Hellbound With You

Chapter 788 - Kitchenware

Chapter 788: Kitchenware

Zeres went straight to the main door. When he opened it, Lucas was already standing out there. It was helpful that his place was not that far from Kiel's place because it made it possible for him to call this man and have him come over to help with things like this. Though Lucas was a vampire, Zeres trusted him. He has been among their gang during their journey to that cave after all. But that was not the main reason why he had chosen to call Lucas instead of just picking a human or a witch to come over.

"Is there a problem?" Lucas looked alert and seemed to be expecting some kind of big trouble to be brewing. "Is a vampire trying to mess up in here?"


"Then why did you call me so urgently?" Lucas was confused.

"I am in need of a good cook." Zeres looked intently at Lucas.

." He could see now that there was a hopeful shine in Zeres' eyes when he looked at him.


Lucas looked like his system just suffered a hard blow and now he was lagging. "Cook...??" he could only echo the last word he heard.

"Yes. She's hungry and I don't really know how to cook for her."

"You could've just hired a professional chef you know?!" Lucas was barely able to hold back a scream.

"I don't think there's anyone better in cooking meals than you." Zeres praised Lucas highly.

. ' Lucas thought that it was not the point. He could not help but feel embarrassed with his extremely serious expression as he praised him.

"Flattery won't work on me." Lucas answered flatly.

"I'm not flattering you. I just don't trust anyone but you to cook for her as well. You're not going to decline me, right?"

The red-head let out a deep and long sigh. "You should've at least told me it's nothing serious, you..." he trailed off and just shook his head as he walked inside, already taking his jacket off. He sighed again defeatedly. "Are the ingredients ready? Do you have them? What should I cook?"

"Nothing is ready yet. I'll have my men buy them for you really quick. Just tell me what the things are

"Wait a moment. What kind of food do you want me to cook?"

"Something nutritious. Something good for a patient."

Lucas sighed again. "I got it. Where are your men? I'll inform them myself." Lucas looked as though he had given up and just went along with the flow.

And with that, everyone scrambled to buy the ingredients and due to Zeres' urgency, the men returned really fast.

"Since you're so damned impatient, come over and help then." Lucas threw Zeres a dirty glance and the man was quick to approach the kitchen, pushing his sleeves up.

"What must I do?" Zeres stood next to him, looking at him awaiting an instruction. He was obedient and ready to help in whatever way he could.

Lucas arched his brows silently before handing over the vegetables to him. "Wash these carefully."

Somehow, Zeres managed to do the simple tasks Lucas asked him to do. However, when he asked him to wash the glass and bowl that seemed to have never been used for quite a while, Lucas was instantly reminded by that nightmarish time when Zeres and Kyle asked to help wash the dishes before.

And just as he looked at Zeres to stop him, the sound of the glass falling into the sink echoed out in the kitchen.

Sighing tiredly, Lucas waved his hand at him. "Your job is done here. You go there and sit and wait. Patiently. And don't come over and be a nuisance over here." He told Zeres with a strict expression and just like him, Zeres also remembered how it seemed to be such a big deal for Lucas if his kitchenware broke.

Afraid that the red-head might get irritated and kick him out just like that last time when he was with Kyle, he listened and took a seat like a good little boy until the meal was finally prepared.

"You can take this to her now." Lucas said as he took his apron off. "I'm leaving. Just ask your men outside to wash these. It's better if you don't come anywvhere near the cups, plates and bowls." Lucas warned Zeres seriously.

The man then turned to leave but was stopped by Zeres' words for a moment. "Thank you." Zeres said with much sincerity and Lucas just glanced back and replied "no, problem"

before he left the house.

Grabbing the tray, Zeres brought it up to Iryz's room. The nice smell of the freshly cooked porridge was so good, Iryz even closed her eyes as she took in its scent.

"Mmm...!! That smells absolutely divine!" She excitedly muttered as Zeres put the tray on the small serving table before her. "Makes me feel as though I am even more starved now." Her eyes flew open as it twinkled when she looked down and ogled the food.

Zeres watched her eat as she savoured the food. He was truly convinced now that Lucas was the best cook he had ever met. The fact that she even completely forgot about hiding her face now was proof that the food was so good. She had forgotten everything else — other than the porridge in front of her.

He could not help but smile in relief at the sight of her face enjoymg the food.

Back at Zeke's apartment.

Alicia and Zeke were still together on the same couch. Just that this time, they were not in a sitting position anymore. Zeke was lying on his back while she was sprawled on top of him, using him as her personal bed.

Alicia was the first to wake up again. She blinked for quite a few times without moving until she realized that the heartbeat she was hearing was not actually her own.

Slowly, she lifted her head, only to see Zeke's sleeping face so very close to her own.

Her cheeks quickly flushed a bright red at their suggestive sleeping position. And when she tried to get off him, she felt his strong arm suddenly wrap itself around her waist, and it caused her face to blaze even hotter at the realization that her shirt had already hiked up to her stomach and that he was touching her completely naked hip..

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