When the door of the car opened, there was no delay at all as all the attackers shot at the opening that had appeared. None of them had seen the target and neither could they see inside the car due to how special the windscreen was.


But, that didn't matter to them as their aim at that moment was to deal with the person that had appeared. The mission that had been assigned to them this time was something that they would never want to fail in.


The reason for that being the fact that, the one that had assigned the mission to them was someone that they would never want to mess with. Nathan was a person that shared a kind of relationship with that person. So, they had to make sure that he was saved even if their lives depended on it.


Olivia on the other hand wasn't going to let the chance that had been granted to her to go just like that. And as a result, she immediately began shooting at the guys that were coming from behind.


The ones that were shooting at the car were those that had come from the car that had besieged them from the front. As for those that had taken care of the car that was following behind in the convoy, they were the ones that she had to deal with.


With her great reflexes, she was able to easily take out two out of the six that were coming after them. These six were caught unprepared as they had never expected that Olivia would actually dare to attack them even though she was surrounded.


But even before the others could get over the fact that their partners had been taken out, Olivia didn't stop shooting. Currently, she was using the police car that had rolled over as cover. She had taken Nathan with her because he was her only bargaining chip. If he was released, then there was no doubt that she would be in trouble.


Nathan too was surprised by the fact that there were actually some of those that had come over to rescue him that had been killed off by Olivia. This time, he looked at her in horror. He had never thought that the beautiful lady that was holding him captive would be this skilled and could kill without even blinking.


At this moment, he was thinking about something that would have completely shocked Olivia if she had heard him. 'How comes he has only sent the weakest batch to come over and rescue me? Am I not that important anymore or what? Once I get out of here, I'll have to settle the scores with him. How could he send those that can be easily killed?'


As Nathan was still lost in thought the exchange of bullets on both the sides continued with even greater intensity. None of the sides was willing to be killed or fail the mission. The police officers that were remaining had also began the confrontation.


It was just that their skills were lacking as compared to anyone else in the battle that was ongoing. As a result, two of them were shot dead after managing to take out one of the attackers. As for the remaining one, he had already been wounded and was heavily bleeding. If the wound wasn't taken care of as soon as possible, then he would bleed to his death.


On the other side where the newly arrived car was, the five that were attacking stopped shooting. At this moment, they wanted to confirm that they had killed the target of their gunfire. As for the sound of gunshots that were coming from the other side, they were not at all worried that their compatriots would fail to take care of the four police officers.


They were skilled when it came to such confrontations as they had already taken on such kind of missions before today and they had succeeded.


"Open the door and confirm who it was that came over. I would like to know of that person's origin so that they can pay for ruining my car as well as wasting our precious time to deal with them." One of the five that were attacking the car ordered. Although he believed that they had already killed the person that was in the car, he never let his guard down even for a single moment.


"Roger that captain." One of the members of the team spoke as he closed in on the car. His gun was still pointing towards the car's door, ready to shoot in case there was a need to do that. His muscles were tense as he held the handle of the car's door.


Then with one swift motion, he pulled the door as he aimed the gun inside the car. But then, his expression changed. He didn't see what he had expected!


"What is the report, seven?" The captain questioned when he saw that the guy's expression had shifted when he looked into the car. He didn't believe that the guy with codename seven was surprised by the grotesque scene of a person that was made into a sieve by the bullets.


"C-Captain, there's nobody in the car." Seven replied as he stammered. There was still the confusion as well as surprise in his eyes as he looked into the car.


"Yeah, yeah, yeah. If he has turned into something that doesn't resembles a body, there's no need for you to say that there is no body in the car. Just say that the person is dead." The captain said sarcastically as he withdrew his gun. He was now sure that they had done a very good job by taking care of the person that had come over to disrupt the mission.


Getting that he had been misunderstood, seven hurriedly shook his head as he spoke once again, "Captain, what I'm trying to say is that there is no soul inside here."


"Come on seven, what are you trying to say now? You are even capable of seeing souls? That's new, are you perhaps related to the underworld or something?" Another guy joked as he approached the car and looked in, as if he was trying to see if he could see souls as well.


But the next moment, he was shocked that he took a few steps backwards with horror clear in his eyes. He was completely shocked that he stood in the same position as he muttered, "Impossible…impossible…impossible. This is just impossible…"


The others also frowned and approached the car. When they looked inside, they were completely stunned. They had never expected that they had shot so many bullets towards a car that had nobody inside it.


"Damn it! We were actually played in such a way?! This is unacceptable!" The captain roared furiously. He couldn't believe that their mighty team that was supposed to be indominable in such a simple rescue mission would actually be toyed with.


Now, they had just wasted both their time as well as ammunition. Just then, his heart skipped a beat as he looked towards the other battlefield. It had been a while now since the sound of the bullets being fired stopped. There couldn't be any problem, right?


What he saw next shocked him to the core. The group of six, that was supposed to take care of the four police officer and take Nathan with them was nowhere to be seen. Well, at least for the real people. But, their corpses were scattered around the area.


What shocked him the most was the fact that, the ones that he could see, were all killed by a headshot! This kind of precision when it came to the usage of the guns was something that he had only seen in the elites amongst the elites of the mercenaries.


He gulped in fear as he thought, 'Could have an elite made a move? That's just impossible! How can they make a move against people of our level? Additionally, how can the police force have such an elite?' The captain had many questions but the answers were the ones that he lacked.


He wasn't the only one as the other members of his team looked around, looking for the culprit. At this moment, they were completely alert of anything that would seem suspicious.


At the same time, the captain looked around for Olivia and Nathan. He could already see the corpses of the remaining police officers. But, Olivia was the only one that was missing. He had a bold idea that even he himself couldn't believe it although he was the one that thought about the possibility.


'Could that young lady be the elite that we have been underestimating all along? But how can that be? She's so young to be an elite.'


While he was deep in thought, Olivia suddenly shouted. "You will allow me to leave here or I'll end the person that brought you all here!"


Olivia was currently behind the pickup that was used to carry the prisoner. She had taken action when the captain and the others were dealing with the empty car. She had managed to kill all the six that were attacking them. Although this could be a chance for her to get away, she knew that she couldn't.


ƥαṇdα-ηθνε|·ƈθm Not to mention the five that were still present, there was an invisible threat in the form of the snipers. That was the only thing that was worrying her at the moment. Though, she found it strange that none of the snipers had made a move yet even when she was killing all the six.


The captain was also wondering what was going on with the snipers. They were the ones that were supposed to take care of the situation like this by killing Olivia so that they could avoid so many casualties.




Just then, a tremendous sound came from the forest. What followed that was the rising of a thick cloud of smoke and dust. The trees in the forest swayed violently while others broke due to the huge shockwave.

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