Hundred Times Income Multiplier System

Chapter 244 Everyone Wants A Piece Of Me!

A/N: Sorry for the low chapter updates, I'm currently in the middle of relocation. So, it's hard to write more chapters for now.


"Nathan, come out right now!" An infuriated shout came out outside Nathan's bedroom. Nathan who was currently sleeping due to the mental tiredness that he had experienced, suddenly bolted out of his bed.

His expression was wary at that time because, he was not expecting that someone would dare to enter his bedroom. This was the room that even his wife and children could not enter.

So, for someone to get here, this was a blatant provocation as he had clearly stated that nobody was supposed to be here, especially it being on a Sunday that he was supposed to be taking his rest.

He was currently furious. Not only had there been someone who claimed to be his worst nightmare yet, but there were even others in the family that dared to go against him like this?

"How dare you try entering my room like you own this place? Who do you think you are so that you can simply come here as you wish to disturb my rest?!" Nathan shouted at the door that was still shut at this moment.

He was sure that had It not been for the fact that he had locked the door before he slept, then the other party might really have entered the room.

"Come out right now Nathan, you b*stard!" The other party did not seem to be scared by Nathan's shout at all. In fact, the other party seemed to have been even more enraged at the fact that Nathan was inside the room.

Bang! Bang!

There were fierce hits on the door. It was clear that the person on the other side of the door intended to break the door so that he could enter. But, the doors that were present in the Jesda manor were not that easy to be broken.

Nathan's fury was even more inflamed when the other party knocked on the door as if he wanted to break it.

Wasting no time at all, he rushed towards the door with a murderous intention. The next moment, he opened the door and looked at the person that was standing there with a ferocious gaze.

"Do you think that I'm so easy to bully, Simon? You left your house, came all this way to come and disturb my rest. Don't expect that you will get out of here intact!" Nathan practically roared with reddened eyes that showed just how maddened he was.

"You dare to talk to me in such a manner when you are the one that was involved in the murder of my son? Did you think that I wouldn't know that you were the one that sent the assassins after him?!" Simon shouted.

Simon was a middle aged man with a few streaks of grey on his head. He had deep brows, brown eyes and was a man with a tall stature. He was currently wearing a sweatpants and a vest.

This clearly indicated that he had come here the moment that he confirmed or got the information that it was Nathan that was involved in the murder of his son.

It was already morning at this moment. Nathan had slept through the day till the following morning. He had not even realized that it was already almost eight in the morning.

Nathan was stunned the moment that he heard what Simon had said. Simon was his cousin, he was from another line, different from his father's. But all the same, the two of them were cousins.

Nathan had clearly not expected that Simon would get the information about the assassin that he had sent a few years ago to kill his son. This was one of the ways that he had utilized to get rid of the competition that his son was going to face.

He had made sure that he was meticulous in whatever he did and didn't reveal any kind of information that would point the incident back to him.

Now, the question that was ringing in his mind was, how did Simon find the information about the assassin that he had sent over?

'This is getting frustrating! First, it was the hacking of my email account that led to several pieces of information being released. And now, here is Simon who has suddenly known about something that has remained in the dark for over a decade now.'

'Could this be the work of that person? Or is it that Simon just so happened to get the information at the moment that all the electronics that were registered with my email malfunctioned?' Nathan began questioning himself.

But, it seemed that the other party wasn't going to give him the time to continue musing about how the information was revealed.

"Today, if I don't kill you, then I'm not Simon Jesda!" Simon shouted, his eyes reddened with anger. He had clearly lost his sense of reason and completely ignored that there were family rules that prohibited the fights between members of the Jesda family.

The next moment, he had already managed to tackle the absent minded Nathan into the ground. What followed were blows that came from every angle that could be thought of.

Simon wasn't sure about the information that he had received that morning yet. Though, knowing Nathan's character, he thought that this was something possible.

So, he had come over angrily. Though he was angry at that time, it was not to the extend that he would attack the moment that he saw Nathan. He had deliberately put on an act that he was angry so that he could see Nathan's reaction.

And the moment that Nathan showed the stunned expression when he mentioned the fact that it was Nathan who had sent the assassin, then he had confirmed that it was something that was related to Nathan.

What Simon didn't know was the fact that, if this was any other time, Nathan would not have shown such a reaction at all. In fact, he might use the accusation that was placed on him to find a way to make sure that Simon suffered.

But, due to the changes that had suddenly occurred and he was in an unfavorable position in a long period of time, then he had lost his composure.

But, none of that mattered to the completely enraged Simon. He was stronger than Nathan. And so, he managed to land several blows on Nathan's face the moment that he brought him to the ground.

Nathan finally came out of his reverie the moment that he felt the pain that came from the blows that eh was receiving.

Although he might not be as strong as Simon, that didn't mean that he was weak as we. So, the moment that he came back to his senses, he also began wrestling with Simon.

The two engaged in a brutal fight that led to noses bleeding or the lips being broken. They were just about to continue fighting when suddenly, another person rushed in.

Nathan had managed to restrict Simon in that he had gotten a moment of peace. This was something that had happened only because Simon had lost his thoughts and was just attacking.

He had wanted to take a deep breath but then, he noticed the newcomer. And from the reddened eyes, he could tell that he was definitely not someone that was here to help at all.

"You bastard Nathan! So you are the one that caused my business project to fail?! Do you know how much you cost me by doing that? Don't expect that I'm going to leave you alive, even with the protection of the family rules!"

Nathan wasn't even given a chance to curse before the other party lunged at him. Then, another scuffle ensued as the two of them rolled on the ground, fighting for dominance while using whatever chance they had to land furious blows at their opponents.

Simon who was then free, got to his feet and charges towards the two that were fighting. Since he wanted to take care of Nathan, then, there was no way that he was going to let go of a chance to do just that.

He was going to throw a blow at Nathan when the next moment, the two who were fighting like barbarians changed positions. As a result, the punch landed on the other guy that was fighting against Nathan.

And having received a surprise attack, the other party was at first stunned. But in the next moment, he was infuriated as he yelled at Simon. "So, the two of you are collaborating in this? Then just fine, I'll deal with the both of you, more so you sneaky rat!"

And the moment that he finished that line, he ignored Nathan and charged at Simon who was just in the process of throwing another jab.

Simon's only thought at this moment as he faced the newcomer was that, this guy wanted to prevent him from killing Nathan. And since that was the case, then he would simply deal with him first before he got to Nathan.

So, he changed the target and attacked the newcomer with all his might.

Nathan finally let out a breath of relief when he saw the two engaging in a fight. He had never expected that another person coming over was a blessing to him as it relieved him from the fight.

Since the two of them were fighting each other, then he would let them do as they pleased. He would simply have to excuse himself so that he could leave them enough fighting ground.

He limped towards the staircase that led to the floor below. He wanted to get as far from this place as possible. He had to organize his thoughts so that he could deal with the situation where several of his secrets were being revealed one after the other.

Just as he got to the stairs, he was stunned to see that there was yet another person that was charging towards the upper floor on the stairs that he had just planned on using.

And just like the other two, his eyes were red. The moment that he spotted Nathan, he yelled. "There you are! There is no way that I'm going to let you go in a single piece. I'll definitely have to get a piece of you for-"

At this point, Nathan wasn't even willing to know what the other party was saying. His only thought at that moment was, 'Why does everyone want a piece of me today?'

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