After having their breakfast, Jack didn't say much and accompanied Jonathan back to the Jesda family manor. He had no problems with visiting Anita.

From the way that Jonathan was behaving, it was clear that Anita wanted to see him. Jack could partly relate it to missing Anne.

Anne was Anita's sister and they had parted ways for more than 20 years now. It was obvious that she was missing her sister and that was the reason as to why he wanted to see Jack.

Although he was heading there at this moment, He was sure that his appearance would usually make a commotion rise in the Jesda family.

As for whether they liked or hated his mother, That was not something that concerned him as long as they didn't participate in the murder of Anne.

Jack didn't drive. Instead, since it was Jonathan who had come to pick him up, Jack thought that it was only appropriate for Jonathan to take him home. At that moment, he was considered a visitor.

After about 3 hours of driving, they had already gotten away from the capital city. The Jesda family manor was located outside of Kartu city.

Although it was outside of the city, it wasn't that far that they couldn't reach it. Just a few hours of driving was nothing to the people who would definitely enjoy the journey.

Jack had already seen the information about the Jesda family manor. This was not something that was kept as a secret to the public, it was just that they didn't reveal it to the public as well.

Though, if there was a person who was serious about finding information about them, they could easily find them as well as their location. It was just that their operations were always low key.

This was the exact reason as to why the Jesda family was considered as a family that was hidden.

They Jesda family manor was located in a certain forest that was just outside of Kartu city. The road that led to the family manor was located in between the forest.

The forest was quite huge for the central province. As for the reason as to why this forest wasn't cut down so that it could give space for more city development, Jack could only assume that this was due to the influence of the Jesda family.

As Jonathan drove on the road that was between the trees on each side, Jack was quite amazed about the environment.

Unlike the buzzing city, this area was quite serene. The lack of too much noise made the area a good place where a person could relax.

Jack didn't say a word until they arrived in front of a big gate. During his investigation of Nathan, he had already known of any information concerning the Jesda family as well as the location and how the area looked like.

In front of the gate, there was a small building where the security guards were. Jack could already see that the defenses of this place was top notch.

Not to mention there perimeter wall that was surrounding the whole Jesda residence, there were several CCTV cameras that could be used for security purposes as well.

The moment that the car stopped in front of the gate, one of the security guards looked into the car. The moment that he saw that Jonathan was the one who was driving, he nodded for him to continue forward.

| Although he knew that this car belonged to Jonathan, there was a family rule that stated that no matter who it was, that person had to go undergo security check before they entered the residence.

Although the guard wasn't going to do anything, there were several security measures that could be used to make sure that there's no danger that was entering the family residence.

All of this was possible due to the current technological level. The car could be scanned the moment that it went through the barricade that was between the outer gate and another gate that was present inside.

Just after he had confirmed that it was Jonathan who was driving the car and was ready to let them in, the guard's movement suddenly froze. That was simply because he had seen something that he wasn't expecting to see.

Inside the car, there were two people who looked alike. He could confirm that the one who was driving was Jonathan simply because, he had been there when Jonathan left the manor in the morning. And as such, he had seen the types of clothes that Jonathan was wearing before he left.

Otherwise, in the situation where he was seeing two people who looked alike, there was no way that he was going to identify who was Jonathan and who the other person was.

All the same, there was nothing that he could do about the situation. Although he was the security guard there, and he was given authority to make sure that those who entered the family manor didn't bring any type of danger into the family residence, that didn't mean that he was going to be involved in those who were going to be brought in by those members of the family. That could be considered as him going above the boundaries of his authority.

As he watched as Jonathan drove into the compound through the first outer gate, he couldn't help but ask himself, 'Am I just seeing things or is it that there are actually two people who look alike inside that car?'

'Anyway, it doesn't matter to me. At the end of the day, I have already completed the task that I was given. The only thing that is remaining is for the security check that is coming next. As long as theirs is no danger such as a bomb or something, everything else doesn't concern me.'

The security guard taught to himself as he walked back into the room where his colleagues were present.

Jack who was seated inside Jonathan's car looked around curiously. Although he had already known about the security check that was present inside, he was also curious about how it was going to scan the car.

The moment that they passed by a small password is present immediately after the entered the outer gate, Jack saw that there were several rays that fell on the car.

Jonathan didn't stop driving and just continued driving. As for the erase that were falling on the car, they were completely harmless, but they were the ones that were used to scan the car for anything that was considered dangerous.

After they got past the security check, the inner gate was opened without any questions. And as they drove into the compound, Jack couldn't help but say, "The security here is very tight. I just wonder how many enemies the Jesda family has for them to be this cautious."

Jonathan who was driving looked at Jack strangely. Then he spoke, "Why are you speaking as if you're not a part of the Jesda family? And I'm pretty sure that you have many enemies that you have created by the time that you have reached here now."

"I don't think I have any names at this moment." Jack simply took his head. He didn't think that he had any enemy. As for the lackeys that were with Collins or the one who had colluded with those who had taken hostages in his hotel, those are people that he didn't consider enemies at all.

As long as he wanted or he got any information about them, with his current abilities, he could definitely deal with them easily.

Jack remained silent. He wasn't ready to enter into a squabble with Jonathan. Upon seeing that Jack was silent, Jonathan smiled triumphantly as he continued driving.

In front of them, there was a big manor. This manor consisted of a single big building with several other villas or mansions that were around it.

But all the same, none of the extra buildings were in front of it. Jack could see those that were at the sides but could not see those that were behind. It was just that he had already investigated this and that was the reason as to why he knew that there were several other buildings behind there main building.

Instead of heading for the main building, Jonathan drove towards the western side of the main building. That was an area where there were several mansions.

"That's the same way my family is. To be precise only my mother, father and one of my uncles are the ones that I consider as family. As for the rest, I don't really care about them. Although we are related by blood, there are no ties whatsoever between us." Jonathan stated as he continue driving.

Jack had already done his investigation and already knew about this. The way that the manor was divided was simple. A long period of time before, the Jesda family had a total of three brothers.

They were the ones who had started the whole family empire. When they were building the residence, They had decided to settle on the four sides of the compass directions.

But since the main building was surrounded at three sides, they had decided that the person who was going to rule the family was done was going to occupy the center building.

Anne and Anita's ancestors had occupied the Western wing of the main building. And their elder brother at that time, was the one who had occupied the main building.

This had been always the way that things were in the Jesda family. The line that took control of the family was the one that settled in the central building.

But of course, since it wasn't good for the whole family line to move to the central building in every generation, then it was decided that, only the family that was going to be the leader of the whole Jesda family was the one that was going to take the central building.

And a such, Anita's uncle was the one who was currently occupying the main building of the Jesda residence.

After Jonathan parked the car at the parking lot of a mansion, the duo walked towards the house. Jack didn't feel strange at all even though this was his first time here.

This was supposedly his home. Had his mother not run away from here, and had actually made Dalton to move over here, then perhaps he could have been very familiar with this place.

But all the same, Jack didn't feel any shred of pity that he had missed being able to live here.

"What do you think? I already said that I'm the one who is going to occupy the position in the company. Do you think that you have the authority to take that position? You really don't deserve it! Not to mention that you are a mere woman."

Just as they reached in front of the door, They heard an arrogant voice coming from the mansion.

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