I Have A Sword

Chapter 525: The Odds Are In My Favor

Chapter 525: The Odds Are In My Favor

What kind of question is that? Ye Guan couldn't help but smile wryly. It was a question he couldn't answer—no, it was a question he couldn't afford to answer!

After all, the Path Sword couldn't be underestimated.

A thought jumped into his mind, and Ye Guan hurriedly asked, "Master Pagoda, can you handle this one for me?"

"Please be more compassionate, Young Master!" Little Pagoda replied in a hurry.

Seeing Ye Guan's awkward expression, a hint of amusement flashed in Ye Qingqing's eyes. She had intended to continue teasing the young man, but realizing that he was utterly exhausted, she sheathed her sword and said, "Heal up!"

Ye Guan was relieved instantly, and he promptly nodded. "All right!"

Ye Qingqing nodded, and then he turned to leave the world inside the tiny pagoda.

Ye Guan closed his eyes and asked, "Qianqian?"

Ao Qianqian replied, "Hm?"

"How are your injuries?" Ye Guan asked with concern.

"I'm recovering," Ao Qianqian replied. Ye Guan breathed a sigh of relief. He was the most worried about Ao Qianqian whenever he was fighting his enemies. After all, she had been taking the brunt of the attacks for Ye Guan.

After half an hour of rest, Ye Guan left the world inside the tiny pagoda and found himself inside Guanxuan City. He climbed up the city wall and looked around until she found a swordsman brandishing her sword in mid-air.

The swordsman was none other than Ye Qingqing.

Elder Feng appeared by Ye Guan's side and said, "Young Master, the arrays are active. They can't come here for the time being."

Ye Guan nodded. "Can you try contacting my mother?"

Elder Feng shook his head, leaving Ye Guan in contemplation. What could Mother be up to?

Ye Guan was genuinely curious.


A resonant sword hum echoed just then, and a dozen heads plummeted to the ground.

Afterward, a ray of sword light landed beside Ye Guan.

Ye Qingqing’s sleek black dress danced gracefully in the wind, and her long hair fluttered as it cascaded down her back. Her delicate-looking hand gripped her sword tightly, and her beautiful visage exuded an ice-cold killing intent.

Ye Qingqing cast a nonchalant gaze at Ye Guan and asked, "Wanna go out and take care of some of them?"

Ye Guan burst into laughter. "Sure!"

Before Elder Feng could object, the two morphed into streaks of sword light, soaring toward the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign and the other Time Reversers.

The Heavenly Yuan Sovereign's expression darkened upon seeing the two. Not too long ago, the two were on the brink of defeat, but now, they had recovered fully. Were they cheating or something? What cheat code were they using?

Their recovery was so absurd that it made the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign feel surreal.

The other supreme elites wore ugly looks as well. They had realized that Ye Guan and Ye Qingqing had an extraordinary recovery rate—it was so extraordinary that it was borderline overpowered.

They had healed way too quickly from their severe injuries—no, the two were on the brink of death, but it took them just thirty minutes to be back in action.

The saber wielder at the helm frowned. However, he pushed aside his curiosity and charged at both Ye Qingqing and Ye Guan.

Soon, a battle erupted once again!

Under Elder Feng’s command, a multitude of grand arrays were activated. At the same time, ominous beams of light shot up from the city, homing in on the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign and the Time Reversers.

The Heavenly Yuan Sovereign and the Time Reversers felt a chill down their spines.

They had already experienced the terror of these arrays. The arrays were a lethal threat to everyone except for the Sovereigns.

Thus, the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign promptly commanded, "Retreat!"

At the Heavenly Yuan Sovereign's command, the supreme elites withdrew in a hurry, putting distance between themselves and Guanxuan City.

Ye Guan wanted to chase after them, but Ye Qingqing held him back. If they left the confines of the arrays, they wouldn't stand a chance against their enemies.

Ye Qingqing and Ye Guan returned to Guanxuan City and stood on the city wall.

Elder Feng relaxed at the sight and remarked, "Young Master, try not to be so impulsive next time. Those Time Reversers are incredibly powerful, and it's best to exercise caution against them."

Ye Guan nodded. "Mm."

Ye Guan acknowledged that the Time Reversers were strong. After all, they had almost killed him on multiple occasions. Of course, he wasn't going to underestimate them any time soon.

Upon collecting his thoughts, Ye Guan said, "Elder Feng, find a way to contact the True Universe and the Guanxuan Universe. I need the latest information about them."

Elder Feng nodded. "Understood!"

"How long can the city's arrays withstand their attacks?"

"A month!"

Ye Guan pondered briefly and declared, "We can't afford to wait idly. Those Time Reversers aren't going to wait for a month. If my hunch is right, they have reinforcements on the way here."

Ye Guan stared at Elder Feng and said, "Issue a bounty. Anyone willing to come to Guanxuan City to assist me will receive a strand of Ancestral Origin as long as they are Sovereigns."

Elder Feng hesitated briefly before saying, "Young Master, we don't have any strands of Ancestral Origin..."

"Tell them it's on credit!" Ye Guan retorted.

Elder Feng's expression froze, and he cast a bewildered gaze at Ye Guan.

Ye Qingqing stared at Ye Guan and pointed out. "I doubt anyone will believe you."

