I Have A Sword

Chapter 560: Eliminate Ye Xuan First

Chapter 560: Eliminate Ye Xuan First

'Launch a divine war'?

When the Temple Master heard what Bishop Yuan said, his expression turned serious. Throughout its history, the Temple of the Gods had only launched two divine wars—one was against heretics, and another against the leader of the Past Clan. Unfortunately, they lost both divine wars.

Bishop Yuan continued, "I've carefully investigated Ye Guan and the people supporting him. Whenever he encounters trouble, he always manages to turn the situation around mainly because he has guardians like the Great Daoist Brush Master and even Plain Skirt Destiny.

"Targeting Ye Guan directly would be meaningless. Even if he was killed, they would be able to cultivate another one just like him. Killing him would only be treating the symptoms and not targeting the root cause. Hence, we need to deal with the people behind him first. After they are dealt with, eradicating Ye Guan will be easy."

The Temple Master intently listened. When Bishop Yuan briefly paused, he asked, "What does the leader of the Past Clan have to say about this?"

"She gave us full authority to over this," Bishop Yuan replied.

"Where is she now?"

"I don't know."

The Temple Master quieted down again. A divine war wasn't just some trivial matter.

"Temple Master, if we do not eliminate the people backing him up, he will continue becoming stronger. Even as we speak, he's out there in the Time River, his strength rapidly advancing. He's not a threat right now, but at the rate he's improving, even the Temple of the Gods will soon have to take him seriously."

The Temple Master slowly got up and paced around. He then stared at Bishop Yuan. "You of all people should know what launching a divine war entails."

"Of course, but we have no other choice now. Ye Guan is not the core issue now. The real problem lies with the people who back him up. As long as we get rid of them, eliminating Ye Guan will be a piece of cake."

After pondering for a moment, the Temple Master softly sighed. "So be it. For the sake of all living beings, we will initiate another divine war."

"Let's start by eliminating Ye Xuan."

The Temple Master frowned. "The Sword Master from Guanxuan Universe?"

"Yes. According to what I've gathered, the Sword Master and his sister, Plain Skirt Destiny, have already reincarnated. They should be the easiest to kill."

"Where did they reincarnate?"

"We're still looking into it."

"Since we plan to eradicate everyone behind Ye Guan, we should investigate the others as well."

"Of course."

"Did the clan leader of the Past Clan say anything before she left?"

"No. She just gave us full authority over this matter."

Full authority.

The Temple Master frowned.

Bishop Yuan continued, "She had an agreement with the True God not to attack Ye Guan herself, so we can only handle this matter ourselves. Now, the elites from the Past Clan and the Gui Clan will heed the commands of the Temple of the Gods."

The Temple Master's eyes lit up. "Is there a chance that we can persuade them to convert to our Temple?"

"There isn't. I highly advise against it too. Attempting to convert them will provoke opposition from the Past Clan. If we get on the bad side of their clan leader..." He trailed off.

The clan leader of the Past Clan was not someone to be trifled with.

The Temple Master narrowed his eyes. After a few moments, he faintly smiled. "I was simply joking. I was not planning to actually do it."

Bishop Yuan heaved a sigh of relief. They could not afford to take this opportunity. They could not handle the clan leader of the Past Clan right now.

The second divine war was triggered precisely because of matters of faith. Considering the situation, they absolutely must not cross that line again.

"So, how should we deal with Ye Guan? Do we just let him develop freely?" the Temple Master asked.

Bishop Yuan chuckled. "What harm can his development bring? Do you really think he can become invincible in just a few decades?"

The Temple Master shook his head. "We should still try to create some trouble for him to impede his progress."

"I'll make the arrangements," Bishop Yuan replied.

"Mobilize all of our forces. Find the swordsmen behind him," the Temple Master ordered. After a slight pause, he continued, "Once you do, report back to me. Do not attack them yet. When we strike, we should deliver a fatal blow."

Bishop Yuan nodded. "Of course."

He then turned around and left.

Inside the hall, the Temple Master slowly closed his eyes, his expression showing his devotion.

