When he got close to the location of the action, Jack decided that he had to take care of some of the problematic people present first.

The time when Brandon had shot at the two of them, when he and Celine were training, he had come to know that although he was almost seven times stronger than any other normal human, that didn't mean that he was invincible in the face of the bullets.

Although he could currently get himself healed as long as he took the body strengthening solution, things wouldn't be the same if he was shot in the heart or on the head.

He had already had into the satellites and had managed to get some images of the situation where Nathan was. From the way that he had seen it, there was several snipers that would surely cause him trouble if he appeared.

That was the reason as to why he had decided that he was going to take care of them first. After they were going to be taken out, he would then face the rest of the people.

Since he was the one who was in the dark at the moment, then he had the greatest advantage and that was what he was going to use to deal with the group that had come over to rescue Nathan.

Just as he was closing in, he suddenly had a shift in his expression because the number of the green dots had dropped to only four of them. He could Immediately tell that there were only four people that were going to be engaged in the fight against over a dozen people.

Since that was the case, Jack decided that he was going to help them. Since the group was already surrounded, he was going to abandon the car and let it give the four a chance to turn the situation around.

Since he wasn't familiar with any of the four people, as well as the fact that Nathan wasn't going to be killed, then he could utilize this chance to kill off them snipers before dealing with the others.

With this in mind, he planned a way that, he left the door in such a way that it would open upon impact with something.

Just as he arrived at the corner that led to the scene of the battle, he jumped out of the car as he left it moving forward. He had set a small block that would fall in just a few seconds on the accelerator to increase the speed of the car.

As he watched as the car rushed towards the scene, he himself entered the woods and began the snipers hunt.

Since he already knew the location of the snipers, it didn't take him a long time before he arrived in the position where one of them was located.

It was on a slightly raised ground, an area where there were several bushes that were acting as his cover.

Jack wasn't there to waste time. So he acted immediately and killed off the guy who was still aiming at the empty car by breaking off his neck.

He had made sure to snatch a way the gun to ensure that the guy wouldn't fire the bullet and startle the others. After that, he rushed towards the location of the other sniper.

There were a total of four snipers. This was an extremely large number of snipers considering that the whole team that had come to Nathan's rescue wasn't even made up of 20 men.

All the same, Jack really didn't care about the numbers. What he wanted to do was to kill them off as soon as possible so that he could get his hands on Nathan.

The second sniper was on top of a tree. Though, he had not planned at a very high height. And as a result, Jack had managed to use his incredible strength to throw a dagger at him.

The dagger pierced through the guy's heart. The sniper was in disbelief at the fact that a person had actually sneaked on him.

Additionally, this person actually knew the location that he was hiding in. The team had made earlier preparations for the mission that they were going to take.

This was the reason as to why the road was almost empty, apart from the three police vehicles, their two cars as well as Jack's Humvee.

In the end, the second sniper died with a grievance, not knowing what had actually occurred. Perhaps there was someone who had betrayed them? That was a question that he would never get an answer to.

Jack went on to the location of the third sniper. He made sure that he came from the blind spot of the snipers.

With his incredible speed, as well as the fact that the snipers were not that much scattered in the forest, he managed to get in the location of the third sniper in less than 2 minutes after moving at the maximum speed that the forest allowed him.

The third sniper was also on top of a tree. He was currently aiming towards the road, ready to take a shot.

Jack's expression shifted because he knew that, if this sniper managed to shoot, he would definitely be killing a certain police officer amongst those that were remaining.

He looked onto the ground and saw that there was a stone. Without hesitation, he picked up the stone and hurled it towards the sniper just in time before he pulled the trigger.

The stone didn't head for the sniper himself, but for the gun that he was about to use. Due to the incredible speed as well as the strength that was behind the arm that threw it, the stone managed to knock the gun from the guy's hand.

Even though the sniper was holding the gun firmly, he had never expected that there would be an impact from the side.

Luckily for Jack, the angle that he had hit the gun from was one that prevented the guy from pulling the trigger.

The sniper reacted immediately after he lost the gun. He tried pulling out the pistol that was at his waist, but Jack was one step ahead.

Since he could already hear the sound of gunshots coming from the location of the battle, Jack didn't hesitate to pull the trigger off the pistol that he was holding.

That was the pistol that he was given by the military when he became a major. With a loud bang, the sniper fell from the tree onto the ground. His body twitched for a second before it remained still.

"It seems that this gun is quite useful after all." Jack thought to himself as he looked at the gun that he was holding in his hand.

Wasting no more time, he rushed towards the location of the final sniper. He wasn't sure if that person had already shot at the police that were still in the confrontation with the attackers on the road.

When he got to the location of the last sniper, the sniper had noticed him because he was just looking in the direction that Jack was coming from.

That sniper had found it suspicious when he heard the sound of the gunshot. He was very familiar with the sound that the sniper rifle would make when they shot.

But he had clearly heard that the sound that came was that of a pistol. Since they were both snipers, they normally used the sniper rifles to attack.

Although they always had a pistol as a means of backup, it was only used during the moments when they faced someone who didn't have good intentions towards them.

Now that his partner had used the pistol, it was obvious that there was someone who had actually found out his location. The forest that they were currently in wasn't inhabited by any ferocious wild animals.

This was the reason as to why he was so cautious when he was looking at that direction. He had already prepared a pistol, ready to take action in case there was a person who appeared in front of him.

When he saw Jack appearing in front of him, holding a gun, he didn't hesitate at all as he aimed at him, ready to pull the trigger.

But, his reaction speed was very slow as compared to Jack's. Jack was a person who was expecting anything when he came over. So, when the sniper noticed him, he took action and immediately pulled the trigger of the gun and killed the guy with a headshot.

After he was done, Jack decided that it was finally time for him to move towards the road. He looked into the backpack that that sniper was carrying with him.

He was surprised to find that there was actually a small bomb inside that backpack. It was one that could use a timer to go off.

Since he was a professional combatant, Jack had already gotten the knowledge about the guns and several other types of weapons. It was only a pity that, although he knew how to use them or put them together, that didn't mean that he actually knew how to manufacture them.

Had he been knowledgeable in the way of making guns, perhaps he would have designed his own types of guns for the GVSL special unit. As for the certification from the government, he would have gotten it with the help of the connections that he had currently.

With a smile on his face, Jack took the bomb before he said a 2 minutes timer. After that, he activated the bomb as he left it at the scene where the sniper's body was.

He Immediately rushed towards the road, as he was planning to use the bomb as a distraction.

2 minutes later, a loud explosion was heard. What followed next was a huge shockwave that blew against the trees, breaking some of them in the process.

Using the chance that the crowd was stunned, he rushed to the scene and began shooting at the remaining five of the attackers that had come over to rescue Nathan.

With incredible precision and speed, the five were taken out by him before they could even react to what was happening.

After that, Jack looks towards Olivia. She was the only surviving police officer at the moment. Her presence here had greatly suppressed Jack as he had never expected that he was going to meet her so soon.

"Can I get the guy that you are holding?" Jack looked towards the stunned Olivia as he asked.

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