I Have A Sword

Chapter 524: Me Or Your Plaint Skirt Aunt

Chapter 524: Me Or Your Plaint Skirt Aunt

As Ye Qingqing was about to unleash her full power, a surge of crimson light suddenly erupted from a distance, racing toward her at incredible speed. The light arrived in front of her in an instant, and it was none other than Ye Guan!

Ye Guan wielded his sword with both hands, and he slashed forward thrice, unleashing three Space Overlaps in the blink of an eye. The enemies at the front, including the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign, recoiled in alarm at the sight.

They knew about the devastating might of Ye Guan's ultimate sword move, so they decisively retreated upon seeing it.

A deafening boom echoed as Ye Guan's sword descended, and the entire spacetime in front of him disintegrated at once. Taking advantage of the brief respite, Ye Guan pulled Ye Qingqing away and shoved the Divine Tree of Nature into her hands.

Ye Qingqing stared at Ye Guan, who was drenched in blood. She wanted to say something, but Ye Guan pushed her into the tiny pagoda.

Once Ye Qingqing was inside, Ye Guan’s figure blurred, and he retreated into the distance. However, Ye Guan felt a shiver down his spine just then. He turned around and saw an oncoming saber aura racing toward him a lightning bolt.

The attacker was from the mysterious army, and his attack was so fast that Ye Guan had no choice but to defend himself by raising his sword horizontally in front of his chest.


The collision shattered Ye Guan's sword light, and Ye Guan's arms felt numb from the sheer force of the impact. Ye staggered backward as well, and before he could stabilize himself, the mysterious attacker was already in front of him.

A torrent of saber light descended, engulfing Ye Guan.


Ye Guan was forced to retreat, but a colossal fist imprint descended toward him. The colossal fist imprint was so strong that it locked Ye Guan in place, making him feel suffocated.

In the face of the massive fist imprint, Ye Guan didn't retreat. He unsheathed his sword and slashed out—Four Heavenrends with one thousand and five hundred stacks, compressed into four Space Overlaps in one sword move!

A resonant sword hum echoed, and the nearby spacetime was obliterated in an instant.


A thunderous explosion followed as Ye Guan's sword light and the oncoming fist imprint collided. The impact created powerful shockwaves that forced the nearby supreme elites into retreat. None of them dared to approach.

Ye Guan flew backward upon getting caught by the shockwave. Soon, a powerful saber aura bored down on him from above. Ye Guan's pupils constricted, and his figure became illusory—Space Overlap!

Ye Guan had no choice but to keep using Space Overlap. Otherwise, he wouldn't stand a chance against the relentless assault of the saber wielder. The opponent's mastery of the saber was exceedingly high, and his attacks were stronger than the Baixiang Sovereign's fists.

A saber descended slowly toward Ye Guan, but the collision shattered Ye Guan's Space Overlap. Ye Guan flew like a kite that had its strings cut while the saber wielder transformed into a ray of saber lights that flew toward Ye Guan.

Then, the saber wielder wasted no time, raining down a barrage of saber lights toward Ye Guan.

Ye Guan's expression turned grim. A mighty conflagration erupted within him as he chose to ignite his fleshly body.


A dreadful aura surged from within Ye Guan as his fleshly body burned brightly like the sun. Ye Guan then gripped his sword tightly and slashed out toward the saber wielder.

Ye Guan was going to confront him head-on!

A thunderous roar reverberated as both sword light and saber light shattered at the same time, forcing the two to retreat simultaneously.

A glint of shock fleeted across the eyes of the saber wielder. Meanwhile, before Ye Guan could come to a halt, the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign and the Time Reversers were already flying toward him.

At first, they were concerned about provoking the saber wielder, but the saber wielder had been fighting Ye Guan for quite a while now without any success, which led them to make the drastic decision to intervene.

Ye Guan took a deep breath while staring at the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign. A resolute gleam flashed in his eyes as his figure became illusory.

The expressions of the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign and the Time Reversers changed drastically at the sight. Some turned around to retreat, but the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign bellowed, "Don't retreat! If we retreat now, we're only giving him an opportunity. Let's work together! If we combine our strength, there's no need for us to be afraid of him!"

The Heavenly Yuan Sovereign took the lead and charged forward!

Knowing that hesitation at this critical juncture meant granting Ye Guan a chance to escape and survive, the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign spurred everyone into action.

They had to kill Ye Guan before the woman in black recovered, or it would become too difficult for them to kill Ye Guan by then. In other words, this was their golden opportunity.

Glances were exchanged among the Time Reversers, and all of them threw all caution to the wind, going all-out for the sake of ending Ye Guan's life!

A stream of golden light wrapped around Ye Guan just then. Ao Qianqian had decided to make a move upon sensing the change in the tides of the battle.

The stream of golden light transformed into armor resembling dragon scales, and the faint illusory figure of a dragon could be seen on the golden armor.

The dragon was none other than Ao Qianqian, and she had decided to protect Ye Guan with her fleshly body!

Ye Guan charged forward, unleashing a sword move containing unprecedented strength—Four Heavenrends with maximum stacks compressed into four Space Overlaps and performed in just one sword move!

A myriad array of sword lights erupted before converging at one point. Ye Guan had just drawn out his sword, but the nearby spacetime had already imploded. His attack continued on its path, and he was going to face them head-on!


