While all of this was going on at the Jesda manor, a day before, Jack was seated inside his room inside of the villa at the Serenity's residential area.

His eyes were shining with great expectations as he looked at the screen that was blinking in front of him.

It was finally the time that he had been waiting for all this while. The month had finally ended and it was time for him to start reaping his rewards.

[The income of the companies is coming up next.]

As the system prompt appeared in front of him, Jack took a deep breath as he decided to watch as the system prompts were going to appear in front of him.

It was quite excited, looking forward to the types of rewards that he was going to receive this time. He had already started a few businesses this time that was supposed to have the first income reward.

And that was what was making him more excited. Although the income that you was going to Ann was going to be multiplied by 100, that didn't change the fact that he wasn't much interested in money as he already had over 200 billion dollars in his account.

[You have earned $70.5M from Good Vision Security Limited. Multiplier applied. You receive $7.5 billion.]

[You have earned $105.5 million from Bright way Medical Research Centre and Hope Hospital. Multiplier applied. You receive $10.5 billion.]

[You've earned $306 million from serenity residential area. Multiplier applied. You receive $30.6 billion.]

[You have earned $252,500 from Eden residential building. Multiplier applied. You receive $25.25 million.]

[You have earned $217.03 million from Kalmond and The Rose Entertainment Companies. Multiplier applied. You receive $21.703 billion.]

[First income. As a reward, you gain professional script writing and song writing skills. No missions needs to be completed so that the host can gain the skills permanently.]

[You have earned $50.8 million from glaze hotel. Multiplier applied. You receive $5.08 billion.]

[First income. As a reward, you gain professional chef skills. No missions need to be completed so that the host can gain the skills permanently.]

It was only at this point that the barrage of system prompts stopped. Jack's eyes stared fixatedly at the space in front of him.

'System, where is the first income reward of the Eden residential building?' Jack asked.

[Eden residential building was The first income reward of the serenity residential area. As a result, there is no first income reward for it.]

To say the least, his eyes showed a great hint of disappointment. He had been expecting more than what he had received to say the least. Although he had expected that the system wouldn't grant him the first income reward, he will still hopeful.]

Although it was true that he had received a lot of money, what he had been expecting was that, he was going to receive a lot more assets or businesses that he was going to manage.

But the end result of it all was that, he had received three different skills. Although it was true that he didn't need to complete a set of missions so that the skills could become his permanently, he didn't enjoy the feeling of gaining them at all.

The reason for all of this was that, All the skills that he had received while those that he didn't need at the present time.

Script writing? Songwriting? Professional chef skills? He wasn't going to dab into the entertainment sector at all. He didn't want to be a singer and neither did he want to be an actor .

Although these two skills could be used to promote the entertainment companies that were under him currently, this was something that would be considered a long term investment.

As for the chef skills, he already knew how to cook. Although he wasn't that much skilled in cooking, at least it was to a level that, they considered good enough for him.

Although he had a lot to complain about, there was nothing that he could do considering that the system had already been updated. Now, no matter what he did or said, The system would not change its decisions.

'System, can I at least get an explanation on why I got the skills and not assets?' Although he wasn't going to change the rewards that he had received, there was no harm in understanding what was going on.

[The host must know that, The first income rewards the host has received came from the assets that he was rewarded by the system.]

[And as a result, the system can decide on what kind of reward the host is going to receive. Since the previous month, The host received assets, then this time, the system decided to award the host with several skills that could be used.]

[The host has to note that, all the schools that he has received are related to the source. Furthermore, they can be used to boost the company in such a way that, the host can go ahead and monopolize the industries easier.]

[In other words, The system hopes that the host can complete the conditions for upgrading his authority of the system faster. Since the host currently has several businesses under him already, then the system so that it was good for the host to make sure that the current companies that were under him were on a top notch level.]

Jack took a deep breath as he listened to Angel who was explaining what the system had done. After thinking for a while, he found that the explanations from the system were making sense.

Although he could not use them personally, The skills that he had received could be used in such a way that they would boost the companies that were under him.

[Does the host want to claim the rewards that he had received?]

It was only after seeing this system prompt that Jack remember that he had not received the rewards that had been granted to him.

'Go ahead.' Jack immediately acknowledged. He wanted to know what was contained in the skills that he was going to receive. It would be good if it would be the improved version, just like the computer mastery that he had received.

Like a surging tide, several fragments of memories emerged in his mind. What followed that was that, Jack felt somehow uncomfortable as he got familiar with several things that were strange to him.

His mind began racing as his thought process rate increased. Several ideas appeared in his mind, several recipes also appeared in his mind.

His muscle memory was enhanced and such a way that he felt that he could do something that he had never done before.

Additionally, he felt that his mind had become somehow clearer than it was before. This was the first time that this had happened other than the time that he had received the professional combat skills.

When he received the professional driving skill, professional basketball skill or professional human language mastery, it was just the enhancement of his muscle memory or the appearance of the fragments.

The only time that receiving a skill changed him was when he received the professional combat skills. At that time, not only had he become stronger and faster, but his mind capacity had also been increased. Now, this was another time.

'Angel, do you have an explanation about what is going on?' The moment that Jack finished receiving the skills, after he was sure about it, he Immediately questioned.

[They had the number of skills that the host receives or gains, The higher the mental capacity required. And as such, if the mental capacity it's lower than the required threshold, then the system would improve it in order for the host to accommodate the new skills that he is receiving.]

Jack finally understood what was going on. Every time that he received a skill from the system, he had always been receiving several types of information in his mind.

And since each and every one of them was so much detailed, then it was obvious that his memory was occupied at large. For his mind to be able to store this large pile of information, then it is true that he needed great mental capacity.

Every human had his own limit. Even the number of the things that the brain could remember was limited. If one tried to force things, then it would be a scenario where, you would master Z while forgetting A.

Jack took a deep breath. It seemed that he had to do a lot more so that he could upgrade the system authority that he had. In doing that, equal to perhaps get more advantages from the system.

Although what the system had in store for him after he upgraded his authority to the second level was currently not well known, he was sure that it was going to be better than what he was receiving now.

And if what he was receiving currently was already enough to make him stand at the top of many people, then it was going to be a wonder about what he was going to receive during the time that his authority would average the second level.

'Okay then, I guess that it is time for me to look at the amount of money that I have received this time. I've got a lot of money but I have yet to start spending them fully.' Jack muttered in his heart as he took out his phone ready to check the balance.

It was no doubt that he already had more than 200 billion dollars in his account. Now what was left was to check the accurate balance that he had.

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