, this one's more prone to guide Li Lun's archery, making her style even deadlier than it already is but it would have to first begin with Li Lun getting used to having minuscule void Qi around her. He kept patting her back while giving her encouraging words,

'Sigh....this is going to be a long trial'

It was only an hour later did Li Lun get better, finally, she got some semblance of control over her body, and she started to adapt to the scarcity around her, right now the two of them were seated on the rocky cliff, with Li Lun leaning onto Xiao for support,

"How are you feeling now?"

Xiao asked, to which the panting Li Lun replied,


Saying so she took a deep breath while she tried to control the void Qi around her but it blasted like a bubble, her control was horrendous in the current environment,

"Hehe....don't worry, you will get better"

Xiao replied as he patted her head, making her pout,

"How are you not affected?"

She asked to which Xiao smugly shrugged his shoulder as he replied,

"Well I am better"

"humph narcissistically"

Li Lun commented, though a proud feeling filled her heart to which Xiao smiled,


He took up the compliment to which Li Lun kept trying her best, not being willing to fall behind him, well sadly Li Lun didn't know that Xiao is already used to the scenario, even when he arrived on her legacy land if it wasn't for the death cloak he would have died, also in the current situation unlike Li Lun Xiao isn't that reliant on the void Qi, there's also the fact that he had experienced all this before and is quite used to it,

"This...huff....trial is.....huff.....harder than.....huff....I thought"

Li Lun spoke trying her best to get her breathing in rhythm, her entire body weight on him, while she used the connection between them to get more control,

"Yeah, it would seem that we will be stuck here for a while"

Xiao replied as he gazed at the flashing birds in the sky, the birds under seemed to be of a high number as different birds seemed to come and go in a certain pattern,

"Though....huff..... it's beautiful"

​ Li Lun said as she gazed at the birds moving all around,

"Yeah, it's beautiful but if we want to leave here we, or more precise you need to kill them"

Xiao said to which Li Lun turned silent,

"It's going to...huff... be quite....huff....tough"

She said moments later, feeling the wind and seeing the unpredictable movement of the birds,

"Well, it's good that we have some time on our hands"

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