Chapter 277 Might Of An Elemental Ruler

After the appearance of the elven lady, moments passed before the entire city was swiftly cloaked in a white energy dome, its ethereal glow casting a surreal ambiance.

Before anyone could even get comfortable with the change, hundreds of demons started to fall like flies, their malevolent eyes fading into lifeless voids, marking their swift demise.

ραndαsΝοvεl ƈοm No human felt even the slightest discomfort while demons, no matter their strength, were falling to the ground out cold while the still transforming demon gargoyle stood alive with eyes filled with rage and fear.

The gargoyle pounced toward the elven lady but got frozen in place inches away from her, and her emerald eyes shimmered like gems as she examined the struggling demon.

The elven lady spoke, but no voice was heard, and in response to her, the demon opened his mouth wide before unleashing a torrent of decayed darkness, but it disintegrated into elemental energy before even reaching her.

The elven lady kept her smile as the right arm of the demon started to turn to dust, getting burned off at an extremely slow pace, and all everyone could see was the bright light slowly disintegrating his arm and progressing upward.

As the elven lady continued speaking, the gargoyle responded with a defiant spit in her direction. Her retaliation was immediate, and she began disassembling his left leg, subjecting him to excruciating agony.

While her interrogation continued, the demons kept falling like leaves in a storm, and in less than a minute, all of the demons except the gargoyle who was getting tortured for answers were dead.

The citizens and soldiers expressed many emotions seeing the dying demons, and with the rush of adrenaline and the paralyzing fear of death gone, some soldiers found comfort on the ground, exhausted both physically and mentally.

Many Soldiers and citizens shed tears, their hearts heavy with the loss of their comrades and loved ones, while the majority cheered and cheered for surviving almost certain death.

Many just stood in awe at the unbelievable feet they had witnessed as more than twenty thousand demons were now dead without a single physical wound, without any flashy display of elemental power.

Alex was equally captivated by the spectacle, having witnessed Elemental Rulers displaying their power before, but never on such a large scale and with such grandeur.

Alex knew how insignificant everyone below the Rank of Elemental Ruler was before them, but now he understood it slightly better, while he also felt a giddy feeling knowing he very well could command many of such individuals who wielded such catastrophic might.

After torturing the gargoyle for three minutes, the elven lady turned him to dust before looking in a certain direction, her eyes carrying a cold glint.

In an instant, she vanished, and with it, the white energy dome that had cloaked the city began to disintegrate into a brilliant cascade of light.

After the departure of the unknown savior, everyone took a few short moments to rest to get their emotions in control before a newfound sense of order began to emerge amidst the chaos left in the wake of the demon invasion.

Everyone in the city was exhausted either emotionally, mentally, or physically, but work needed to be done as thousands were injured and were at death's door while the entire city was in shambles.

The captains took charge and started forming groups of soldiers and able individuals to complete the various tasks needed to clean up the mess left behind by the demon invasion and bring order back to the city.

Groups of individuals swiftly started moving the injured individuals to designated healer areas while rescue teams were sent to venture into the burning and destroyed area of the two breached districts and also comb through the city to save any survivors.

Various groups were assigned to gather all the fallen soldiers in place to be later buried with the honor and respect they deserved, and the same was true for the innocent citizens.

The demons' corpses were gathered exclusively by the soldiers to collect their space rings and search their bodies in hopes of getting any valuable information.

The demon's corpses were piled just outside the city to set ablaze, just like it was done with the demons who invaded the three capital cities.

Alex was also helping to rescue the citizens in the district that was breached first and had the most number of casualties and destruction, and while doing so, he stumbled upon the corpse of a demon commander lying in a narrow dark alley.

Alex would have ignored the corpse as he wasn't even a bit interested in taking the equipment the demon wore, but he still decided to search the demon's body because he couldn't even sense him using his mana sense and would have missed him if he didn't see him with his eyes.

After a quick search, Alex found a small dark crystal covered in extremely small ominous runes that continuously shifted and changed, and the crystal was also pulsating with a pitch-black radiance.

Alex instantly recognized the crystal as the one demons consumed in extremely dire situations to get the massive strength boost, and with a quick scan with his mana sense, he confirmed it was the thing he was looking for.

Alex placed the crystal in his inventory to examine it later, and as for giving it to the army, that thought didn't even cross his mind, even though everyone was asked to give anything of value they could find and, in turn, get a valuable reward.

Alex spent the next few hours helping rescue the citizens, and by then, a large number of reinforcements had arrived while the demon corpses were set ablaze outside the city to lessen some of the grief of the citizens.

The fallen soldiers were placed into coffins and were taken to a cemetery reserved for the soldiers, while the fallen citizen's bodies were given to their loved ones, and the ones that stayed unclaimed were taken to be buried in the city cemetery.

As the teleportation center was destroyed, only a small number of players and NPCs arrived and were helping to clean the streets and rebuild the destroyed sections.

Alex made his to the hotel to wait for Feldar to approach him and finally see if he could acquire the item for which he had to risk his life against a fifth Rank demon.

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