Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 227 - 227 - Get Out Right Now

"I don't want Miss Aeri at all," Han argued.

"No need to pretend. Never mind, I don't want to argue. Right now you better leave this hotel," Dae Hyun said. It was pointless to argue with a shameless man.

 "So, you really want to fire me?" Han asked once again.

 Dae Hyun massaged his temples. Didn't know how else to give him understanding. Should have shouted if the words were no joke.

 "Get out right now, before I tell security to come here," Dae Hyun threatened.

 "I'm sure you will regret for firing me from this hotel." With his fists clenched, Han immediately turned around and then stepped out. Slammed the door so hard.

 Dae Hyun, who was very angry, now wanted to laugh at Han's defense. So in love with Aeri that he was willing to sacrifice his feelings.

 After Han left, the door opened again. Now it was Chang Yuan who entered while carrying a paper bag in his hand.

"Sir, what just happened?" Chang Yuan asked. When he ran into Manager Han at the door, his face looked pale.

"Get people to keep an eye on Han. I don't want him to make a fuss in this hotel," Dae Hyun ordered with a flat face.

 "Yes sir." Chang Yuan could tell a little of what was happening from the expression on Dae Hyun's face.

 "Miss, this is a dress for you." Chang Yuan immediately handed the paper bag in his hand to Soo Yin.

 "Thank you, Assistant Chang. Sorry for troubling you," Soo Yin said as she stretched out her hand to accept it. She felt really bad for the man to bother buying women's clothes.

 "Not at all, Miss. Then I will excuse me," Chang Yuan said. Didn't want to bother his boss who seemed to be having lunch together. Chang Yuan could guess it because he glanced at the tray filled with food.

 Dae Hyun nodded his head.

 Soo Yin immediately pushed Dae Hyun's body away a little because he had been hugging her waist too tightly.

 "What were you doing in front of Manager Han?" Soo Yin grumbled while covering her face.

"So what?" Dae Hyun asked with a frown.

 "What if later he will leak our relationship to your family?" Soo Yin said, who was now scared.

"Calm down, he doesn't have any evidence so we can deny it. You don't need to worry," Dae Hyun said while cupping his wife's face, which was covered in palms.

Soo Yin slowly removed her palms from her face.

 "What if they believe?"

"Will not." Dae Hyun kissed Soo Yin's eyes alternately to calm her down. His little wife was really overreacting to such a problem.

 "If we get caught, it's your fault," Soo Yin said as she pursed her lips.

"Yes, honey. By the way, you were very brave to slap Han's face," Dae Hyun said with a smile. It was unexpected that his little wife was brave now.

 "It's because he insulted me, lucky I didn't punch him in the face," Soo Yin said with such a funny face.

 "Now you better change your clothes. I've made coffee as well as lunch. The coffee must be cold by now," Dae Hyun said with an annoyed chuckle.

 "Let me taste the coffee first." Soo Yin immediately grabbed a cup of cappuccino coffee made by her husband. It turned out to be quite good. Soo Yin wanted to finish it in one gulp because it's warm.

 "Honey, remember not to drink too much," Dae Hyun warned.

 "I just tasted a little," Soo Yin said with a grimace. Immediately put the cup back on the table which turned out to be only half of the contents.

 "You can't drink it again." Dae Hyun immediately finished the rest of Soo Yin's cappuccino in one foot swallow.

Soo Yin immediately went into the bathroom to change her clothes. Indeed, there were not too many coffee stains on her clothes. But enough to make her felt sticky.

 Waiting for Soo Yin, who was changing her clothes, Dae Hyun brought a tray of food to the table in front of the sofa. It was more comfortable to eat there. Before someone suddenly walked in, Dae Hyun also locked the door first.

 Dae Hyun made two servings of fettuccine pasta, which in Italian meant small ribbons. Fettucini is served with tomato sauce with a topping of meat or carbonara.

 Incidentally, the restaurant in the hotel also provided a variety of pasta so Dae Hyun had borrowed the restaurant's kitchen for a while to make it. Hopefully Soo Yin liked it. Considering this food was an unfamiliar menu. Dae Hyun learned to make it while in Italy a few years ago.

 Soo Yin had already come out with the clothes that Chang Yuan bought. It turned out that the man was very good at choosing clothes that fit her body.

 "Assistant Chang is very good at choosing clothes," Soo Yin said, who was standing in front of Dae Hyun.

 "Of course, he can be relied on in everything," Dae Hyun said, who agreed with Soo Yin's words. That's why he was not too worried about leaving his job.

"Honey, is this some kind of pasta?" Soo Yin asked with sparkling eyes as her eyes turned to the table.

 "Hmm, eat it. I hope you like it." Dae Hyun grabbed a plate of pasta and handed it to Soo Yin.

 "It looks delicious, did you make it yourself?"

 "I'm just trying to make it again after not cooking it for a long time."

 "This is very delicious, you are indeed the best husband," Soo Yin said after tasting one bite. Too happy made Soo Yin reflexively kissed Dae Hyun's cheek once.

 Dae Hyun just smiled as he rubbed his cheek. His little wife was very sweet when she was feeling happy.


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