I Have A Sword

Chapter 561: Get Them All At Once!

Chapter 561: Get Them All At Once!

Ye Guan accompanied White Skirt Destiny to the Ancestral Demon World. He immediately sensed the presence of numerous powerful demonic beasts upon their arrival. Surveying the surroundings, he observed endless mountain ranges concealing ominous auras.

"Many demonic beasts lie dormant in slumber here," White Skirt Destiny softly remarked.

"To extend their lives?” Ye Guan inquired.

"Yes. Demonic beasts possess longer lifespans than humans, but they are not eternal. After enduring countless ages, these creatures must resort to special methods to delay the inevitable passage of time."

"Who should we seek help from, then?"

"Let's go find the Ancestral Phoenix."

White Skirt Destiny flew away with Ye Guan, eventually finding themselves in a scorching magma pool. The heat was so intense that Ye Guan only felt better when he fused with Ao Qianqian.

Feeling the searing power of the magma, White Skirt Destiny whispered, "The Ancestral Phoenix is still here."

Leading Ye Guan deeper into the magma, they eventually reached the heart of the fiery flames. However, as they entered, a powerful aura immediately seized them.

With a wave of her hand, White Skirt Destiny swiftly dispersed the oppressive aura.

Shortly after, a voice rang out. "Hm? Grasped the Dao."

White Skirt Destiny turned to Ye Guan. "Do you still have an Ancestral Origin with you?"

As Ye Guan revealed an Ancestral Origin in his palm, an illusory phoenix swiftly materialized before them.

The Ancestral Phoenix fixed her gaze on the Ancestral Origin, her fiery eyes showing her hunger for power.

"One Ancestral Origin in exchange for a drop of your blood," White Skirt Destiny proposed.

However, the Ancestral Phoenix outright refused. “No.”

White Skirt Destiny’s brows furrowed in surprise. Just as she was about to renegotiate, Ye Guan decided to leave, prompting a sudden change of heart from the Ancestral Phoenix.

Aren’t you going to try to convince me?

Stopping them in their tracks, she finally shouted, "One Ancestral Origin in exchange for a drop of phoenix blood."

Ye Guan's brow furrowed. "Aren't you thinking too highly of yourself?"

With a firm tug, he led White Skirt Destiny away.

The Ancestral Phoenix's gaze followed them as they departed. A chilling aura soon surged toward the two.

She was the Ancestral Phoenix! How could anyone dare look down on her?

As she moved to strike, Ye Guan's gaze intensified. In a swift motion, White Skirt Destiny transformed into a streak of light, launching a counterattack.

Instantly shattering the Ancestral Phoenix's oppressive aura, White Skirt Destiny's strike sent her flying back hundreds of meters. The powerful sword energy also stirred the magma around them.

The Ancestral Phoenix looked back at White Skirt Destiny, a hint of fear in her eyes.

"One Ancestral Origin for your blood. A fair trade," Ye Guan said.

Fair? The Ancestral Phoenix's anger erupted.

Ye Guan frowned. "Are you trading or not? Otherwise, I'll just look for another demonic beast."

"You're too greedy, human."

"This Ancestral Origin can extend your lifespan. Decide. Trade or not?"

After glancing at him, she presented three white jade bottles of phoenix blood!

The Ancestral Phoenix stared at Ye Guan. "That's all I have to offer."

Frowning, Ye Guan turned to White Skirt Destiny.

"Give us two more," White Skirt Destiny demanded.

The Ancestral Phoenix glanced at White Skirt Destiny, then produced two additional bottles.

Handing over the Ancestral Origin, Ye Guan sighed softly. "What a loss."

A loss? The Ancestral Phoenix's flames burst outward. "Human, those bottles contain my blood—the most precious blood in this world. How dare you call this trade a loss?"

With a flick of his finger, Ye Guan sent a drop of essence blood flying toward her. She soon froze, sensing the power of three distinct bloodlines from it.

"The most precious blood in this world?" he asked.

The two left immediately after, leaving the Ancestral Phoenix deep in thought.

Ye Guan and White Skirt Destiny stopped in an isolated starry space. They then entered the little pagoda to cultivate.

White Skirt Destiny led Ye Guan to a glacier with biting winds that chilled them to the bone.

White Skirt Destiny handed him a bottle of Ancestral Phoenix.

"Drink it," she instructed.

Ye Guan nodded and swallowed without hesitation. With three different bloodlines already inside him, what was there to fear?

