Hidden Wife : Best Husband

Chapter 228 - 228 - Aeri's Pregnancy

UN Village

Mrs. Park didn't know what to do at this time. Her daughter-in-law locked herself up in the room after Dae Hyun sent a lawyer to help with their divorce. She even angrily expelled the lawyer without wanting to see him.

 "Madam… Madame!" Eun Hee called as she walked down the stairs. She just delivered lunch to Aeri's room.

 "What's the screaming?" Mrs. Park, who was sitting on the sofa, suddenly got up.

 "Madame, Miss Aeri ... Miss Aeri is fainted," Eun Hee said, panting.

 "Fainted? How did she faint?" Mrs. Park asked with dilated pupils.

 "I don't know, Madame. When I came in, Miss Aeri was already lying on the floor," Eun Hee said, trembling.

 "Now call Doctor Kang, let me check Aeri." Mrs. Park hurried up the stairs in a hurry. There was worry on her face. If something happened then she will surely be blamed by Aeri's mother.

Eun Hee also immediately checked the phone book to contact Doctor Kang.

 In the room there were already two servants who helped to lift Aeri's body to the bed. There was Jo Yeon Ho who was already sitting beside her with a face that looked sad.

 "Mother, wake up," Jo Yeon Ho said between sobs while shaking Aeri's body.

 "Yeon Ho, calm down. Your mother will be fine," said Mrs. Park while holding Jo Yeon Ho in her arms.

"What's wrong with my mother, Grandma?" said Jo Yeon Ho who was still sobbing.

 Mrs. Park immediately checked Aeri's temperature by placing the back of her hand on her forehead. Actually it's not too hot, but why did she pass out.

 Not long after that Doctor Kang arrived because when Eun Hee called him it happened that he was on his way not far from the UN Village.

 "Aunty, what happened to Aeri?" said Doctor Kang as he took out some medical equipment from his bag.

 "I don't know, the servant found her unconscious," said Mrs. Park.

 Doctor Kang started checking her pulse and stomach to find out how Aeri was doing. He frowned after getting a result which he thought was doubtful. It must be wrong and impossible. The same result when examining Soo Yin.

 The doctor gave medicine so that now Aeri slowly regained consciousness. Aeri can see Doctor Kang examining her.

 "Doctor Kang, what really happened to me?" Aeri said softly while massaging her head which felt dizzy.

 "Congratulations, you are currently pregnant," Doctor Kang said with an unhappy face. If Dae Hyun found out about this he will definitely go mad.

 "Is it true?" Mrs. Park looked very sparkling at the news because it was something she wanted.

"That's right, Auntie," Doctor Kang said. Very regretted to came here. Sooner or later Dae Hyun would be mad at him.

 Aeri sat there in disbelief at what she had just heard. Right now between happy and anxious. Aeri was happy that she was pregnant so Dae Hyun won't be able to divorce her. But she was also afraid because Aeri was very sure that the child in her womb was not Dae Hyun's child. She set him up just a few days ago so there was no way the results could show up too soon.

 It took at least one month for the pregnancy to be known manually. Unless you did an ultrasound, it's likely quick to find out.

 "Congratulations, you finally got pregnant." Mrs. Park immediately hugged Aeri happily.

"Am I going to have a younger sibling?" Jo Yeon Ho asked with an innocent face.

"Of course, honey." Mrs. Park rubbed Jo Yeon Ho's hair with a smile.

 "Hooray!" Jo Yeon Ho exclaimed excitedly. His little eyes were filled with excitement and enthusiasm. He rubbed Aeri's stomach slowly.

 Aeri was still frozen with cold sweat gushing out of her body. With a blank stare, Aeri was looking for a way so that Dae Hyun wouldn't suspect her.

 "Aeri, aren't you happy about this?" Mrs. Park said, while knitting her eyebrows. When she saw Aeri's expressionless face.

Aeri immediately snapped out of her frightened reverie.

 "Mother, of course I'm happy. I just didn't think that I was pregnant," Aeri said with a thin smile, trying to cover up her nervousness.

 Derrrtt ... derttt ... dertt …

 Suddenly Aeri's cellphone vibrated. Mrs. Park who was near the nightstand immediately grabbed it and then handed it to Aeri.

 "Aeri, someone called you. Maybe this is an important number," Mrs. Park said.

Aeri checked if the call was from an unknown number. However, the number belonged to Han who she was deliberately made anonymous. Aeri just let it go, no intention of answering it. If she answered him now, they will definitely be suspicious, but if she don't answer them, they will definitely be more suspicious.

 "Aeri, why didn't you answer? Wasn't that your husband calling?" Mrs. Park asked.

"Ah, this… this is just a call from an unknown person. Maybe it intends to trick me," said Aeri stammered. Hopefully her mother-in-law won't be suspicious.

Doctor Kang, who was at Aeri's side, was suspicious of her movements. Somehow he felt sure that the child that Aeri was carrying was not Dae Hyun's flesh and blood.

 "Okay, excuse me because I have to go back to the hospital," Doctor Kang said goodbye.

 "Aeri, you should have enough rest and eat nutritious food," Doctor Kang said after giving Aeri drugs and vitamins.

"Thank you, Doctor Kang," said Mrs. Park who escorted Doctor Kang to the door. She immediately returned to Aeri's bed.

 Mrs. Park also tried to call his son's cell phone but the number seemed to have been turned off on purpose. Although she couldn't wait to tell him the good news. Maybe Dae Hyun was really busy. Better to his son tonight. During the day like this he must be busy.

"Dae Hyun must be very happy to hear this happy news. Too bad his cellphone is not active," Mrs. Park said while sitting beside Aeri. Forgetting the fact that her son wanted a divorce from her daughter-in-law.

 Aeri only smiled faintly in response to her mother-in-law's words.

 "I can't wait to have a younger brother." Jo Yeon Ho looked so happy that he repeatedly hugged his mother.

 "Sorry, I want to rest. You better go out," Aeri said as she pushed Jo Yeon Ho's body, who hugged her.

 "Very well," Mrs. Park said.

 "Yeon Ho, let's go out. Let your mother rest first," Mrs. Park said while stretching out her hand to help Jo Yeon Ho to get out of bed.

Jo Yeon Ho looked so disappointed that he wore a sullen face when he left Aeri's room. Even though he still really wanted to be with his mother.

 After everyone left, Aeri got out of bed to lock the door. Currently, she was very curious to answer Han's phone, who had been calling her all this time.

"What's the matter to call me all the time?" Aeri asked curtly after answering the phone from Han. Her mood was not good right now.

 "I got fired and it's all because of you," Han said.

 "How did you get fired? Didn't he always trust you?" Aeri was shocked to hear that her affaor was fired from the hotel.

 "If you want to be in a safe position you better get rid of that girl right now."

 "For that you don't need to worry. Because he will not divorce me," said Aeri confidently, although not too sure.

 "What do you mean? You don't have to be overly confident," Han sneered.

 "Now, you don't have to worry about me. I'll persuade him to get you back to work."

 They kept talking for a while to plan something. Afraid that someone might suddenly hear her, Aeri immediately hung up.

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