"Use the name of the Great Daoist Brush Master!" Ye Guan suggested.

Ye Qingqing merely glanced at Ye Guan. No one would bother responding to Ye Guan's call, as his name was basically nothing in the eyes of the Time Reversers.

However, the Great Daoist Brush Master was a different story.

"Young Master, does the Great Daoist Brush Master have strands of Ancestral Origin?” Elder Feng asked.

Ye Guan calmly replied, "It's going to be his problem."

Ye Guan then turned toward the distant horizon where Heavenly Yuan Sovereign and the other Time Reversers were standing and said, "We're out of options. We'll have to lure them here first. It's a win if we can deceive even at least one of them."

Elder Feng hesitated, but he eventually nodded. "All right."

Ye Guan added, "And spread the word..."

"Spread the word?" Elder Feng looked puzzled.

"Spread the word that the Clan Leader of the Past Clan and the Great Daoist Brush Master are evenly matched; both excelled in a showdown, but neither could take the upper hand against the other."

Elder Feng blinked. "Why?"

Ye Guan calmly explained, "They won't dare to oppose the Past Clan without a rumor like that. We need to make them believe that the Great Daoist Brush Master and I are formidable opponents."

Elder Feng glanced at Ye Guan, and he couldn't help but think that Ye Guan was extremely cunning for his age. Ye Qingqing also cast a glance at Ye Guan, acknowledging the latter's mischievous nature.

"I want you to issue a decree as well. Spread the word that I, Ye Guan, possess three unique bloodlines. Any powerful individual with a bloodline requirement can come to Guanxuan City. We can exchange and enhance our bloodlines together. If there are Sovereign-level demonic beasts, I can provide them with a free drop of my blood to help them break their bloodline constraints..."

"For free?"

Ye Guan calmly replied, "Imagine how shameful it would be for them to take my blood for free without helping me."

"There's one last thing, and it's very important. I want you to spread the word that any Sovereign-level supreme elite who remains neutral will receive three strands of Ancestral Origins a hundred years later once I've established a brand-new order with the Great Daoist Brush Master.

"Ordinary Time Reverers are eligible to get a strand of Ancestral Origin, but they have to join our Guanxuan Universe. They just have to join; they won't be obligated to fight," Ye Guan said. He fell into deep contemplation before continuing, "Make sure to emphasize that your words are from the Great Daoist Brush Master."

Elder Feng: "..."

Ye Qingqing stared quietly at Ye Guan.

"Elder Feng, go ahead and take care of the tasks I assigned to you," Ye Guan said.

"Understood!" Elder Feng replied and retreated.

Ye Qingqing finally asked, "Is this really okay?"

"It's fine."

Ye Qingqing was puzzled. "Why?"

“Human nature."

Ye Qingqing looked at Ye Guan. "That's all you have to say?"

Ye Guan smiled and explained, "Do those Time Reversers really want to be our enemies? No, I don't think so. There are two reasons we're enemies. First of all, it's because of the difference in ideologies.

"They follow the Evil Dao, while we follow the Virtuous Dao. Secondly and lastly, their lifespans have been exhausted, so they're desperate to obtain strands of Ancestral Origin. That is exactly why they're desperately trying to kill me."

Ye Guan paused briefly before continuing, "I've simply decided to give them an opportunity. They just have to cease all attacks against me and wait a hundred years to obtain a strand of Ancestral Origin.

"They wouldn't need to fight so desperately, and they would still obtain a strand of Ancestral Origin. Think about it. With that proposal in mind, are they really going to serve the Past Clan and risk their lives for a potential reward, even though there's a way to receive a guaranteed reward?"

Ye Qingqing fell silent at Ye Guan's remark. Eventually, she asked, "Wait, but does the Great Daoist Brush Master really have so many strands of Ancestral Origin?"


"Are you sure?"

"I can't say for sure..." Ye Guan shrugged nonchalantly.

“Answer me, or I'll hit you."

Ye Guan chuckled and said, "Whether he has it or not, it's his problem."

Ye Qingqing stared deeply at Ye Guan.

Ye Guan asked, "Aunt, am I too devious in his eyes?"

Ye Qingqing shook her head. "I'm just worried that if you don't have it by then..."

“Is Ancestral Origin more important than winning and establishing a brand-new order? If we lose, they can't exactly demand Ancestral Origin from a corpse, right?

"Plus, I believe that once Elder Feng spreads the word, many Time Reversers won't want us to lose. After all, they'll obtain strands of Ancestral Origin without lifting a finger as long as we end up winning!"

Ye Qingqing cast a knowing look upon Ye Guan. "You've inherited the cunningness of your parents."

Ye Guan smiled wryly. "Aunt, we're up against a formidable enemy. We can't make enemies of all the Time Reversers. We need to draw them in and split them from the inside to get more people on our side!"

"I have to warn you... that woman is not to be underestimated," Ye Qingqing said.

"I know," Ye Guan said, nodding. Then, he turned toward the vast emptiness and muttered, "If she stays out of it, I'm just Ye Guan. However, if she dares to intervene personally, then I'll become the King of Relying on Others and overturn the tables.

"She's invincible, but she's alone. Meanwhile, I have six invincible relatives, so the odds are in my favor!"

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