The Ancestral Phoenix's blood coursed through him, causing a fiery sensation to surge within him. Smoke wafted around him as his clothes were burned to ashes.

"Activate all three bloodlines," White Skirt Destiny said.

Ye Guan complied, unleashing a terrifying aura that shook the surroundings.


While closely watching him, White Skirt Destiny quickly stabilized spacetime around them.

"Try controlling the Mortal Bloodline," she instructed.

Ye Guan nodded.

Truth be told, ever since his Mortal Bloodline awakened, he had been struggling to gain true control over it. Much like his Mad Demon Bloodline, it seemed to have a mind of its own, operating independently of his will.

After a moment of contemplation, Ye Guan's expression darkened.

White Skirt Destiny asked, "No luck?"

Ye Guan vigorously shook his head.

Controlling these two bloodlines seemed beyond his grasp.

Among the three bloodlines, the Phoenix Emperor Bloodline was a bit more cooperative, even occasionally lending its power to him. However, it refused to intervene to help subdue the two other bloodlines. Crafty as it was, it never made enemies with the others. As for Ye Guan, he was still far too weak for it to consider him a threat.

After a brief silence, White Skirt Destiny suggested, "Fully activate the Mad Demon Bloodline."

Ye Guan was taken aback.

White Skirt Destiny locked eyes with him. "I will fight you with your Mad Demon Bloodline fully activated. Fight fire with fire, so to speak."

Was combat the only way forward now?

Yet Ye Guan hesitated. "If I unleash the Mad Demon Bloodline completely, I might lose control—"

White Skirt Destiny chuckled.

"Are you worried that you'd hurt me?" she asked. At Ye Guan's lack of response, she urged, "Let's give it a try."

After a brief pause, Ye Guan conceded. "Alright."

He then stopped suppressing the Mad Demon Bloodline.


Bloodline energy surged and erupted out of Ye Guan, painting the sky red with its intensity.

Fully awakened, the Mad Demon Bloodline took control.

Ye Guan transformed into a streak of crimson light and attacked White Skirt Destiny.

She countered with a swift sword strike.


The clash sent Ye Guan hurtling hundreds of meters away. In the blink of an eye, he flew back toward her, sword in hand. The sole thought dominating his mind was slaughtering her.

As the Mad Demon Bloodline took full hold of him, his Mortal Bloodline sensed the impending danger and reacted with its own frenzy.

Along with the Ancestral Phoenix blood he had consumed, the three bloodlines converged within him, making Ye Guan feel as if he would explode at any moment.

He had to release all of the bloodlines' pent-up desires to fight.

As Ye Guan plunged into the frenzy of combat, the patterns on his body began to gradually resurface.

Observing this development, White Skirt Destiny felt satisfied. Their strategy seemed to be proving effective.

For the Mortal Bloodline to thrive, it required the stimulus of combat. Hence, White Skirt Destiny continued to fight Ye Guan, unfazed by his escalating madness. She remained resolute and unafraid. After all, she had lived far longer than him and could afford a certain confidence.

Although her innate talent paled in comparison to Plain Skirt Destiny, she was still a force to be reckoned with.

Ye Guan found himself constantly suppressed by White Skirt Destiny, which only further fueled his madness and amplified the strength of his bloodlines.

In the face of external threats, these two bloodlines set aside their differences, joining forces against a common enemy.

As Ye Guan's mad fighting intensified, the patterns adorning his body multiplied and deepened, a testament to the power escalating within him.


At the Temple of the Gods, an elderly man briskly walked quickly into the main hall, finding the Temple Master and Bishop Yuan the only ones inside.

The elder bowed deeply. Afterward, he began his report.

“Temple Master, we've located two of the swordsmen—one is clad in blue robes while the other is in a robe with cloud patterns. Our investigations reveal that the one in blue is Ye Guan's grandfather and key backer."

Setting aside the holy scriptures in his hands, the Temple Master fixed his gaze on the elder. "Two swordsmen?"

The elder confirmed, "Yes, Temple Master. Through the insights bestowed by the Divine Eye, we've traced their locations along the Time River."

"Where are they now?”

"In the Divine Ruins."

"The Divine Ruins!” The Temple Master’s expression flickered with concern. "To think they would venture into such territory..."

The elder added, "However, it appears they are already preparing to depart."

A smile graced the Temple Master's lips. "With both targets together, we have a golden opportunity to get them in one fell swoop!"

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