"What do you think? I already said that I'm the one who is going to occupy the position in the company. Do you think that you have the authority to take that position? You really don't deserve it! Not to mention that you are a mere woman."

Just as they reached in front of the door, they heard an arrogant voice coming from the mansion.

The moment that Jonathan had that voice, his expression shifted drastically. The initial relieved expression that was on his face at that moment vanished. What appeared next was a ferocious expression that was filled with rage.

Without seeing a word, Jonathan went ahead and opened the door. He didn't even bother to knock or to try informing those who are inside that he had arrived.

Jack didn't say a word and followed Jonathan inside the house. If there was anyone that perhaps he could have some kind of relationship with in the whole Jesda family, That could only be Anita.

And of course, this was only due to the fact that she was related to his mother as she was her twin sister. Additionally, she had a good relationship with his mother before she passed away.

Another reason as to why he could be concerned about her was of course, due to Jonathan. Although the two of them will always argue from time to time, that didn't mean that they didn't have a good relationship between the two of them.

Furthermore, Jonathan had done a lot of things for Jack and that was the reason as to why he had money to do a lot of things easily. Although even without Jonathan's help he could have managed to do that something, it would have consumed a certain period of time that was considered a waste to Jack.

And that was the reason as to why Jack was going to be involved in case Jonathan needed his help.

The moment that he stepped inside the house, Jack would see that in the living room of the mansion, there were three people inside.

The lavish living room was finished with several high quality furniture. Currently, two people were sitting facing one person who had an arrogant expression on his face.

Amongst the two that were facing the other person, Jack could easily point out to Anita as she was the only female in the house. Additionally, the striking similarity in appearance to that of his mother was enough to inform him of her identity.

When the two of them entered the room, Jack didn't say a word and decided to stay at the sideline so that he could see what was going on. He already knew the person that was facing Jonathan's parents at the moment.

This person was Jonathan's uncle from another line. He was from the Eastern part of the mansion.

He was of the same generation as Anita and Jack's mother.

Upon noticing the entrance of the two, the three people inside the living room looked at them. The next moment, their expressions shifted drastically.

Both shock and confusion appeared on the faces of the two male counterparts in the living room. As for Anita, She was just surprised that Jack had actually arrived.

Although she had always been putting a lot of pressure on Jonathan so that he could bring Jack along with him, that didn't mean that she was expecting that he would be here this soon.

Jonathan's father was a man who had a medium body stature. He had a well trimmed moustache. His black hair was cut short and it looked neat as it had been combed backwards.

He was currently wearing an official business suit with a white shirt inside. From the way that he was dressing, it was obvious that he had been getting ready to get to the office.

Jack could already tell the reason as to why he was still sitting there. It was definitely due to the person who wasn't a member of this house.

"Who are you? And why the hell are there two of you?" The person who had an arrogant face and a long nose questioned as he looked at Jonathan.

He had never expected the Jonathan was going to be back at this moment. From the way that he had always known, as long as Jonathan left the family residence, he would always come back in the evening or the following day.

All of this was due to his always busy schedule. As for what he was actually doing, that was something that he didn't care about.

Since the family was currently in a state of chaos due to the issues concerning Nathan, he had also decided to take this chance so that he could acquire something from Anita.

Jonathan's father, Gregory Terry had married Anita. Since his family background was at an acceptable level to the standards that were set to the daughters that were born in the Jesda family, he was allowed to marry Anita.

But of course, if the family background that the man came from was at a lower level as compared to the Jesda family, then it was required that the man was married into the family and not the other way around.

This was the exact reason as to why Gregory was currently present in the Jesda residence.

To say the truth, if he could, Gregory would have opted to have Anita in his family rather than him being married into the Jesda family. Had it not been for the fact that he actually had love for Anita, even if this was a marriage that was organized by his parents, Gregory would have surely not agreed to this.

He was a man who had his own pride. Had it not been for the fact that, had he not agreed to the condition that he was supposed to be married into this family, he would actually lose the person that he loved, he would have opted for another solution.

Currently, the long nose guy was here because although Gregory was accepted into the family, that didn't mean that he was favored.

In fact, amongst all the son-in-laws of the Jesda family, he could be said to be the person with the lowest status. That was simply because his family background was currently the weakest amongst all the son-in-laws.

Since Gregory wasn't favored in the family, the long nosed guy had decided that, he could perhaps use this chance to acquire a few shares or properties from the hands of Anita.

As a male child, he was obviously favored as compared to Anita. As long as he give out a reasonable reason, he was sure that the family was going to grant him whatever he wanted.

What he had come over to do today was simply pressuring Anita. What was going to follow next was a few plans and schemes that he had already organized.

No that the family was In chaos due to Nathan, he was simply going to use the storm to hide his actions.

In his family, there were over four boys. And amongst all of them, he was the least favored. This was the exact reason as to why he was the one who had the least amount of assets or things that were under his management.

This was of course something that he didn't like at all. He had looked into the family and saw that the only person who he could exploit and get a few shares or family property from was Anita.

And of course, he wasn't doing this all alone. He had already orchestrated a plan and had invited someone to help him. It was just that the part of the plan where that person was going to come in was not here.

Just like the person with the long nose who was looking at Jonathan and Jack in shock, Gregory too was shocked about the appearance of Jack in the mansion.

Unlike Anita and Jonathan, Gregory had completely no information about Jack's existence. After looking at Jonathan and Jack for a while, he shifted his gaze to his wife Anita, waiting for her explanation.

"I give you a lot of respect. But who the heck are you to think that you can actually come over here and shout as you like? Not to mention that you are not someone from the western wing of the family, You actually there to have the girls to say that my mother doesn't have the authority or ability to possess what she currently has?" Jonathan shouted as he looked at the long nosed guy.

Currently, he was really enraged. Had it not been for the family rules as well as the fact that the person who was seated in front of him was actually a senior to him, he would have rushed forward and beat the guy into a pulp for daring to shout at his parents.

"Jonathan watch your mouth when you're speaking to your seniors. Additionally, I just asked a d*mn question. And I am expecting answers from you, not questions." The long nosed guy said with a frown on his face.

He was completely displeased despite the fact that he was currently panicking inside. He need Jonathan all too well. In fact, there was nobody in the family who didn't know about Jonathan.

| Jonathan was someone who many people didn't want to mess with because he was the person who had the highest shot was being the family head.

But, since he was desperate, the long nosed guy had decided that he could only bite the bullet and target Anita. That was the exact reason as to why he had decided to come over as soon as he got the information that Jonathan had left the family residence.

Jonathan's anger ignited further as he heard what the long nosed guy said. He really wanted to rush forward and beat this guy up.

He was just about to speak when suddenly Anita spoke. "So, you are Jack."

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