A deafening explosion reminiscent of thunder erupted, and a terrifying shockwave spread outward in an instant, pushing back everyone in the distance

Among the flying figures, Ye Guan flew the farthest, covering thousands of meters in an instant. When he came to a halt, the dragon armor around him shattered and fell to the ground. His fleshy body had cracked open as well, drenching him in his own blood.

However, Ye Guan had ignited his fleshly body, so his blood erupted into flames rather than dyeing the ground crimson.

Ye Guan gripped Xuanyuan tightly with both hands and braced himself for any attacks.

Ye Guan was undeniably exhausted.

It might have been a different story if he had the Divine Tree of Nature.

Unfortunately, the Divine Tree of Nature was with Ye Qingqing, so he had no choice but to rely on his natural recovery. Ye Guan was essentially running on fumes, as he had ignited his fleshly body.

Just then, the Time Reversers dashed toward Ye Guan in a frenzy. Their eyes glowed with intense greed and a thirst for blood.

Ye Guan was worth five strands of Ancestral Origin, and five strands of Ancestral Origin meant a chance to change their fates!

Ye Guan closed his eyes in the face of the oncoming attacks. He took a deep breath and got ready for a last-ditch effort to break through.


Dozens of formidable auras abruptly swept toward them from the distance.

The Heavenly Yuan Sovereign swiftly turned and saw numerous silhouettes flying toward them not too far away.

A glint of fear fleeted across the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign’s eyes, and he almost retreated instinctively. However, he gnashed his teeth and chose to kill Ye Guan first upon seeing the latter's condition.

Having made up his mind, the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign reached out for Ye Guan, and his hand was just a few inches away from Ye Guan when a radiant sword light erupted from within the latter.


The Heavenly Yuan Sovereign’s expression changed drastically, and he hastily raised his arms in defense. However, the radiant sword light still managed to send him away.

The Heavenly Yuan Sovereign looked up in shock and saw that the sword light had come from Ye Qingqing.

Ye Qingqing grabbed Ye Guan's arm and retreated frantically. The Time Reversers contemplated pursuit, but a group of mysterious supreme elites charged at them.


A mighty mushroom cloud erupted, sending waves of scorching heat that overwhelmed the Time Reversers.

At the sight, Ye Qingqing dragged Ye Guan toward Elder Feng.

"Follow me!" Elder Feng cried out and led both Ye Qingqing and Ye Guan away in a mad dash, covering millions of kilometers in the blink of an eye. Puppets would appear behind them occasionally to stall their pursuers.

The Time River was filled with mushroom clouds as far as the eyes could see, and the nearby spacetime could no longer heal itself, disintegrating into nothingness.

Soon, the trio arrived at Guanxuan City through a spacetime rift. Upon arrival, Ye Qingqing immediately pushed Ye Guan into the world inside the tiny pagoda.

Ye Guan sprawled out on the ground, naked. His fleshly body had fissures all over, which spewed out fresh blood. The fresh blood erupted into crimson flames, and Ye Guan's aura became incredibly weak as if he was hanging on to life by a thread.

Ye Qingqing hurriedly retrieved the Divine Tree of Nature and inserted it into Ye Guan's sea of consciousness. Ye Guan emanated a faint green light as the Divine Tree of Nature worked hard to heal him. However, Ye Guan's injuries were simply too severe for the Divine Tree of Nature to handle quickly.

Ye Qingqing frowned in deep concern and regret. Fortunately, the cracks on Ye Guan's fleshly body started closing one by one under the Divine Tree of Nature's tireless efforts to heal Ye Guan's injuries.

Ye Qingqing breathed a sigh of relief at the sight.

Afterward, Ye Qingqing started suppressing the Mad Demon Bloodline within Ye Guan. Half an hour later, the bloodline calmed down, and the cracks on Ye Guan's fleshly body were finally sealed. Ye Guan's cheeks finally took on a healthy blush.

Ye Qingqing covered Ye Guan with a robe and stood silently next to him, seemingly lost in her own thoughts. After a while, Ye Guan opened his eyes slowly.

Ye Guan grinned upon seeing Ye Qingqing. "We're still alive?"


Ye Guan shook his head and chuckled. He genuinely didn't expect that they'd end up surviving this time. Ye Guan closed his eyes once again.

"What are you thinking about?"

Ye Guan opened his eyes slowly and asked, "Aunt, can we win this battle?"

"What do you think?"

Ye Guan smiled quietly.

"Regardless of our chances, I'll fight by your side."

"I'm too weak. I've been nothing but a burden to you..."

Ye Qingqing frowned, displeasure evident in her eyes. "You always talk about such pointless things."

“All right, I won't say that again."

Ye Qingqing nodded. "We're family, so don't speak like that. It makes me feel uncomfortable."


Ye Qingqing smiled gently. "Heal up. Once you've recovered, we'll go out and annihilate them together!"

Ye Guan felt a bit awkward at the soft version of Ye Qingqing, and he subconsciously said, "Aunt, I think you should be a bit more fierce—"

Ye Guan caught himself too late, and he repeatedly cursed at himself.

"Am I not fierce enough?" Ye Qingqing smiled coldly.

Ye Guan shook his head hastily.

Ye Qingqing glared at him. "Who do you think is fiercer, me or your Plain Skirt Aunt?"

Ye Guan was silent. Another trick question!

Ye Qingqing frowned. "Is it that difficult to answer? Then, let's change the question."


Ye Qingqing stared intently at Ye Guan as she asked, "If your plain-skirt aunt and I ended up falling into deep waters at the same time, who would you rescue first?"

Ye Guan was at a loss for words.

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