An elderly man soon entered the hall and bowed before him. "Temple Master, it's time to meet with the believers."

The Temple Master nodded and slowly got up. When he stepped out of the hall, a vast sea of people greeted him.

The believers immediately knelt in reverence. Many were so overwhelmed with emotion that they fainted.

The Temple Master smiled. Radiating kindness, he began, "May the Gods have mercy on us all."

He spoke softly, yet everyone in the crowd could hear him.

In unison, they all echoed, "May the Gods have mercy on us all."


Dark Emperor World.

Instead of returning to Guanxuan Universe, Nalan Jia stayed by Qin Guan's side. Every day, besides tending to political affairs, Qin Guan helped Nalan Jia familiarize herself with the various departments of the Time Pavilion.

Today, they strolled through a garden.

Qin Guan looked at her daughter-in-law. "Little Jia, are you more familiar with the various departments of the Time Pavilion now?"

Nalan Jia nodded. "Yes."

Noticing the melancholy in her expression, Qin Guan softly asked, "Missing Little Guan?"

"I am," she replied.

Qin Guan smiled. "Don't worry about him. He'll be alright."

"I don't want to take over the Time Pavilion anymore. I just want to focus on cultivating so that I can fight alongside him."

"I get what you mean, Little Jia, but we can only entrust the Guanxuan Universe, the Immortal Treasures Pavilion, and the Time Pavilion to you or Little Guan."


"Little Guan wants to establish a new order that can only be controlled by our own people. If others gain control of it... well, people are selfish, and so are we. If others try to use it to suppress the Yang Family, do you think we would agree with them?"

Nalan Jia was rendered speechless.

Qin Guan chuckled. "You probably don't know about this yet, but the Three Swords—no, the Five Swords don't really want an order."

Nalan Jia was astonished. "That's..."

"They have almost achieved full divinity. Hence, in their eyes, all living beings are..." Qin Guan trailed off. She then shook her head. "Order is like a shackle that binds all cultivators. They don't see it as necessary, but they also understand that the world is better off with it. After all, without it, the universe will not be able to exist for long since its resources are finite."

"Do they hope that Little Guan will be the one to bring about this order?"


"Why must it be him?"

"Because Little Guan is one of us. Moreover, he also has the support of the entire Yang Family. Getting his grandfather's support means getting the Unfettered Swordsman's support. Since he is my and Ye Xuan's son, Destiny will also stand behind him. Most importantly, he has also brought the Great Daoist Brush Master and True God to his side. Those people's aid is indispensable. Establishing an order is about how many friends you have, not how many enemies."

"But he must already be so exhausted.... Ever since he left the Ancient Desolate City, he has been burdened by many responsibilities and hasn't had a chance to breathe..."

Qin Guan nodded. "I know..."

Still walking into the distance, she continued, "At first, I hoped that he would just live happily, but I eventually realized that since he's a member of the Yang Clan, he would neither be able to live an ordinary life nor be content with mediocrity. He'll keep going down this path until he has transcended the Great Dao."

Nalan Jia sighed. She was also well aware that Ye Guan would not be happy living an ordinary life. Even if he was not from the Yang Clan, he would still choose to walk on this path of invincibility even though his progress would be much slower.

"After his current lifetime ends, the fate of the Yang Family will end too," Qin Guan concluded.

"The fate of the Yang Family?"

Qin Guan nodded. "His grandfather suffered a lot, and his father had a tough time in his early years. As for Little Guan..."

She shook her head, then turned to Nalan Jia. "You should have a child soon."

Nalan Jia's face immediately reddened. She then recalled the last time they were intimate, causing her to blush even more.

Qin Guan chuckled. "I know you are trying to help him, but you won't be able to catch up to him in terms of cultivation. Help him in other ways instead, like establishing a powerful organization. He definitely would not have the time to manage the organizations under the Yang Family, so it'll be up to you to take care of them."

Be it the first or the second generation of the Yang Family, it was always the women who managed their businesses.

Nalan Jia nodded. "I understand."

"Come. I'll take you to Aunt Su and the others. They really want to meet you too."

The two soon disappeared into the distance.

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