Hellbound With You

Chapter 789 - Erotic dreams

Chapter 789: Erotic dreams

Alicia felt her throat run dry as she became more conscious of the fiery hand holding her completely naked lower body. How did they manage to get into this kind of situation again? Her eyes were still wide as she kept her gaze on him, her own body frozen stiff, expecting his eyes to open.

They did not. And he looked like he was still genuinely asleep. Was this despicable man fake-sleeping again? Was he trymg to cheat her again?

Her flushed face was currently turning even redder in anger when he suddenly made a sound. It sounded like a moan to her, and she felt as though it travelled straight down to her toes.

She felt him move his cursed hand, trailing a burning path upwards under her shirt, causing her to stifle a gasp. She should be yelling at him now, hitting his handsome face even to forcefully awaken him from his fake-sleep.

But goddess help her because her body refused to move. It still stayed in that frozen state, not quite knowing what she should do now. Her mouth did not open to yell at him, and her hand stayed still like they were now rendered useless. And she knew why. She could no longer even deny it to herself anymore.

Her body liked his strong muscular arms, his fiery touch on her naked skin. It was happening again. This furore of need and lust had been smouldering on the back burner, was now ignited again into a burning inferno, just like that.

His hand caressed her back, his slightly rough finger pads sliding across her smooth pale skin while the other hand began to trail languidly towards her side. The fiery trail of fingertips made her heart thud even harder, faster, as they moved upwards, searching for her breast.

When his hand finally reached it, Alicia found herself biting down sharply on her lip to keep herself from shouting out her pleasure. She kept her now dazed eyes locked on his face. The blasted man was still having his eyes closed.

He still looked like he was dreaming as he continued touching her, his hands having their own adventure on her body. Was he really dreaming right now? He truly looked like he was. But Ezekiel? Dreaming about touching someone? The thought alone was so unlikely that Alicia almost scoffed out loud.

That seemed to be harder to believe than him just faking sleep right now.

He gently massaged her breast and her body burned, sending violent thrills crashing into her all the way to her toes. Then she felt his arousal thickening, hardening against her. It did not help one whit that he was wearing trousers. The feel of his length, hot and throbbing was enough to send all rational thoughts scattering out of her mind and into oblivion.

His name was about to be torn from her lips, but he beat her to it as her name instead, fell from his lips first.

"Alicia..." he uttered lowly, and she was shocked at the raw desire and longing she heard in his voice.

Then his eyes flew open. She stilled. Both of them stilled.

Their eyes locked onto each other's. She could see his eyes slowly stretching wider.

"Y-you're dreaming..." she stammered, still in shock. There was no mistaking it. Ezekiel was really dreaming of touching someone just now. And that someone was... her!

There was just no way that was fake. He had really just woken up. And that sound of him calling out her name just now... he was not faking sleep this time, she was certain of that!

"You were dreaming of me..." she said again, staring at him in disbelief. She was not sure if she was just informing him of what he had done, or just voicing it out to herself that her sworn enemy was having erotic dreams of her.

Alicia did not know how to explain what she was feeling at the moment. All she knew was that she wanted him to admit it. She did not even know why she wanted him to admit it.

What for? What was she hoping to happen once he admits it? More importantly, was she going to respond positively to him if he really did come out and admit it?

A part of her was screaming internally at the top of her lungs for her to stop insisting further about this. As if this part of her was afraid of something. No, afraid was an understatement. It was terrified and horrified of what might happen next.

But right now, that did not seem to be enough to stop her.

"Answer me, Ezekiel." She bugged him recklessly. "You were... dreaming of me. All the while you were touching me all over and while you're... hard and moaning out my name.

Don't you dare deny it!" Hearing herself, Alicia was feeling aghast. But her body did not seem to want to cooperate with her mind to shut up. Her mind was screaming that she should just zip her lips and stop digging into this matter any further, but her treacherous lips kept on talking.

His lips parted open to say something, but he shut them closed again. For the first time, she watched Ezekiel really struggle for words. She even noticed now that he was even starting to sweat. This was a first!

It was an almost unbelievable sight.

He moved his arm and covered his eyes with the back of his hand, his jaws working. But Alicia daringly grabbed at his wrist and pulled his hand off his face, surprising him, causing him to blink at her.

"Don't hide from me and just admit it." she told him sternly. "Or are you afraid

She was roughly pulled against him in an instant. His face now serious and close... so close their noses were almost brushing. His arms now tightly wound around her small waist, not zivinz her anv room to navieate or wiszzle free.

"Tell me, Alicia. What will you do if I end up admitting to it?" Ezekiel asked, almost breathlessly..

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